Zeppelin evenings 37 / Concrete & Electro Design


Thursday, February 23, 18:30 – “Carol I” Central University Library of Bucharest

CONCRETE & ELECTRO DESIGN – architectural space as object of desire

This year we propose a denser and spectacular formula of zeppelin meetings, to put in dialogue usual themes of architecture and design with cultural events. Something more. In this edition we fly two sides of the same world: architectural space as object of desire and emotional well-being.

  • Petru Calinescu – freelance photojournalist- will talk about the latest project of his, “Pride and concrete”, which surprised with humor and warmth the story of the people from Maramures.
  • Young architects Roger Pop and Alex Adam, AA Studio will reveal us in light of luxury wash through the hottest and most awarded projects of their own. Inland bodies like to be dressed or want to seduce, mirrors, transparent design lounge, electro glam shades in design. A travel guide surfaces and fascination about 360 shades of white with different tastes and textures.
  • As a bonus, Horia Spirescu and Andrei Ivanescu will tell us more about the most recent passions of their fellow students from UAUIM: Santa’s digital studio, modular design, parametric and interactive, biologically inspired algorithms, voronoi spatial boundaries, processes of form-finding and many such things in the world of klingonienilor. So it would be fun.