Articles published by: Nickname

Carol Factory – the beginning

Text: Constantin Goagea
Photo: Silviu Dancu, Meta van Drunen

Hesper S.A.. is a factory in the southern part of the central area og Bucharest, formerly known as Wolf, then Steaua Roșie (Red Star) Factory. For over two years now, Zeppelin works, in partnership with Hesper, to a model of rehabilitation for these spectacular buildings built in 1887: two years of research right on the site, in the Netherlands, Norway, Germany and Russia about how such a place can be transformed, meetings and discussions, business plans, strategies and not as the least important, action.

Zeppein magazine no: #131

17. Editor’s: To the Future, while Looking Back
Text: Cosmin Caciuc

Edito -Dealu’ Cerului -Fundația Archaeus - Rezervația Cheile Nerei-Beuşniţa -site

18. Dossier: Chile, a New Generation: a Generation of Change – 3rd Part
> An optimistic panorama towards the future of Chilean architecture  
Curator & intro: José Luis Uribe Ortiz

  • 19. Cristián Axl Valdés / Mutar Estudio: Morocha House

Chile - 1 Morocha


  • 22. Benjamín Murúa, Rodrigo Valenzuela: Taltal Public Library

Chile -2 -biblioteca din Taltal

  • 28. Gubbins Arquitectos/Polidura+Talhouk Arq.: Lodge La Baita

Chile 3 - LA BAITA

  • 32. Christian Sundby + Hector Peldoza: Ringstadbakken House

Chile -4  Casa Ringstadbakken

  • 34. Sebastian Preece: Shelter in the Museum

Chile - 5- adapost in muzeu

  • 36. José Abásolo: Collective and Collaborative: Towards a Blurring Discipline

38. Starh-ACD – Florian Stanciu, Iulia Stanciu: Slowly Building a Place
>  The 10 years construction period of this villa on the shores of a lake on the outskirts of Bucharest allows to read the evolution of the architectural philosophy of Starh office.
Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu

Starh -Pavilion

53. SYAA: Tactile and conceptual: SIMBIO Kitchen & Bar
>  Restaurant, bar and hub on Negustori Street in Bucharest
Text: Cosmin Caciuc

Simbio Kitchen and Bar

60. Mihai Vărzan, Péter Marx, Ilinca Rădulescu: Generic School and Extended Urban Experience
>  School no. 195 extension in Titan district, Bucharest

scoala 195 Titan - poarta de acces

66. Dekleva Gregorič Arhitekti: Critical Revisiting of Tradition
    >  Contextualist house in Slovenia

Casa Vrhovlje - Slovenia - acoperis


70. Carol Factory – the beginning
> A model of rehabilitation for Hesper S.A. historical buildings in Bucharest
Text: Constantin Goagea

Halele Carol - inceputul


73. Urban Report
74. ÉME Master School: Trefort Garden. A Monument in Personal Proximity
> This huge monument in Budapest speaks about trauma and memory in a non-heroic, refined and empathic manner, by means of the latest technologies and graphic design.
Text: Krisztina Somogyi

monument - Gradina Trefort

79. Design & More

  • 8o. The Architectural Profession in 2014: Europe and Romania

Serban Ţigănaş examines  the latest European sectoral study about the profession of architect and proposes some principles for an improvement.

foto Stefan Tuchila - ultimul etaj - j

84. Stockholm Design Week  
> Design in Sweden is a lot about political support and a national identity that incorporates design and an authentic social character
Text: Constantin Goagea

Project created by students WOFD, University of Gothenburg 2015.

89. Connected

  • 90. Under the Skin of Our Buildings or Biomimicry as Sustainable Design

> Architecture Follows Nature- Biomimetic Principles for Innovative Design by Ilaria Mazzoleni in collaboration with Shauna Price
Book review: Alexandru Bălășescu

Image converted using ifftoany

  • 91. Marius Miclăuș:   Arhitecture under Extreme Conditions

> Mountain refuge at Călțun

Marius Miclaus - refugiu in muntii Caltun

Zeppelin magazine #130

6. The future of workspaces – interview with Louis Lhoest
Reporter: Cosmin Caciuc

01_Viitorul spatiilor de birouri – interviu cu Louis Lhoest


17. Editor’s: Starchitecture and modernity in collective moments
Text: Cosmin Caciuc

02.editorial - Ilustratie-din-expozitia-Vederi-incantatoare

20. Dico & Ţigănaș Birou de Proiectare: Urban Box

>  The new multifunctional sports hall in Cluj is not an isolated object but part of a public core in the central area. Celebration of a functional program, relationship with the city, understanding of light and economy of means are the main determinants of the project.
Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu

(c)2014 | all rights reserved.

37. Dossier: Chile, a New Generation: A Generation of Change – 2nd Part
>  An optimistic panorama towards the future of Chilean architecture
Curator & intro: José Luis Uribe Ortiz

  • 38. Leonardo Portus: Representations of Modern in Chile

04.a. detalle block remodelación república santiago

  • 42. SURco Juan Paulo & Felipe Alarcón Carreño: Lycée María Auxiliadora

04.b. Maria Auxiliadora

  • 48. Rodrigo Duque Motta, Rafael Hevia, Gabriela Manzi: School of Economics and Business Diego Portales University

04.c. Facultatea de economie si afaceri - Univ. Diego Portales

52. Nicolas del Rio architects, Max Núñez: Blue House

04.d. casa albastra

  • 56. Marco Díaz González, filmmaker: 24 Frames per Second, the Camera Unveils the Chilean Architecture

04.e. 24 cadre pe secunda - posterul filmului Tres Tristes Tigres

58. Exhibit Arhitectura: Portico Library
>  Humanitas Bookshop in Ploiești lies just behind a portico; it opens toward the city by transforming the window into an architectural place instead of a limit.

05. libraria humanitas din ploiesti -detaliu interior

65. Lahdelma & Mahlmäki, Kuryłowicz & Associates: POLIN – Museum of the History of Polish Jews, Warsaw
Text: Tomasz Zylski, Krzysztof Mycielski

 06. Muzeul istoriei evreilor polonezi - 130412_MHZP_5505

71. Urban Report

  • 72.  Iconoclasistas

> Graphic art, creative workshops, collec­tive research,  practices of urban collaboration and resistance, spread through a dynamic network in Argentina, Latin America and Europe.

07. bananamundi2

79. Design & More

  • 80. Frank Gehry: Like, unlike. Gehry @ Paris

> Louis Vuitton Foundation in Paris: reporting on site, Ștefan Tuchilă is rather critical and Mihai Duţescu advocates the contrary opinion.
Text: Ștefan Tuchilă, Mihai Duţescu, Ștefan Ghenciulescu

 08. Gehry - Vuitton

  • 88. Dance. Technology. Interactivity

> AVmotional’s installations 4th Skin and In total Equilibrium
Text: Raluca Nestor Oancea

09. avmotional

91. Connected

  • 92. Electric Mobility

> BMW solutions for EV charging stations
Text: BMW Group

10,. electromobilitate - BMW

Zeppelin magazine #129

21. Editor’s: The little contry house as an Etichal Issue

Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu

“For an intellectual, building a new home in the countryside is a moral failure”

 editorial - casuta de la tara

22. Dossier: Chile, a new generation

> An optimistic panorama towards the future of Chilean architecture: José Luis Uribe Ortiz, Hector Labarca Rocco, Ricardo Torrejón Schellhorn, Constanza Hagemann & Nicolas Valdes (PANORAMA), School of Architecture, University of Talca, Alfredo Thiermann Riesco  

chile intro


  • 22. A Generation of Change

Curator dosar & text intro: José Luis Uribe Ortiz

  • 26. Hector Labarca Rocco: Chile as imaginary

chile ca imaginar

  • 30. Ricardo Torrejón Schellhorn: House-Hamlet

chile casa catun


  • 34. Constanza Hagemann & Nicolas Valdes (PANORAMA): Black Box

chile -cutia neagra


  • 38. School of Architecture, University of Talca: Maule Project

chile interventions


  • 42. Alfredo Thiermann Riesco: Artifact # 1

chile - artefact1


46. Cătălin-Paul Cozma: Inhabited Stone

>  A holiday home on Valsan Valley, not far away from Curtea de Arges

 catalin cozma -piatra locuita

50. Cubo & Force4: Accesibility, Education and Leisure

>  A rehabilitation Centre in Denmark breaks with existing standards and help to develop state of the art within the disability field.


56. LAMA Arhitectura: Restaurant / Theatre / Memory

>  Alt Shift plays with identitites and conven­tions – an end of the century construction, the popular restaurant from the socialist era, called Berlin, honest expression but also materials that are not what they seem to be. This is also an interior design operation that adds value to the building it is housed in.

Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu

 lama - alt shift

62. ATR LINE – Tövissi Zsolt & LARIX STUDIO –  Köllő Miklós: To Keep, to Protect, to Reveal

>  Restoring the Catholic Church complex in Cârța

 restaurare biserica din carta

69. Urban Report

  • 70. Collaboration for the “Post‑Industrial” Romanian Cities – Anina Mine of Ideas

Text: Irina Rotaru, Oana Ţiganea

Intro: Ștefan Ghenciulescu

 UR - mina anina


73. Design & More

  • 74. pepluspatru Association: Enchanting Views

>  An exhibition in Bucharest brings back to life an exceptional architectural moment in Romania: a relative liberalization of the socialist regime in the 60s and 70s, coupled with the need for attracting foreign routists, allowed for an almost utopian, yet also human-scaled and enthusiastically modernist program for the Black Sea coast resorts. The exhibitions puts the phe­nomenon in a historical and social perspec­tive, telling stories about modernist utopia and controlled hedonism, propaganda, collective and individual memories.

Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu

 vederi incantatoare


81. Connected

  • 82. We Cycle

> iPhone app which records the routes preferred by cyclists

Text: Andreea Vrabie

connected - we cycle 

  • 84. AVCI Architects: High Environmental Performance

> The Turkish Contractor’s Association Headquarters in Ankara


  • 88. Ector Hoogstad Architects: Recycling Industrial Space for Engineers

> A former steel plant from the Netherlands becomes a “playground for engi­neers”: a sustainable project that stimulates social encounter and involvement.







Cities of tomorrow #3: highlights

The third edition of the international forum Cities of Tomorrow, about the connection between mobility, urban development and constructions, brought together top business personalities, people from architecture and administration,

Editor’s: The Mayor I Wish We Had

Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu

Svante Myrick is 27 years old and he has been for three years the Mayor of Ithaca , New York. He sold his car and speaks enthusiastically about the dense city, accesible on foot. He also balanced the budget, brought investors and cut down taxes, and his city recorded the highest job‑growth rate in the state.

There is a kind of bias rooted around here, including among many architects: that if you pay a little more attention to ecology, public transport and bicycles you suddenly are against development, old fashioned, romantic, idealistic, utopian and so on. Of course, this is due to some passionate and occasionally naive standpoints, and also because criticism is still not accompanied by alternative proposals.

Editor’s: To the Future, while Looking Back

Text: Cosmin Caciuc

The Romanian audience knows Prince Charles thanks to the recent media news, as a defender of heritage and traditional practices, yet he is actually less known for his critic and often beligerant discourse against modern architecture. The Architectural Review, a prestigious British publication, asked Prince Charles to provide an editorial contribution last December about his vision on the future of cities.

Dwelling together. 6 apartment buildings by DNA BA

Sold out

This walk through Bucharest takes us to visit six places full of life, design and poetry. We discuss smart solutions, space, light, materials, interior design and details, hidden gardens or floating above the city, about homes and about places to socialize with your neighbours.

The buildings designed by ADN BA office on the streets Dogarilor, Măicănești, Petru Rareș, Mora, Aaron Florian and Occidentului are metropolitan insertions, places that seem familiar; they innovate and carry along the culture of dwelling; they celebrate personal expression, and provide a place for community building. These awarded projects or completely novel works are described in depth, not just from the architectural point of view. This is a book about people, who tell us about their homes and the way they live there.

Zeppelin magazine #128

17. Editor’s: Abusive Fantasies
Text: Cosmin Caciuc
A TV commercial spot reproduces a recording by Constantin Brancusi, with intense and moving big words, about his own destiny and art. Only it is not Brancusi. This is not a recording. These are not even the sculptor’s words. It’s a perfect and troubling forgery in form and content, propagated in the media. A fantasy about how maybe we wanted the artist to be, starting from an authentic photography.

Nicolae comanescu -upsidedown 2007 -03

20.  Jaime J. Ferrer Forés: Post-Industrial Landscape and Public Space
>  A city regains an enclave. Refurbishment of the former textile factory of Can Ribas in Palma de Mallorca: recovered parts become the basis of an ensemble of cultural buildings and a network of open spaces.


28. Tetrarc architectes: Hub Créatic: Digital Hive
>  New building of the Ecole d’Ingénieurs de l’Université de Nantes

Tetrarc -Hub Creatic

32. Insert Studio: Compact House, Rich Dwelling  
>  An energy-efficient house in the village of Harman, in Transylvania

Insert Studio -CasaOM

36. JRKVC: A (Not so) Banal House
>  A small house on a small plot at a reasonable price, inspired by Slovakian rural architecture. The design fuses old principles and contemporary archi¬tecture.

JRKVC Casa (deloc) banala

42. Kenji Ido Architectural Studio: Compressed Dwelling
>  A house in Osaka adapted to a difficult context

Kenji Ido Architectural Studio - Locuirea comprimata

46. Iulius Cristea: 4 (Not Really) Identical Blocks of Flats  
> Awarded project to an international competition in Switzerland

Iulius Cristea 4 blocuri

48. Place, Memory, Regeneration. 3 Diploma Projects, Ion Mincu University of Architecture

  • Valentin Ionescu: Deposits of memory

diplome Mincu - Valentin Ionescu


  • Petrea Bodea: Hidden Bucharest – living between the curtain of blocks and the courtyard houses

diplome Mincu B_Petra 04


  • Anca Ioana Ionescu: Public Library in Craiova

diplome mincu - Anca Ionescu

56. Timotei Fecioru: Kuala Lumpur Aero City
> A sustainable model of urban development generated by airport

Kuala Lumpur - Aero City

58. Justin Baroncea, Radu Enescu: Multiple Presence and Self-Recycling
>  Converting an old house into a restaurant with bar on Eminescu Street, Bucharest. LKL 57 is an architectural project about a lot of bricolage, and almost no new construction.

Justin Baroncea - Coprezenta si autoreciclare

64. Yellow Office architecture: Taking it Easy
> Interior design for Smart Pub in Craiova

smart pub craiova

67. Design & More

  • 68. Product Start-Up in the East

 > Speaking with designer Irina Alexandru
Reporter: Constantin Goagea

start-up de produs in est - bec

  • 71. Jenică Craiu, Alexandra Demetriu: XIS_Lamp

> A soft lighting device


73. Urban Report

  • 74. Where Is the Trade Heading To?

>  Holcim Awards 2014 Europe
Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu

Holcim Awards 2014 - gold

81. Connected

  • 82. Hamilton-Baillie Associates: Shared Spaces. Regenerating Urban Space.

> Radical streetscape changes in a British  small town centre

connected - shared spaces -Poynton Selection


> A research project and a simulta¬neous exhibition exhibition that opens simultaneously in Bucharest, Amsterdam, Stockholm and Bergen. One which is about ideas and people who are smarter than smart systems and who know how to build better cities and communities.

Connected expo


Zeppelin magazine #127

21. Editor’s: How to fix a community?
Text: Cosmin Caciuc

edito -studiobassar

24  ADNBA: The New Urban Villa in the Old Garden City
> ADNBA’s apartment building is an elegant addition to one of the most beautful neigh¬borhoods in Bucharest; it appears in the same time heavy and light, monumental and open, tectonic and stereotomic.


40 Dacra Studio: Completion and Fusion
>  Located in a protected area of Bucharest, an office building proves that theories of the architecture for the city can successfully work with new facade design solutions.
Text: Cosmin Caciuc

DACRA _perspectiva_EXT1

48 Carmen Tănase: A Pavilion and a Court
> The headquarters of the Forest department of Bacău County

Carmen Tanase -Pavilion si incinta - sediul Directiei Silvice Bacau

52 Lama Arhitectura: Outdoor Micro-Architecture
>  “Control Garden” and “Origo Box” from Bucharest are two basic models of outer space consumption in Romania, the first with a venerable tradition (public garden Balkan) and the second being a Western import.

Lama arhitectura - origo - crop

58 Hetedik Műterem Ltd.: The story of the futurist mushroom
>  The restauration of the former bus and tram terminal in Móricz Zsigmond square in Budapest did not involved a complete reconstruction of the former image, but instead emphasizing the original spirit – the clean and dynamic forms, the centrality and flowing space.
Text: Miklós Péterffy

Hetedik  -Moricz Zsigmond Budapesta -archive_Fortepan 1952

64 Tecon: A House with a Shell
> Dwelling placed in a neighbor¬hood in Southern Bucharest

Teocon - casa cochilie

69 Design & More

70 Galeria Nicodim + Apparatus 22: Grandchildren from the 21st centruy
>  Arrangement made by gallery owners and the exhibition of a multidisciplinary team of artists
Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu

Nicodim - Apparatus 22 - exhibition view HighRes

74 Solar Decathlon Europe 2014
> Intelligent solar house competition
Text: Irina Damașcan

solar decathlon 2014 - Italia

77 Urban Report

  • 78 studioBASAR & Asociaţia Komunitas: Urban_dream_scapes & Urban Spaces in Action

>  The operations from Carol Park and Tei district in Bucharest represent an interdisciplinary initiative, a long-term experiment, a social research, a form of education, recycling, recovery and especially an enthusiastic involvement of the citizens.
Intro: Cosmin Caciuc

spatii urbane in actiune -ZC_Acumulator Tei

87 Connected

  • 88 Moment Factory: Immersive Adventure and Multimedia Experiences

> „Interactive Music Wall” and „Foresta Lumina” installations from Canada

Connected -peretele muzical -ST-JUSTINE-7

  • 92  Color Kinetics Japan & RANAGRAM: Movement and Light for Facades

> Interactive LED facade

Connected - Color Kinetics Japan - RANAGRAM

94  Solar Roadways  / Julie & Scott Brusaw: Solar Roadways
> The first solar road panel prototype

connected -carosabil solar Downtown -Sandpoint