Articles published by: Nickname

Density and delight. Shift architecture urbanism: Domūs Houthaven apartment complex, Amsterdam

How can more people still afford to live – and in a good way – in the city? This project shows one way to do this, from within the market, but in a responsible way.

15 Heap Apartments inside of an Urban Island. Landskronhof in Basel, Switzerland

At a time when the need and tension of densification pervades Switzerland, HHF is bringing forgotten spaces back to life in the heart of Basel.

Heritage: vector of change for the better and antidote to the poison of nationalism. Interview with Sneška Quaedvlieg–Mihailović

Sneška Quaedvlieg-Mihailovic is the Secretary General of Europa Nostra and works closely with the European Council, UNESCO and other EU institutions.

Zeppelin #173: Arhitecture in/from România, 2023-2024

Zeppelin #173: Arhitecture in/from România, 2023-2024. Summary

Edito. Women Architects: Where?

Text: Cătălina Frâncu
Photo: Olivian Șerban

Zeppelin #173: Arhitecture in/from România, 2023-2024. Summary

Edito. Women Architects: Where?

Text: Cătălina Frâncu
Photo: Olivian Șerban

Un cuvânt de Anul Nou: ultracrepidarianism

Nu-l veți găsi în topul căutărilor mijlocite de Google, dar ar trebui să fie cuvântul anului care-a trecut: ultracrepidarianism.

Edito. Women Architects: Where?

Two radically different events in terms of gender representation took place in the same week. One was tiny, held in a basement, and the other was large, ticketed.

Dossier Zeppelin #173: Architecture in/from Romania, 2023-2024


Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu, Cătălina Frâncu

The title may sound rather ambitious for a magazine issue: a comprehensive overview of a country’s architecture usually calls for a book; an annual, a catalogue, or something of the sort.

Beyond Norms. Non-standard dwellings in Communist Romania

What do an (apparently) interwar modernist apartment block, a semi-rural house with a flower garden, both in Bucharest, and the opulent official residence in Suceava designed by the famous architect couple Nicolae and Maria Porumbescu have in common? They all defy the logic of totalitarian-era housing – serial, uniform, mass-produced.

Virgil Scripcariu: TRIUNFO. An interview with Șerban Sturdza about art, architecture, and the exhibition at the Batalha Monastery in Portugal

I don’t know many contemporary artists in Romania as connected to architecture and the city as sculptor Virgil Scripcariu. His works can be found in public spaces in Bucharest and Timișoara, and he collaborates closely with architects, including on the Museum at Piscu, a project developed by him and Adriana Scripcariu.