Articles published by: Nickname

Carol plant stories

creativity workshops for children

6 & 7 June 2015

Children had the opportunity to turn detective and architect and to shape the stories that we tell them or they create themselves.  We worked with photographs, drawings, objects, models and stories that animate children.

Zeppelin magazine #134

 19. Editor’s: Popcorn & revolution
Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu

Editorial - fantana-popcorn-universitate

22. Éric Gauthier: From Cars to People and Community
>  A former gas station in southwest of Montreal, designed by Mies van der Rohe in 1966, was converted into a youth and senior activity centre.

Mies van der Rohe gas station

28. Point 4: Furniture Becomes Space
>  An apartment in a socialist block of flats in Bucharest. Small area, even smaller budget, a rigid structure that didn’t allow changes in partition. Therefore, the simple built-in furniture made of wood agglomerate pannels is turned into a design mechanism – it shapes limits, places, finishes, and the expression.

point4 - Zoom_P4_01-2

32. DOSSIER: Norwegian Artists at Carol Factory
>  Marit Haugen (Haugen/Zohar Arkitekter), Erland Blakstad Haffner, Finn Eirik Modahl & Arne Revheim will create on May 22nd a path with art installations and design in the outdoor spaces of the factory. This dossier is an introduction to the artistic world of these authors

norvegieni intro -Haugen - zohar

> 32. Intro
Text: Cosmina Goagea

> 34. Haugen / Zohar Arkitekter

  • 34. Cave for Kids

norvegieni - cave for kids

  • 36. Micro conversion

norvegieni - micro conversie


> 39. Erlend Blakstad Haffner

  • 39. Walking Berlin

norvegieni - walking berlin

  • 41. Cardboard Cloud

norvegieni - cardboard cloud

  • 42. New Utøya

norvegieni - Utoya

> 46. Finn Eirik Modahl & Arne Revheim

  • 46. Javel

norvegieni - Javel

  • 47. Konglo


  • 48. SOL/Pulse

norvegieni -SOL Modahl Lars Svenkerud 2

50. DOSSIER: Juri Troy Architects  – 3 houses
> This is critical regionalism and ecology for real and not as a fancy discourse. But the houses designed in Austria by Juri Troy′s team are much more than this: wood in all shapes and sizes is stretched to the limit in order to creat perfectly modern spaces and expressive images.

Juri Troy_1

> 51. Intro
Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu

  • 52. 37m in Hohenems

Juri Troy_2

  • 58. House under the Oaks

Juri Troy_3

  • 62. The House on the Mountain

Juri Troy_4

67. Urban Report

  • 68. Asociaţia Komunitas & studioBASAR: Neighbour(hood)s in Bucharest

> Reading a place in order to transform it. A tar¬geted social and anthropological research in Bucharest – Tineretului, Timpuri Noi, Tei.
Text: Miruna Tîrcă, Vlad Cătună, Alex Axinte, Cristi Borcan

cartier Bucuresti -Timpuri Noi_Pescari pe Dambovita

77. Design & More

  • 78. LX Factory:

> A former industrial site in Lisbon transformed in a crea¬tive island
Text: Roger Mor

Open day 10 LX factory lisboa portugal

81. The Oslo School of Architecture and Design: Inverted House, Hokkaido
> The winning project of the Lixil International University Architectural Competition for an experimental house
Text: Laura Cristea
inverted house hokkaido -ENTRANCE SUMMER

85. Point 4: VI_IT
> Lighting objects made from recycled materials
Text: Justin Baroncea

Point 4- VI_IT - lampi reciclate

89. Connected

  • 90. Blaze: Laser for Bycicles

> Signaling nocturnal cyclists on the road

blaze laser for bikes

  • 92. Zumtobel Group Year of Light Event 2015

Dornbirn 2015 Fa. Firma Zumtobel Lichttechnik, Thorn, Ausstellung Praesentation

  • 93. Artéria: Mind Maps, Critique and Participation

> A virtual platform and an urban installation in Lisbon


Zeppelin magazine #133

19. Editor’s: Panoptes in the city
Text: Cosmin Caciuc / Photo: Ștefan Tuchilă

stefan Tuchila - Ultimul etaj -Radiodifuziunea-Panorama

22. WWAA + 307 Kilo: Place for Arts, but also a Farm in the City
>  Sluzewski Cultural Centre in Warsaw makes a reference to the traditional farms as an ethical approach to architecture, oriented to the urban context.


30. Attila Wenczel – Parasite Studio: The Slightly Twisted Box
>  Dental clinic on the outskirts of Timisoara

Parasite -dentalext2

34. gutgut: Socialist Blocks and Integral Rehabilitation
>  A socialist block of flats in Slovakia reinvents itself not only at exterior by a new facade, but also at interior by a new layout.


40. Blanka Zlamalová / Studio Zlamal: Reconstructed Tower
>  A former silo in the Czech Republic becomes a building office
Zlamal - turnul

44. Planwerk: Cluj. Therapy for the city of Cluj. The new General Urban Plan
> The recently approved General Plan for Cluj is a product of this evolution to work with the Romanian city in transition. An article about responsible pragmatism and dialogue.

Cluj _Unirii_12

54. Sou Fujimoto Architects: Many Small Cubes
>  Sou Fujimoto built in Paris a house-as-a-tree, a landscape for dwelling formed by metallic pixels.
Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu

Sou Fujimoto -installation1

60. Sebastian Irarrázaval: Pavilion 120
>  A covered space at the School of Architecture at the Catholic University of Chile

Pavilionul 120

63. Urban Report
64.  From Docks to Art Gallery, by Urban Archeology
> A multi-purpose area accessible to the public in Belgium


68.  Fine Young Urbanists!: Mierīgi!
> 1:1 scale model of public space in Riga


71. Design & More
72.  Tommy Forsgren: Cross-fertilization of Ideas at DesignworksUSA
> Interview with an industrial designer
Reporter: Cosmin Caciuc

desinworks - Tommy Forsgren

75. Connected
88. Thorsten Klooster, Heike Klussmann: Electricity, Light and Concrete  
> Concrete capable of producing electric energy or light effects

TouchCrete – Conductive Concrete

80. MADE Expo 2015 Milano: Beyond the Trade Fair, an Education and Innovation Opportunity  
> International event in the building sector in Italy
Text: Irina Rotaru
MadeExpo - hala4 - build smart

84. Cities of Tomorrow 2015: About Mobility, Every which Way
> Conference on mobility seen simultaneously in relation to the city and the economy
Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu
cities of tomorrow 3 -workshop

90. A Preview to the 2015 Universal Exhibition
 > Essential stakes, pride, hopes and worries… and a questionable sustainability. Irina Rotaru wrote from Milan.

expozitia universala 2015 - preview

Design post-industry @ Carol Factory (Halele Carol)

Exhibition and conference – Friday 22 May 2015

  •  18:00 – Opening: 5 installations -interventions in the public space of Halele Carol, realized by artists and architects from Norway and Romania

Curators:  Evy Sorensen (USF) , Cosmina Goagea and Ştefan Ghenciulescu (Zeppelin)

  • 19:00 – Conference with presentations by the authors on their design of the site-specific intervention in the context of their work practice.

Marit Haugen (No)
Erlend Blakstad Haffner (No)
Finn Eirik Modahl & Arne Revheim (No)
Meta van Drunen (Ro)
Constantin Goagea (Ro)

Exhibition open five months from 22 May – 30 October 2015

Cities of Tomorrow #3 Mobility

Conference:  24.03.2015, 09:00-18:00 @ Hotel Crowne Plaza Bucharest, Romania

The German-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Zeppelin Association invite you to the third edition of Cities of Tomorrow, Romania’s top meeting between business, architecture and administration.

This event shows an intense and rich mix of presentation, workshops and networking. Conferences by top international guests go side-by-side with debates on the Romanian situation and perspectives.

Cities of Tomorrow 2015 is dedicated to the relationship between mobility, urban development, economy and constructions.

Editor’s: Revolution and popcorn

Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu

The fountain in Bucharest University Square is not really a great artistic achievement. But it is a place, one of the very few focal points and hubs of life and identity in a city where genuine public spaces, used as such, are almost nonexistent. There′s also a huge symbolic and civic value in this spot. People died here during the Revolution of 1989 and during the conflicts with the miners (the so-called Mineriads), crowds still gather here for demonstrations, individuals come here on a daily basis, to discuss, to meet or simply to rest. Of course, those perimetral water jets installed by the City Hall from a few years ago, that drench you as soon as you sit, destroyed much of the quality of the place, but it dwelt on. It even resisted the initiative of the same City Hall to replace the fountain with a banal refurbishment.

Editor’s: Panoptes in the City

Text: Cosmin Caciuc
Photo: Ștefan Tuchilă

Google Glass has been stirring up the media. However, it didn’t have the expected commercial success from a social and psychological reason: the fear of being watched when you don’t want to, plus the embarrassing moments when you ask your interlocutor with the cyborg device on his face: “Is that thing recording right now?” And we’ll just let slide the glasshole nickname attributed in urban dictionaries to these gadget carriers.

Zeppelin magazine #132

15. Editor’s: The Mayor I Wish We Had
Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu

edito -Svante_Myrick

16. Antonini + Darmon: Blended into the Context
>  Located on a naval wasteland in Nantes, this project configures 24 collective social housing units, 6 individual dwellings and a restaurant.

Antonini Darmon architects_Nantes_P1416_139

26. Wizja & nsMoonStudio: Structure, Contrast and Symbol
>  Centre for the Documentation of the Art of Tadeusz Kantor in Krakow

Wizja & nsMoonStudio -Cricoteka_0070

32. KOBFUJI Architects: Fusion. 2 Japanese Restaurants in Barcelona
>  Yoi Yoi Gion Barcelona & Tokyo Sushi Gràcia

KOBFUJI Architects Fusion

36. C+S Architects: School & Community
>  Chiarani Primary School, Italy

C+S-scoala Chiarano

41. C+S Architects: School & Experiment
>  Fontaniva School Center, Italy

C+S-scoala si experiment

46. TECTO Arhitectura: The House in the Woods  
>  This is one of the quite rare examples of pas¬sive dwellings and, actually, of contemporary wooden architecture, in Romania. The house gently adapts to the slope and grows around an interior garden.

Tecto - casa din padure

54. cepezed architects: Creative Cluster, History and Industrial Atmosphere
>  Reconversion of the former Museum of Technology at the Ezelsveldlaan, Delft


60. Anne Lacaton & Jean Philippe Vassal: Transparency and Flexibility
>  FRAC – Regional Contemporary Artwork Collection – located on the northern site of Dunkerque, France, in an old boat warehouse, creates a double of this warehouse, of the same dimension, attached to the existing building, containing the program under a light and bioclimatic envelope.

Lacaton - Vassal - Frac

69. Urban Report

  • 70. IPoP: Cities Belong to Pedestrians!

> Pedestrian-friendly places are vital for urbanity
Text: Marko Peterlin, IPoP

UR -Cities-to-Pedestrians-3

  • 74. On Neutral Spaces: The New Life of the Soviet Library Network

> SVESMI, an office for architecture, urban¬ism and cultural programming based in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, has been investigating the potential of the Moscow library network – one of the largest in the world – looking into possibilities for its preserva¬tion, re-organisation, and subsequent upgrade.
Text: James Taylor-Foster, Anastassia Smirnova, Alexander Sverdlov

UR -14_Library No.127 at night © Frans Parthesius

81. Design & More

  • 82. Between North and South: the River Valley as a Restructuring Element

Dâmbovița River could become a strategic element for rebalancing Bucharest’s uneven development
Text: Claudiu Forgaci

Dambovita 0_Delta

87. Connected

  • 88. HoloLens: The Holographic Life

> The first holographic computer from Microsoft, related with Windows 10, alters our very notion of reality: digital content will be mixed with the physical objects around us.
Text: Cosmin Caciuc

Connected -HoloLens_MixedWorld_LivingRoom_LongBrowser


  • 91. LIKEarchitects: Kinematix

> Interior design and a flexible system of sliding doors

connected - Kinematix

  • 94. LIKEarchitects: wonderWall

> Exhibition space in a shopping mall from Lisbon

Connected - wonderwall


Carol Factory – the beginning

Text: Constantin Goagea
Photo: Silviu Dancu, Meta van Drunen

Hesper S.A.. is a factory in the southern part of the central area og Bucharest, formerly known as Wolf, then Steaua Roșie (Red Star) Factory. For over two years now, Zeppelin works, in partnership with Hesper, to a model of rehabilitation for these spectacular buildings built in 1887: two years of research right on the site, in the Netherlands, Norway, Germany and Russia about how such a place can be transformed, meetings and discussions, business plans, strategies and not as the least important, action.

Zeppein magazine no: #131

17. Editor’s: To the Future, while Looking Back
Text: Cosmin Caciuc

Edito -Dealu’ Cerului -Fundația Archaeus - Rezervația Cheile Nerei-Beuşniţa -site

18. Dossier: Chile, a New Generation: a Generation of Change – 3rd Part
> An optimistic panorama towards the future of Chilean architecture  
Curator & intro: José Luis Uribe Ortiz

  • 19. Cristián Axl Valdés / Mutar Estudio: Morocha House

Chile - 1 Morocha


  • 22. Benjamín Murúa, Rodrigo Valenzuela: Taltal Public Library

Chile -2 -biblioteca din Taltal

  • 28. Gubbins Arquitectos/Polidura+Talhouk Arq.: Lodge La Baita

Chile 3 - LA BAITA

  • 32. Christian Sundby + Hector Peldoza: Ringstadbakken House

Chile -4  Casa Ringstadbakken

  • 34. Sebastian Preece: Shelter in the Museum

Chile - 5- adapost in muzeu

  • 36. José Abásolo: Collective and Collaborative: Towards a Blurring Discipline

38. Starh-ACD – Florian Stanciu, Iulia Stanciu: Slowly Building a Place
>  The 10 years construction period of this villa on the shores of a lake on the outskirts of Bucharest allows to read the evolution of the architectural philosophy of Starh office.
Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu

Starh -Pavilion

53. SYAA: Tactile and conceptual: SIMBIO Kitchen & Bar
>  Restaurant, bar and hub on Negustori Street in Bucharest
Text: Cosmin Caciuc

Simbio Kitchen and Bar

60. Mihai Vărzan, Péter Marx, Ilinca Rădulescu: Generic School and Extended Urban Experience
>  School no. 195 extension in Titan district, Bucharest

scoala 195 Titan - poarta de acces

66. Dekleva Gregorič Arhitekti: Critical Revisiting of Tradition
    >  Contextualist house in Slovenia

Casa Vrhovlje - Slovenia - acoperis


70. Carol Factory – the beginning
> A model of rehabilitation for Hesper S.A. historical buildings in Bucharest
Text: Constantin Goagea

Halele Carol - inceputul


73. Urban Report
74. ÉME Master School: Trefort Garden. A Monument in Personal Proximity
> This huge monument in Budapest speaks about trauma and memory in a non-heroic, refined and empathic manner, by means of the latest technologies and graphic design.
Text: Krisztina Somogyi

monument - Gradina Trefort

79. Design & More

  • 8o. The Architectural Profession in 2014: Europe and Romania

Serban Ţigănaş examines  the latest European sectoral study about the profession of architect and proposes some principles for an improvement.

foto Stefan Tuchila - ultimul etaj - j

84. Stockholm Design Week  
> Design in Sweden is a lot about political support and a national identity that incorporates design and an authentic social character
Text: Constantin Goagea

Project created by students WOFD, University of Gothenburg 2015.

89. Connected

  • 90. Under the Skin of Our Buildings or Biomimicry as Sustainable Design

> Architecture Follows Nature- Biomimetic Principles for Innovative Design by Ilaria Mazzoleni in collaboration with Shauna Price
Book review: Alexandru Bălășescu

Image converted using ifftoany

  • 91. Marius Miclăuș:   Arhitecture under Extreme Conditions

> Mountain refuge at Călțun

Marius Miclaus - refugiu in muntii Caltun