12. Sane Architecture + Museum for Underwater Antiquities in Atena.

13. Pictogram: PERI5COPE: [AC-CA] Architectural Competition [DUBAI] Architecture School Tower

17. Editor’s: Eat, drink and chew stereotypes
Text: Cosmin Caciuc

19. Chartier-Dalix & Avenier-Cornejo: Massif and Faults
> Superdense dwelling ensemble with a complex program in Paris

26. Álvaro Siza Vieira & Juan Domingo Santos: New Gate of Alhambra
> Atrium for visitor reception at the Alhambra Palace in Spain

31. Projektil architekti: Under the Garden
> An advisory center for non profit and non governmental organisations in Brno, designed according to passive house stand¬ard, connects the greenery of a hill with a historical traffic artery.

36. Republic of Architects: Continuous Design
> For this apartment building in Bucharest, the new design adapts the existing structure to an almost doubled number of units inside.

40. Lama Arhitectura (Călin Radu, Dan Enache, Radu Neniță): Garage Band
> Converting a garage into an office in a central area of Bucharest

43. Triptyque: Oscar Freire. The Observatory
> The complex made of stores and a gallery in São Paulo

46. Arantxa Manrique – Yaiza Terré: The Beauty of the Unfinished
> The “Hangar” project takes fur¬ther an already existing visual arts center in Barcelona, combining actual interventions with strategies for the following period.

52. Bbats Consulting & Projects: Prefab school
> The CEIP Montoliu public education center in Tarragona
Text: Alexandra Demetriu

56. A House for the Architects and the City
> The project for refurbishing and consolidating of the headquarters of the Bucharest branch of the Chamber of Romanian Architects
Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu

63. Urban Report
> A floating structure for social needs in Nigeria, based on ecological principles of building.

68. Series. Multiples. Realisms.
> A book and exhibition based on Nicul Ilfoveanu’s series dealing with the public World War I monuments from the rural environment.

69. Design & More
- 70. Young Rising Norwegian Architects: a Zeppellin Evening-Conference #52
> Dan Zohar – Haugen & Zohar Arkitekter / Geir Brendeland – Brendeland & Kristoffersen Arkitekter / Haakon Iversen – Nordic Urban Design Association
Text: Cosmin Caciuc

> Paper objects, bag design and nesting blocks

- 77. About Architecture, Fear, Art and Social Strata
> Interview with Gergő Horváth, curator of Bucharest Biennale 6
Reporter: Darius Sebastian

> An exhibition at Victoria Arts Center in Bucharest
Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu

83. Connected
- 84. The Romanian Sustainable Constructions Market versus the European One
Text: Alexandra Stoica, BREEAM International Assesor
- 86. The Little 24-7 Shop in the Metropolis of the Future
> Kombini, the Japanese army of tiny hyper-organized and adaptable shops
Text: Ștefan Tuchilă

- 90. Biodegradable food packagings
> Dan Vodnar, a Romanian researcher from Cluj, practices a different bio¬technology
Text: Cosmin Caciuc

Foto: Ștefan Tuchilă
Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu

- 92. Conference: Cities of Tomorrow
> About what do architects mean when talking about development, urban, potential, trends and strategies
Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu