Articles published by: Nickname

Connected. Things about Future, Cities and People / Exhibition

An exhibition that opened simultaneously in Bucharest, Amsterdam, Stockholm and Bergen:

  • Bucharest (Romania) – National Museum of Contemporary Art – MNAC ( / FB event
  • Amsterdam (Netherlands) – New Energy Docks ( / FB event
  • Bergen (Norway) – City Hall of Bergen ( / FB event
  • Stockholm (Sweden) – Fargfabriken ( / FB event

Editor’s: Please, open the window

Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu

Ask anyone, any intellectual (or even an architect, for the matter), what is more environmentally friendly – a house or a block of flats? – and for most of them the answer will be the house. In fact, it is not. I am not referring to individual examples, but to houses in general: the individual home today fatally involves a periphery location, which means occupying natural land, waste of resources – with less efficient infrastructure for transport and facilities etc., longer commutes – so  more pollution. Plus a bad ratio between usable square feet and the envelope and many other issues.

Zeppelin magazine #126

15. Editor’s: Please, open the window
Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu

edito ConcreteHouse_foto de cosmin dragomir

18. Bogdan Gyemant-Selin
Exposed and sustainable concrete
Center for children activities. An exposed concrete house right next to Bucharest North railway station offers a new vision of building culture
Text: Cosmin Caciuc

3B ALTERNATIV_cosmindragomir_ConcreteHouse_XL_012

28. Incuboxx Timişoara
IT&C Business Incubator
Text: Anda Alexandra Maier


33. Andreescu & Gaivoronschi: Pedestrian space, City Business Center, Timișoara
Text: Irina Damașcan

Spatiu pietonal City Business Center- Timisoara

34. ATELIER 8000: Facing the River
Office building, České Budějovice, Cehia

Atelier 8000 povodi_ Cehia

36. Atelier MASS: Electric castle 2013 – 2014
Event scenography
Text: Silviu Aldea
The festival, organizat around the ruins of the historical ruin of Banffy Castle in Bonţida, Transylvania puts the palace into a new context, and creates a dialogue between avantgarde and the past, the temporary and the permanent, abstract geometry and traditional structures.

electric castle - labirintul de fum -2014

42. Gabu Heindl Architektur: Sculpture for the Winer Festwochen
Temporary public space installation


44. Attila Kim: Black shell, bright inner world
Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu
Two attached houses in the outskirts of Bucharest shape individual, protected and luminous spaces inside the plot

Attila Kim - coaja neagra

52. Jun Murata: Light slits
Renovation of a dwelling, Osaka
Jun Murata - Osaka


54. Point 4: Micro-architecture

  • Casa_DO – The refurbishment of an interwar apartment 

Text: Justin Baroncea

point4 -CASA_Mihaileanu

  • TR_VL – a mobile and foldable object for events in public spaces (in partnership with RADOX)

point4 TR_VL-2


60. 2014 Venice Biennale
Text: Constantin Goagea, Cosmin Caciuc
A view on 20th century’s modernity and a rather academic edition,  yet with a lot of beautiful and intelligent presentations that deserve to be discussed.  

venice biennale 2014 -Romania -inside the nomad archive

76. Carmen Nistor: Underground lab
Artistic intervention in Piața Romană subway station

Carmen Nistor -Piata romana




  • 78. Politics, memory, agora

Mercat del Born, cultural center and public space, Barcelona
Text: Carmen Popescu

Mercat del Born Barcelona

84. Smart & Share Cities
Text: Cosmin Caciuc
How to address smart city ideologies? Long-term global strategies on urbanity give us new opportunities but also new concerns.

smart and share cities -wilhelmsburg_mitte__falcon_crest_air

90. Cleantech Playground
Project for Ceuvel and Schoonschip neighborhoods, Amsterdam


94. Martin-Emilian Balint: MEM-NON
Interactive installation

mem-non orizontal7

Zeppelin Magazine #125

16 Modulab: The secret school of technomagic
> Modular educational space for art, technology and collaboration  
Text: Ioana Calen

Modulab - Gradina Viitorului 24mai2014

21 Editor’s: Plastic, plastic, plastic!
Text: Cosmin Caciuc


22  ADN Architecture: The Joy of Living in the City
>  Apartament block on Dogarilor Street, Bucharest: the product of a typological research of community dwelling, a lesson of civilized densification and how to continue an urban character.
Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu

ADN Birou de Arhitectura -bloc de apartamente pe str. Dogarilor

44 Felix Tue: Transformation in Layers
>  Transformation of a 40 year old bungalow in Canada

Felix Tue -bungalou Canada

48 CM Architecture: Industrial sensibility
>  Apartment building into a historical district in Istanbul

Noxx_CM Mimarlik_Cem Sorguc (3)

51 MOBA: Urban Reconnecting
>  Transformation of Liberty Square in  Vsetín, Czech Republic

Moba Vsetin Cehia

56 Mihai Vărzan, Péter Marx, Luís Torgal: Shaded Square
>  The rehabilitation of a small green space in the Boulevard Nicolae Grigorescu area in Bucha¬rest undertakes urban design to provide a place for socializing.

Mihai Varzan- Péter Marx - Luís Torgal - scuar Grigorescu

58 SANE Architecture

  • 58 Bayer Mobile Laboratory

>  Space for chemistry and biology experiments for students  into a park from Bucharest  

SANE - laborator Bayer

60 Taichung City Cultural Center
> Project awarded Highly Commended of the Cultural Regeneration category at the 2014 MIPIM Architectural Review Future Project Awards

SANE -concurs 1A_08_Terrace view

62  Republic of Architects: MOMI –an Instrument for Living in the Garden
>  A minimal shelter for outdoor living
Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu


64 Rowmania: ECOARCHIPELAGO 2014
> A competition for 5 floating islands on Dâmbovița River in Bucharest
Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu

Rowmania -ecoarhipelag 2014-Locul I

67 Urban Report

  • 68 Fundaţia Archaeus: Dealu’ Cerului Project

>  Multidisciplinary school and center for experimental architecture in the forest preserve of Nera-Beușniţa valley.
Text: Alexandra Maier

dealu cerului

74 Briefly about Carol Factory Night
Text: Mugur Grosu

Carol Factory Night

77 Design & More

  • 78 Let’s play architecture

>  Educational initiative for children, about to become an official teaching program: a (serious) game with architecture in order to achieve a pleas¬ant and healthy environment in the future.
Text: Mina Sava, Vera Marin

de-a arhitectura _atelierul sc 23_B

81Fence Bench
> Garden furniture meant for public or private exterior spaces

Text: Oana Coarfă

Fence Bench

83 Connected

  • 84 Alexandra Stoica: The future sounds “green”

> “Smart-green” is the concept of the future
Text: Alexandra Stoica, BREEAM International Assesor

DRAFT LABELED LargeSection.indd

86  Nextdoor
> A US social net¬work that connects people based on the neighbor¬hood they live in
 Text: Andreea Vrabie


88  Interview with Dirk Simons:  Urban by Nature
> On Anthropocene, metabolism, and landscape architecture in the carpet metropolis
Reporter: Claudiu Forgaci

urban by nature - interview


Zeppelin magazine #124

21. Editor’s: (Small) Epic Heroes
Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu

edito Mici eroi de epopee - parcul vacaresti -foto Helmut Ignat

22.  b720 Fermín Vázquez Arquitectos: Democratic Reinvention – the New Mercat del Encants
>  B720 proposed for remaking a centenarian informal market¬place in Barcelona not a building, but a canopy hovering above a public space made of a series of ramps connecting the various street levels.
Text: Jean Craiu

Fermín Vázquez Arquitectos  –  noua Piata Els Encants


31. Expo Milano 2015: The Ideas Competition for the Romanian Pavillion
>  The competition integrated architecture, the theme and the visual identity and showed both an increased interest in sustainability and a preference for tradition as a basic resource.

Expo Milano 2015 - pavilionul Romaniei - proiectul castigator - interior


  • 40. The white circle in the green

>  The Bakala Academy near Leuven

B_BOGDAN&VANBROECK-BakalaAcademy-byFrederikVercruysse (1)


  • 46. Residence, Brussels Free University

>  Accommodation for students, guest lecturers and athletes, but also a representative congress venue


  • 52. DICO & ȚIGĂNAȘ: For People and Machines

>  Robert Bosch Factory in Cluj

Fabrica Robert Bosch (12)

60. Atelier 25: Public Rural Buiding
>  Rehabilitation and extension, the Centre of Art in Kvilda, Czech Republic

Atelier 25 -Reabilitare si extindere - Centrul Artistic din Kvilda -Cehia

63. Atelier Hoffman: From Coal Mill to Creative Industries
>  Conversion of a former industrial building in the Czech Republic

Atelier Hoffman _libcice ext

67.  Zebra 3 & Point Zero: A House for a Business Community
>  Office building designed to house small entrepreneurs in the Northern Bucharest
Text: Toader Popescu

Zebra 3 & Point Zero

71. Urban Report

  • 72. Nature Park Văcăreşti

> Razed history, nature reclaiming an abandoned place, an increasing dense urban context. A collborative project is about to create a vast protected area in the southern part of Bucharest.  
Text: Save or Cancel – Cristina Popa, Andrei Racovițan

Parc Natural Vacaresti


  • 78. Shared Spaces in Divided Contexts, Cyprus

> The activities of Archis Interventions_CY are exemplary for the added value of architectural and urban research and interventions.  Territorial mapping and building restauration become tools for peace and cooperation
Text: Esra Can Akbil, Giorgos Psaltis

Cipru - Archis


85. Design & More

  • 86. BAC_JAPAN 2014

>  Workshop with Japanese students in the Barcelona Architecture Center
Text: Justin Baroncea, Jean Craiu


89. Connected

  • 90. Green Building Certification

> Auditing green buildings. Types of certifications. Advantages and benefits of green buildings
Text: Alexandra Stoica, BREEAM International Assesor

connected 1 -Liberty-Technology-Park

92. Altaeros Energies: Flying turbine
> Highest wind turbine ever deployed – demonstration test in Alaska


94. ecoLogicStudio, Carlo Ratti Associati, Cesare Griffa: Architectural Algae Systems
> 2 prototypes previewed as part an exhibition-event at Università degli Studi di Milano, linked by the conception of building integrated farming and urban agriculture: Urban Algae Canopy and Urban Algae Façade.

Urban Algae Canopy _ALGAETECTURE_

Impressions from Carol Factory Night

During the White Night of the Art Galleries, in the busiest week of the year – Romanian Design Week – there were so many great events, that only the preparations fever helped us not to panic every time we wondered if the public will get through to the dusty Filaret, from the glamorous city centre. Across from the bus station known especially to those leaving to Basarabia, we had put a new landmark on the map : Carol Factory – the name by which the old industrial areas of Hesper Factory will be reconverted into a cultural and events centre. Perhaps the most beautiful of our project so far, totaling more than two years of efforts with our partners from Eurodite.

Carol Factory Night

powered by Zeppelin & Eurodite

This was our most beautiful project: an afternoon, an evening and a night inside the cultural Carol Factory, a complex event featuring a conference, an exhibition and a film screening. In the center of Bucharest, close to Carol Park, near Filaret train station, we celebrated a victory of cultural initiatives, trademark Zeppelin and Eurodite.

Zeppelin Evenings # 52 / the new wave: 3 young Norwegian architects

Conference: Tuesday, March 13, 2014, starting with 6 pm @ National Museum of Contemporary Art (MNAC), Bucharest, str. Izvor 2-4, Palace of the Parliament, wing E4, 1st floor, Bucharest (entrance through Calea 13 Septembrie)

architecture & experiment.

A conference with:

Eat, drink and chew stereotypes

Text: Cosmin Caciuc

A big heavy topic for Expo Milano 2015: “Feeding the Planet. Energy for Life”. Its subdivisions have keywords such as tradition, creativity, innovation, technology, education, health, in reference to world food production and distribution; these might sound pompous and somewhat inert compared to the actual modest situation of a polluted planet, with many hungry mouths, troubled by conflicts and anxiety, and squandering, often irresponsible mankind.

Zeppelin magazine #123

12. Sane Architecture + Museum for Underwater Antiquities in Atena.

Sane Architecture + DaSein Muzeul de Arheologie Subacvatica_exhibition space

13.  Pictogram: PERI5COPE: [AC-CA] Architectural Competition [DUBAI] Architecture School Tower

periscope AC-CA 01


17. Editor’s: Eat, drink and chew stereotypes
Text: Cosmin Caciuc


19.  Chartier-Dalix & Avenier-Cornejo: Massif and Faults
>  Superdense dwelling ensemble with a complex program in Paris

copyright david foessel

26. Álvaro Siza Vieira & Juan Domingo Santos: New Gate of Alhambra
>  Atrium for visitor reception at the Alhambra Palace in Spain

Álvaro Siza Vieira & Juan Domingo SantosEntrance - Square -Southwest Cypress Path

31. Projektil architekti: Under the Garden
>  An advisory center for non profit and non governmental organisations in Brno, designed according to passive house stand¬ard, connects the greenery of a hill with a historical traffic artery.

Projektil architekti -Sub grădina

36. Republic of Architects: Continuous Design
>  For this apartment building in Bucharest, the new design adapts the existing structure to an almost doubled number of units inside.

Republic of Architects Proiectare continua - cosmindragomir_PStroe

40. Lama Arhitectura (Călin Radu, Dan Enache, Radu Neniță):  Garage Band
>  Converting a garage into an office in a central area of Bucharest

Lama Arhitectura - Garage band

43. Triptyque: Oscar Freire. The Observatory
>  The complex made of stores and a gallery in São Paulo

Triptyque Oscar Freire -Observatorul

46.  Arantxa Manrique – Yaiza Terré:  The Beauty of the Unfinished
>  The “Hangar” project takes fur¬ther an already existing visual arts center in Barcelona, combining actual interventions with strategies for the following period.

hangar - Arantxa manrique-terre

52. Bbats Consulting & Projects:  Prefab school
>  The CEIP Montoliu public education center in Tarragona
Text: Alexandra Demetriu

CEIP Montoliu

56. A House for the Architects and the City
> The project for refurbishing and consolidating of the headquarters of the Bucharest branch of the Chamber of Romanian Architects
Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu

concurs sediu OAR Buc _randare

63. Urban Report

  • 64. NLÉ: Floating School

>  A floating structure for social needs in Nigeria, based on ecological principles of building.

NLE Floating School -Nigeria

68. Series. Multiples. Realisms.
>  A book and exhibition based on Nicul Ilfoveanu’s series dealing with the public World War I monuments from the rural environment.


69. Design & More

  • 70. Young Rising Norwegian Architects: a Zeppellin Evening-Conference #52

> Dan Zohar – Haugen & Zohar Arkitekter / Geir Brendeland – Brendeland & Kristoffersen Arkitekter / Haakon Iversen – Nordic Urban Design Association
Text: Cosmin Caciuc



  • 73. Zupagrafika

> Paper objects, bag design and nesting blocks



  • 77.    About Architecture, Fear, Art and Social Strata

> Interview with Gergő Horváth, curator of  Bucharest Biennale 6
Reporter: Darius Sebastian

Gergő Horváth - curatorul Bucharest Biennale 6


  • 79. Use at Your Own Risk

>  An exhibition at Victoria Arts Center in Bucharest
Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu

use at your own risk  - 4th skin

83. Connected

  • 84. The Romanian Sustainable Constructions Market versus the European One

Text: Alexandra Stoica, BREEAM International Assesor

  • 86. The Little 24-7 Shop in the Metropolis of the Future

> Kombini, the Japanese army of tiny hyper-organized and adaptable shops
Text: Ștefan Tuchilă


  • 90.  Biodegradable food packagings

>  Dan Vodnar, a Romanian researcher from Cluj, practices a different bio¬technology
Text: Cosmin Caciuc

Ambalajele alimentare biodegradabile

  • 91. Pixel Roof

Foto: Ștefan Tuchilă
Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu

acoperis din pixeli - stefan tuchila

  • 92. Conference: Cities of Tomorrow

> About what do architects mean when talking about development, urban, potential, trends and strategies
Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu

conferinta cities of tomorrow 2