Articles published by: Nickname

MAGDA LIPSKA: Oamenii pe primul loc / ADAM CZIRAK. „Numai să nu fii prea mult tu însuți!”

Privind spre viitor, privind în trecut #3. Conferințe susținute de Magda Lipska și Adam Czirak

luni, 25 martie 2019, ora 19:00 @ Rezidența Scena9, strada I. L. Caragiale nr. 32, București
acces liber, eveniment în limba engleză

Positive-negative. Zumarraga Interpretation Center for La Antigua Chapel

The building is both inside and outside the mountain, it’an object and a limit, a margin and a gate. And its walls have been shaped by its columns

Project, text: Salvador Ventura de Blas, Pau Llimona, Yoshihide Kobanawa, Kaoru Kobanawa
Photo: @KOBFUJI Architects

Architects of dreams. Around the “Pink Floyd. Their Mortal Remains” exhibition

Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu
Photo: Georgiana Ghenciulescu, Ștefan Ghenciulescu

No, I did not cry at the exhibition. Well, I teared up a bit, at the end, when, after a “silent disco” tour, when each visitor was practically alone with the exhibits and the music and talks coming from the wireless headsets, we arrived in a large round room where you could see on a circular screen a loop with the end ofone of their last concerts, including David Gilmour – the one from back then and the only one – thanking the audience.

The barn for all. The riding stables of Sânsimion

Project: Larix Studio
Text: Köllő Miklós
Photo: Köllő Miklós, Szigeti Vajk-István

An exercise in landscape transparency, by which a relatively large volume gets acquainted with the scale of the place, and especially with the cultural landscape in Transylvania’s Székler Region.

Freeing Architecture – Junya Ishigami exhibition – Fondation Cartier, Paris

What would architecture students do without the plans and scale models of Junya Ishigami? It’s hard to be in a studio jury in which you could not recognize the model – detailed, delicate and transparent drawings, ethereal scale models that combine abstraction and reduction to the essence with naturalism.

Case study: Lech am Arlberg becomes a smart ski resort through urban illumination and the reduction in light pollution

(A) The night image of the Lech ski resort has been improved by a new LED lighting concept. Zumtobel in cooperation with Dieter Bartenbach, the consultant specialist, has developed a customized outdoor illumination solution, providing a new image both to the town of Lech, and to the river bearing the same name. A specially-created control system adjusts the light levels depending on the time of day or night, for lighting conditions to be perfect at any time.

Courtyard under a tree. Loft transformation in a listed building, London

Project: RoundRobin studio
Text: Anca Mihalache
Photo: Radu Malașincu

A bit of history

The main part of original building was built in around 1825, as the Haberdashers’ Almshouses. Later in the 19c the building was used as a school, and in 1898 this was purchased by the London County Council for use as Shoreditch Technical Institute.

3rd generation infrastructure. Michi no eki- Roadside Station and community building in Mashiko, Japan

Project: Mount Fuji Architecture Studio
Text: Masahiro Harada
Foto: Mitsumasa Fujitsuka & Mount Fuji Architects Studio

Black House in Uptown Bucharest. YTAA: The Museum of Recent Art

Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu
Photo: Cosmin Dragomir

Romania suffers from a terrible lack of museums. Not only are there few museums made, if any; more than 100 museums or memorial houses have disappeared over the twenty-something years, especially through retrocessions (and out of the authorities’ lack of interest in purchasing them). Under these conditions, a new museum, especially a museum of modern and contemporary art, is an event. Should true architecture also show up there, so much the better.

“Meetings”. An Installation within the Walls of the Alba Iulia Citadel

Text: Dorin Ștefan Adam, Elena Viziteu
Photo: Laurian Ghinițoiu

Most tourists and Alba Iulia locals taking a stroll through the magnificent Vauban citadel are happy with the main public spaces – plazas and streets. Few of them realise that the place is much richer and much more complex – a sophisticated and labyrinthine system of spaces, with wide arched halls within the walls, passages leading to places that are undisclosed on a first walk.