Articles published by: Nickname

Gellu Naum’s Comana House

Text: Mihai Duțescu
Foto: Andrei Mărgulescu, Mihai Duțescu
Plans: survey by the students of the atelier of Prof. Mircea Ochinciuc, 3rd year, Ion Mincu University, Bucharest, 2009-2010; assistants: Melania Dulămea, Mihia Duțescu, Adrian Moleavin

Zeppelin #152


Edito: Cars over School
Text & photo: Ștefan Ghenciulescu

18. Dossier:
Houses with Public

14. Intro
Text: Ştefan Ghenciulescu

18.The Headquarters of the OAR Bucharest Branch

44. (Also) Facing the Canal
Medical clinic in Cluj

58. The Good Compromise
Medeuropa Clinic, Constanţa

72. Our Lord in the Attic
The hidden church of Amsterdam

82. The Museum of Recent Art
Black House in Uptown Bucharest

Text: Ştefan Ghenciulescu

The recently-inaugurated Museum of Recent Art has aroused much enthusiasm, and, one needs to say, also many controversies. This is a private museum, modest in size, but with strong ambitions, including architectural ones. The ‘recent’ part first refers to the collection’s temporal coverage: Romanian art, since the post-Stalinist period until today. International art is however also present, mainly through temporary exhibitions. The museum is much more open and accessible than most old-type museums in Romania, and includes a library, as well as other spaces for culture and the city.

96. Visiting a Clever, Cheerful Man. The “Anton Pann” Memorial House in Bucharest

Proiect: Zeppelin
Text: Constantin Goagea

Old Bucharest remains visible to this day in the irregularity of many streets and in the architectural typology of some houses. Next to the Stelian-Lucaci church, somewhere close to Calea Călărași, there lies one of those pieces of town where one can still find, in the path of streets and property limits, the 19th-century specific urban model: small houses, showing off plaster decorations, not aligned to the street, built on garden plots, whose green can be seen from the pavement, reminiscent of what used to be the old neighbrorhoods, namely a mixture of countryside and town.

Anton Pann’s house in the Lucaci parish, that we are speaking of, on the street which now bears his name (it used to be Bull’s Street), is a small and simple house itself, modestly decorated, with an intimate courtyard; yet different from the neighbouring ones, as Anton Pann would move his printing shop here, a rather improvised one, but in which he managed to print his most important works.

108. Apartment Parties
Before and (a little) after 1989

114. ZOOM

116. Cultural Centre and Auditorium
The Politehnica University, Bucharest

134. AIRBNB Dwelling in a Rationalist Block of Flats, Bucharest

138. Closed and Quiet

P31. House, Moșniţa Nouă

146. Roman Catholic Parish, Orșova, 1976
Architect Hans Fackelmann, sculptor Péter Jecza, painter Gabriel Popa

164. The Long House of Crucea

178. Bucharest‑South
The Other City. Places and Stories from Bucharest‑South

198 – 224: PLANS

Edito: Cars over School

Text & photos by Ștefan Ghenciulescu

Let’s say you have an overcrowded school (grades 1 to 12), with limited space for games and sports in two small schoolyards. How do you go about it? Easy: You convert the front schoolyard into a teachers’ parking lot. And you do it properly, neatly marking the parking places with paint. The children can go on playing there, you don’t forbid it, but they will have to adapt their games, squeezing between the cars.

A Constant Gardener. Laura Paraschiv – Circa 1703-3701 & Mà Bistro

Laura Paraschiv is an architect. She collects objects and cultivates them in Circa 1703-3701 (Precinct 1703-3701), the place in Bucharest where you can find unique pieces of design from all ages.

Report: Dorothee Hasnas
Photo: Cătălin Georgescu, Ioana Pârvan

Zeppelin #151


14. Edito: How many citizens per square metre?
Text: Cosmina Goagea

18. DOSSIER: At the Margin

20. Intro
Consolidation, acupuncture, experiment
Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu


28. 3rd Generation Infrastructure
Michi no eki—Roadside Station and community building in Mashiko, Japan


44. Consolidating the Margin
Protected workshops in the former mess hall of the Technical School of Aviation, Mediaș


56. The Barn for All
The riding stables of Sânsimion


72. Positive‑Negative
Zumárraga Interpretation Center for La Antigua Chapel


85. Interview with Bogdan Pandele, real estate developer in Bucharest

88. Republic of Architects
Interventions and discussions about living in the periphery


98. Densifying the Margins
Patio house, Bucureștii Noi neighborhood


104. In the Countryside, Now
Dwelling in the Ordoreanu village

108. Urbanity at the Periphery
Individual housing development, Voluntari


122. Gated communities at the periphery of Bucharest. A domestic landscape
Text: Andreea Matache


130. South of South
A look beyond the Bucharest beltway
Text: Mihai Duţescu


140. Urbanizing the Periphery
Mahalas, suburbs and 1811 New York


154. So That It Holds
Text: Cosmin O. Gălăţianu


158. Meșteshukar Butiq
From craft to modern design and back
Text: Dorothee Hasnas


166. ZOOM

168. Play Taken Seriously
The American Kindergarten, Bucharest
Text: Andrei Mărgulescu


180. Attempts, Failures, Trials and Errors
An attempt at design reconstruction
Text: Ioana Popescu & Tincuţa Heinzel

188. Interview with Josep Congost, Design director at Roca Design Center & Innovation Lab

192. Alt
A Raw typeface
Text: Radu Manelici

198 – 224. PLAN
A collection of plans

Zeppelin #150


8. Edito: What is a pink hippopomingo?
Text: Mugur Grosu

10. DOSSIER: The Other Architects

18. Intro
The Other Architects: The Not‑Only‑Architects and the Non‑architects Who Make Architecture
Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu


26. Architects of Dreams
Around the Pink Floyd. Their Mortal Remains exhibition
Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu


34. Vlad Bina: Design for a Virtual World. And then back


50. Laura Paraschiv. The Constant Gardener
REPORTER: Dorothee Hasnas


60. Alexandria, Pink Floyd, architecture, Bucharest, literature
Text: Mihai Duțescu


64. Jack‑of‑All‑Trades and the Right Price
A selfie with Dorothee Hasnas, architect and cultural manager


69. Mihai Coliban: Once an Architect, Always an Architect


72. Oana Bogdan: I’m More of an Architect Now Than I Was Before


76. Gellu Naum’s Comana House
Text: Mihai Duțescu


84. Vienna 1928—Wittgenstein House
Architecture as Reflection
Text: Horia Marinescu


94. The Other Architect—an Archive of the Natural
Homage to my grandfather, Antonie Beșliu
Text: Alexandru Cristian Beșliu

98. ZOOM

100. Two Gardens, One Artist, One Studio
Text: DAAA


108. Junya Ishigami
An exhibition and a pavilion
Text: Corina Laza, Junya Ishigami


138. Firemen Museum, Fire Prevention Center BCN
Renovation of the Old Poble Sec Fire Station
Text: José Miguel Roldán, Merce Berengué


152. Glory and Humility
Restauration of the Craiova Branch Headquarters of the National Bank of Romania
Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu


160. Bolșoi, Garage, Moscova
Text: Constantin Goagea


166. Layers Instead of Boxes and Objects
Apartament AP_10MS, București
Text: Ștefan Păvăluță


174. Courtyard Under a Tree
Loft transformation in a listed building, London
Text: Anca Mihalache


182. 2 BM
Text: Justin Baroncea


190. From Model‑House to the Ideal Villa
The winning project of the „Imagine Dumbrava Vlăsiei” competition
Text: Cosmin Georgescu, Alexandru Cristian Beșliu, Laura Cristea, Cosmin O. Gălățianu, Horia Munteanu


194 – 224. PLAN
A collection of plans

Zeppelin #149

Zeppelin update

We worked on our bookazine formula. It’s even more of a book than before, yet still connected, fresh and rich, as a magazine should be.
The format is just a bit smaller, just to better fit in a casual bag, be lighter and also easier to read in bed or at your desk, even if it will have more pages now, 224!

The dossier rules: it takes about two thirds of the issue and aims to become a reference for the chosen subject.

There are even more large photos and almost only original texts, a lot of research and analysis, but also poetry and quite different viewpoints.

Orientation will be easier as well as choosing how deep you want to go in any material. That’s mainly because we moved all technical drawings—plans and details—in a separate section. But cross‑references between this drawing part and the main article are highly visible. Articles thus become more accessible, without losing their depth and professional elements.

Starting from now, an even more serious and merry publication. And one with the things that remain.

8. Edito: Starts by 2 bits per second at 1800, but ends by a hologram featuring 3 strange buildings
TEXT: Constantin Goagea

10. DOSSIER: Modern?


14. Intro
On Continuity
TEXT: Ştefan Ghenciulescu

26. Intro Uwe Schröder
TEXT: Cosmin O. Gălăţianu


28. Galerie und Atelierhaus, Bonn


36. Haus Hundertacht, Bonn


44. Prager Höfe, Bonn


52. Intro Tony Fretton
TEXT: Alexandru Cristian Beşliu


54. Reconciliation: Commercial and Housing Complex, Tietgens Grund, Frederiksstaden, Copenhaga


64. Westkaai Towers 5 & 6


70. Paolo Zermani. Intro: „Cio che dura poco non e architettura.”
TEXT: Alexandru Cristian Beşliu

72. The Cemetery of Sansepolcro


80. Putting Things in Place.
Interventions in Sacred Spaces


90. The Temple‑Crematorium


98. The Restoration and Reconstruction of the Novara Castle


106. Intro Sergison Bates
TEXT: Cosmin O. Gălăţianu

108. Social housing and crèche, Geneva, Switzerland


116. Care Home


126. Garden Building


132. Visualising Evolution
Ştefan Davidovici


142. A New Form of Beauty
Or about enlightened conservatism
TEXT: Ştefan Ghenciulescu

143. To Washington
TEXT: GM Cantacuzino


152. Extension of the “Partium” ChristianUniversity of Oradea
Atelier FKM


164. ZOOM

166. A Moment’s Joy
Holiday Housing, Moltenia
Anca Mihaela Constantin, Ionuţ Constantin


178. Collective Authorship
Private histories of public architecture

182. Meetings
An Installation within the walls of the Alba Iulia Citadel
Dorin Ştefan Adam, Elena Viziteu


188. Ubikubi—The Latest Collection

192 – 224. PLAN
A collection of plans


Zeppelin #148

Zeppelin #147

Zeppelin #146