Articles published by: Nickname

Dossier: The Mies van der Rohe Award. Inside view

Intro: Ștefan Ghenciulescu

For over 12 years, I have nominated, as an independent expert, works for the EU Mies Award, as to use its shortened name. In 2019, I had the privilege to be part of this edition’s jury. Together with my colleagues, we shortlisted 40 projects of the 383 submitted, then 5 finalist projects, then the award. Andwe visited all the 5 works selected in the final, as well as the one receiving the award for emergent

Sergison Bates architects – Garden building, Mereworth, Kent

Text: Sergison Bates architects
Photo: David Grandorge

Completed in 1658, Yotes Court is a Grade I listed country residence within a 20-acre estate.

Our project is for a leisure building comprising a 15m indoor heated swimming pool, associated changing facilities and gymnasium.

Densifying the margins. Patio house, Bucureștii Noi neighborhood – Bucharest

Republic of Architects is led by Emil Burbea, Oana Iacob, Radu Ponta and Alexandra Zăgan. They are no strangers to Zeppelin, in very different ways: to their designs of minimal living prototypes, to the transformation of their office space in an open place, to apartment buildings or theoretical texts on transition urbanism. Most articles shared the context – the Bucharest central area – the combination between practice and the critical overlook on the city, the space, urban life. For this article, they take us on a ride outside the downtown.

Vlad Bina: Design for a Virtual World. And then back

I met Vlad Bina in the very early 90s, when I was a young architecture student, while he had just graduated. He was considered by his teachers to be an outstanding student and graduate and I remember his wonderful hand drawings. He left for the US, where he works in feature film Production Design designing digital and physical spaces for storytelling. He is using for this an extensive 3D computer graphics experience built on an architectural, design and art history background.

Zeppelin #153 (spring 2019)



10. Edito: Zeus. There is unrest in the city
Text: Mugur Grosu

…how nice it would be if, on their first day of work, city managers would play such a game. They could take it easy, but at least learn their ABC-s. For no one was born a city mayor, but everyone believed they were Zeus and turned out to be the Hydra.

Modest Houses. The Architecture of Affordability

14. Intro
Text: Ştefan Ghenciulescu

If you browse architecture magazines and websites looking for housing, the first thing you see is villas in different sizes. And I don’t refer to design magazines that target a general public, but specialized, professional ones. The second thing is expensive housing which is not villas—most prominently, luxury apartments, as well as holiday homes that cost more than a regular permanent one. And third, quite surprisingly, is social housing, ranging from subsidized to extreme emergency housing. Therefore, architecture appears to be either the privilege of wealth or, at the other end of the spectrum, of crushing need. How is it that “middle architecture,” the type of construction that dominates most of today’s world, is so poorly represented?

18. Ants House
Project: Adriana Gheorghiescu & Alexandra Berdan

32. Fala Atelier: a Creative Mixture of Existing Things
An Interview with Filipe Magalhães, Ana Luisa Soares & Ahmed Belkhodja

39. Arlequin Apartment

44. House and Atelier

52. Small House with a Monumental Shower

58. Passive Mediterranean Living
BXD Arquitectura: MG House

L’atelier: Small Urban Dwellings

Capsule Apartment

“Mon Oncle” Minimal

Garçonnière Voyeuriste

House in a House

76. Seven Large Houses
Igual & Guggenheim: Social Dwellings

84. Four Walls and a Roof.
The Complex Nature of a Simple Profession
A book by Reinier de Graaf

100. The Engineer and the Affordable Dwelling
Henri Coandă’s Forgotten Systems

112. History for the Residents (Too)
Bucharest’s the Building Fund Lotissements

126. At Home on the Road
Text: Elena Stancu
Foto: Cosmin Bumbuţ

A Journalist and a Photographer Moved into a Campervan to Be Able to Do Their Jobs

134. On Housing
An Exhibition and an Open Debate

146. ZOOM

148 .The Second House
STARH: Holiday Home in Căldăruşani

152. The B‑Lay HQ
Design through Process and Serious Games

158. Changes in a Part of the City
Recent and Future Projects at the “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture (UAUIM)

163. UAUIM “Museum”



180. Modul Cărtureşti
A Cultural Site between Two Courtyards and a Portico

196 – 224. PLANS

Edito: Zeus. There is unrest in the city

Text: Mugur Grosu

There are those nagging, fly-like tunes that keep playing in your head, no matter how hard you tried to cast them away, they come back, time and again, and there’s no flyswatter to help you. The phrase in the title comes from the same place, it keeps coming back periodically, like a fly, and it keeps on troubling me, I can’t find the flyswatter. It started a few years back when, while cleaning up a box full of floppy disks and other digital antiquities, I came across a CD I could not place, only saying, in black marker, ZEUS.

Mies van der Rohe Award 2019: Transformation of 530 social dwellings, Bordeaux. Interview with Anne Lacaton

The Winner of the EU Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award 2019 is Transformation of 530 dwellings – Grand Parc Bordeaux by Anne Lacaton & Jean-Philippe Vassal associated to Fréderic Druot & Christophe Hutin architects. We are honored that our editor-in-chief was one of the seven members of the jury: Dorte Mandrup, George Arbid, Angelika Fitz, Ștefan Ghenciulescu (Zeppelin), Kamiel Klaasse, María Langarita, Frank McDonald.

Tony Fretton Architects: Westkaai Towers 5 & 6, Antwerp Docks

Text: Tony Fretton Architects
Foto: Peter cook, Philippe Dujardin

As part of the extensive redevelopment of the Antwerp Docks, six residential towers are ranged along the waterfront of the Westkaai.

The planning regulations stipulated their outline form and position. Each pair of towers was required to be related but different, like twins.

Urbanizing the periphery. Mahalas, suburbs and 1811 New York

Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu

The charm, the issues, and the potential of the suburbs. Densification in a fragile environment

Let me tell you a story about the school of architecture and the suburbs. A few years ago, following a very inspired choice by the department, the workshop of the “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture with the 2nd -year students had the locations of both 1st-semester projects in the Andronache neighbourhood, towards the North-Eastern margin of Bucharest.

Visiting a Clever, Cheerful Man. The “Anton Pann” Memorial House in Bucharest

Project: Zeppelin
Text: Constantin Goagea
Photo: Andrei Mărgulescu

Old Bucharest remains visible to this day in the irregularity of many streets and in the architectural typology of some houses. Next to the Stelian-Lucaci church, somewhere close to Calea Călărași, there lies one of those pieces of town where one can still find, in the path of streets and property limits, the 19th-century specific urban model