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Complexity and Care. The Amal Amjahid Centre, Molenbeek‑Saint‑Jean

Late December on a canal embankment, in a rarely praised neighbourhood. The complex, named after an exceptional Brussels-born sportswoman, does not shout its presence. However, upon entering, I have found a magical and complex world, welcoming athletes, toddlers, teenagers or simply neighbours who use its gallery as a shortcut.

Nominated for the EU Mies Award: „The Nursery. 1306 plants for Timisoara”

In 2023, Timisoara was European Capital of Culture. The program was based on several components, one of which was the section Places relating to the city’s spaces – old and new, to urban regeneration and discussions about the city’s future.

Zeppelin magazine #171: ”Transylvania. Living History & New Architectures”

Edito: Mies, Corbu, Mosquitoes

Text, photo: Ștefan Ghenciulescu

DOSSIER: Transylvania

Coordinators: Ștefan Ghenciulescu, Cătălina Frâncu

Edito: Mies, Corbu, Mosquitoes

Mosquito nets reduce natural lighting, transparency and ventilation, and thicken the window frames. But we need them, like many other things that spoil design

Turning the red carpet of the starts into a white carpet for all people. C+S: Piazza del Cinema, Lido di Venezia

Reacting to Lido losing its role as one of the most sought-after seaside resorts in Europe, the site an international competition for the new Cinema Festival Palace was organized.

Exoskeleton and lived-in courtyard. Attila Kim Architects: House with exposed concrete, Bucharest

We are in one of the former semi-rural areas in northern Bucharest, where most all old houses have made way for post-Socialist villas (especially since the 1990s).

The Wood House. Manopera Architecture: Housing in Ciurila, Cluj

The wood house project is proof of a vision claiming that new interventions in the rural environment can be contemporary and gentle, too, and that they need to work with of today’s life, in the same way as old households used to answer to the naturalness of life in their own time.

How does one design in Jean Prouvé’s style? Interview with Stine Liv Buur

On simplicity, luxury and the influence of biographical context on creative people

Edito: Dystopia is not (only) our fault

There’s an advertisement touring social media: a res­idential complex now under construction in Bucha­rest consisting in a taller, uglier, and more cramped precinct of blocks than those built in the last years of Ceaușescu’s time.

Architecture Kit. Architecture as Systemic Thinking

eematico was awarded first prize at the Civil Society Gala (Romania, 2022) in the Learning, Education and Research category for the project „Architecture Kit.”

Concrete, ceramics, light. Atelier Zündel Cristea: 4 metro stations in Paris

The main objective of the northern extension of the Paris Métro Line 14 was to relieve the saturation of Line 13.

Interior design triggers rehabilitation. The block of flats at 1, Sf. Ștefan Square, Bucharest

The restoration history of the building with few apartments at 1, Sf. Ștefan square, Bucharest, and the remodelling and lay-out of its attic is, in itself, anything but spectacular.