Articles published by: Nickname

Zeppelin Festival: Architecture, City, Resources

City. Money. Architecture.
A super-debate in which you are invited to participate

National Museum of Contemporary Art
Friday, December 16th, 9:30–14:00.
The conference is in English. Free entrance.

How can our cities become more attractive, both for their inhabitants and for investment? By whom and how could new projects be implemented, partnerships being created, how could funds for all of this be attracted?

A chronicle for a public space

The building site containers were set up around Bucharest’s National Theatre. According to a project delayed for a couple of years, the theatre is supposed to be reinforced and modernized in the next three years starting from this autumn. The process will involve the dismantling the arcaded façade ordered by Ceausescu in the 1980s; the initial façade will be put in place along with the cantilevered roof, which means that the original project designed by Horia Maicu, Nicolae Cucu, and Romeo Belea will be followed in its outlines. Undoubtedly, the old functionalist project was thousand times better than the pompous totalitarian intervention.

The Quiet Neighbor

The house on the outskirts of Sibiu is gently placed on a difficult plot and finds a subtle balance between openness and protection.
The house is located in a residential area with lots of terrains whose shapes and sizes come out further to plotting a steep land. After the Revolution, these plots offering a double access from the edging streets have been subdivided in an uncontrolled manner.

Metabolism – back in their future

We live in the future-in the future that only the architects of 60’s imagined it, some even programmatically, like those in Japan, grouped in architecture Metabolism movement.

Mori Art Museum proposes to go back in their future through a fabulous show, the first in the world, until 15 January 2012. In Tokyo … If you did not know where you can celebrate The New Year’s Eve :)


Berceni. Nicolae Comanescu

Dust poisoning, dreams and stereotypes cut out off the media, everyday experience among Berceni blocks of flats, some contagious humour, destabilized framing, light-headed stylistic collages, mixed cultural allusions and colour hallucinations are part of the aesthetic ammunition of artist Nicolae Comanescu whose paintings propose unusual trips among actual urban deeds and collective imaginary. Mirroring his major creative trends between 1998 and 2010 (Rostopasca period, “Grand Prix”, “Beach Culture in Bercsenyi”, “Dust and Powder”), the 88 works gathered under “Berceni” heading within a retrospective exhibition hosted at the National Museum of Contemporary Art (NMCA) might signify a replay and refreshing of some conceptual attitudes that marked critical postmodernism in the West, in mid ‘70s: aesthetic nonconformism, semantic multicoding and particularly an obsessive appeal to the idea of multiple reality.

The Courtyard of the Four Evangelists

A cemetery extension located on an island between Venice and Murano seeks to redefine some of the original qualities of this place, while offering a greater sense of the lagoon context. The San Michele Cemetery, Venice’s principal cemetery, is located on an island between Venice and Murano. This historic site has been in continuous development for over four hundred years but has recently evolved to a point where the romantic image of its outer face is in contrast to its interior municipal character. In order to address this obvious imbalance, the proposal seeks to redefine some of the cemetery’s original physical qualities.

NDC_B, with a “B” from benches

The design as a memory recovery: some urban furniture made from building elements of the National Dance Center of Bucharest (NDCB), currently in full demolition. On Saturday night going into Sunday, during the project Occupied NDCB (see Zeppelin 94), Eduard Gabia started to cut metal artifacts and share them with the participants. Equipped with gloves, goggles and overalls, he cut pieces of the railings with a metal cutter.

A roof for the centre of urban activity

Built in a public-private partnership, the new market in Celje was designed as a generator of life in the city centre able to resuscitate the surrounding area. The town market is situated in the heart of the city. Ever since it was formed, in the middle of the previous century, the market has represented the centre of urban activity in the city. In contrast to the old market, the new development is designed as an extrovert urban area, a kind of covered city square which is inextricably linked to the surrounding urban space.

urban / periurban

The architecture of this block of flats is mostly due to the critical reference to an unfortunate context and to the negotiation between the individual and the collective. Developed in one of the famous satellite-dormitory-cities of Bucharest, quiet yet lacking any character – besides the one given by some expensive and anachronic self-referential buildings, appearing from behind some giant fences – this project was from the very beginning marked by a critical-ironical detachment from the context.

The “Canotca” – a model of innovative tradition recovery

The “Canotca” – a model of innovative tradition recovery
Rowmania project initiated by Ivan Patzaichin Association – Mila 23 aims at supporting locals and traditions specific to the Danube Delta.