Articles published by: Nickname

The National Technical Library in Prague

An atrium for books
The National Technical Library in Prague shows a sustainable approach, of a will to create public space and also of a collaboration between Projektil architekti and invited artists. 
Text: Projektil architekti
Photo: Andrea Thiel Lhotakova
Many different sources inspired the architectural concept for the National Technical Library in Prague. First, there is a spatial context influence, which involves the historical urban plans for the whole area as well as its present significance. Second, the concept is our answer to the idea of the institution and especially to the role of the library in today’s society.


Text: Stefan Ghenciulescu.

Facebook page here.

This article was published in Zeppelin Magazine, number 103. 

Combina, the brand lately built by designer Alexe Popescu, speaks about mixes and matches. The two items presented here are not the result of a stylistic mix though, but start from the use, the material and the obsessive exploitation of a constructive procedure.


The restoration of St Ann’s Chapel

Design: Larix Studio

Text & Photo: Köllo Miklós 

This article was published in Zepeplin magazine, number 101. 

The restoration of St Ann’s Chapel near Gheorgheni town achieves a balance between a discreet intervention, the re-emergence of some historical phases without resorting to pastiche. St. Ann’s Chapel is located on Mount Csobot, in the outskirts of Gheorgheni town along the old trade road routing between Transylvania and Moldavia provinces. It has a kind of peculiar history.

IF – Eurobike Award 2011

If the old Romanian saying “In fair weather prepare for foul” still makes sense today (translated literally from Romanian: “in summer prepare your sledge and in winter your cart”), the idea of an article on bicycles in the season of those nightmarish winter tires looks quite right. The more so as it deals with some particular bikes that make ordinary ones appear as if they “go by foot”: it is all about the winners of Eurobike Awards competition organized by IF – International Forum Design.

“Green” mortgages

Energy efficient or “green” mortgages represent a potential for Romania to take the lead in the region by introducing an innovative real estate financial tool for reducing energy costs, improving energy security and increasing adoption of better construction technology, materials and techniques.

This pilot project aims at creating a controlled environment through a consortium between a bank, a developer and an energy auditor to implement the concept of energy efficient mortgages in Romania and demonstrate its financial, social and environmental benefits.

Reference to landscape

A fire station showing the authors’ interest in both a dialogue with the surrounding landscape and a need to provide a tailor-made space for a particularly functional program.

Text: Andreu Arriola & Carme Fiol 
Photo: Sergio Belinchón, Beat Marugg, Arriola & Fiol

This article was published in zeppelin magazin number 99.

The interwoven square

The rehabilitation of some spaces in the centre of a small Polish town increases the value of the place through reasonable investments, rigor and intelligent interweaving of old fragments and new interventions.

Text: Cosmin Caciuc
Foto: Tomasz Zakrzewski

This article was published in zeppelin magazin number 99.

O’Mighty Green

A critical view on the difference between a true sustainability and the „green” demagogy in architecture.

Sustainability currently shares many qualities with God; supreme concept, omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient; creator and judge, protector, and (…) saviour of the universe and the humanity. And, like God, it has millions of believers. Since we humans are relatively simpleminded and suspicious and need evidence before belief can become conviction, Green has come to represent sustainability; has become its incarnation in the human world. But sustainability, like God, might not have a form, nor a colour…

A stage in a ruin

MASS Studio is showing that the architectural heritage left in an advanced stage of decay may be resuscitated, even though temporarily, through some inspired improvisations enlivened by a great idea.

Text: MASS Studio
Photo: Silviu Aldea, Victor Mech

This article was published in zeppelin magazin number 98

The C House

A single-family dwelling made by Ene + Ene Architectura Office in a traditional area in Bucharest is spatially defined by a cross-section rather than a plan illustrating the discrete insertion.

Text: Ene+Ene Architectura
Photo: Radu Malasincu

This article was published in zeppelin magazin number 98.

The intervention on a site located in an old Bucharest district was an opportunity we wished to get and we were actually offered in 2006 by a house on Vasile Lascar Street. The land featuring a 10 m opening, northern and eastern dead walls and a bare parcel border to the south stands on a side of the street that still preserves houses dating as far back as the early 20th century, more and more insistently aggressed by the past 20 years’low quality architecture.