Articles published by: Nickname

History, public space and ewcology in Alba Iulia

Alba Carolina Citadel – a story about world heritage destruction advertised as cultural valorisation and supported by EU funds

Recently, in our 93 issue, I was pointing out a highly questionable intervention carried out on the Alba Carolina citadel from Alba Iulia, important reference for Vauban citadels. The previous text was especially impugning the concept of the project conceived by arch. Gheorghe Lancrajan-Franchini assonant to the European level principles. The two major tenets flagrantly contradicted in this case are: 1) car traffic limitation in favour of non-polluting conveyance with increased social potential (walking and cycling) in historic centres and 2) green areas conservation and multiplication with a paricular focus on trees.


Anish Kapoor’s installation for Monumenta 2011 is a true architectural piece of work, an exceptional discourse about interior and exterior, limits, structure, and scale.
Ever since its opening during the World Exhibition of 1900, Grand Palais was a major exhibition space in France’s capital. Due to its vast volume flooded with light and the spectacular structure of the roof, it could shelter variegated events, from Chanel fashion parades, car fairs, horse races to the work of the most famous world artists.

A dialog with Cristi Puiu

More or less on Aurora and Bucharest, on factories and blocks and on art as a sophisticated riddle.

Interview: Constantin Goagea
Photo: Sorin Nainer

This article was published in zeppelin magazine number 97.

One room on Plantelor Street. After 20 minutes of talk with Cristi, am so absorbed that I almost forget we are recording it. We talk about film and architecture, what is beyond definitions. He speaks about the cinema beyond the clichés of a dictionary, while I talk about the unspoken side of architecture, the void.


“Design of the ground public space – University Parking: Technical Project”

The idea of the competition has come up after the opening in 2010 of the site for the underground parking lot in the University Square in the center of the Romanian capital.
Since several derogations were made from the provisions of the Zonal Urban Plan endorsed by the General Council of Bucharest Municipality, Bucharest Branch of the Architects’ Chamber of Romania has demanded the authorities:

PHOTO COMPETITION: We have some books for you.

As we don’t have quite so many, we are going to make some distinction, but it’s simple. If you want to be the lucky one, please take a picture from somewhere up, like you were looking from zeppelin, and send it to us at:

And don’t forget: higher you are taking the picture from, better it is. For sure you can find something like a balcony, some skyscraper, an attic window or a tower. Besides your award book, you gain the chance to be published, posted and complimented by Zeppelin team. So that we are all ready, let’s start! We are waiting for your “up pictures” until June 29th, Wednesday night. June 30th we are announcing the winners, displaying the photos on fb as well as on our site.

Belgrade days of Oris

March 18th, 2011 — Dom sindikata, Belgrade

Oris magazine continues the tradition of the Days of Oris, presenting for the second time the Belgrade Days of Oris, in Dom Sindikata in Belgrade on 18 March.

We go zeppelin from now on!

Post de: Constantin Goagea
Text: Constantin Goagea
The crew is ready to take off, the people have fastened their belts in their seats (or in a comfortable coach or against our school’s famous radiators) and are ready to read zeppelin. Dear readers, we should tell you that from among thousands charming stories the name under which our journal has been picked to go on signifies the capacity to soar, to dare high, and to meditate. We have found zeppelins and architectures in the Instant City project by Archigram, in the Schuiten and Peeters’ cartoons, in old movies, fabulous drawings and in a multitude of other situations. We fell in love with the metaphor, poetry built in the sound of it, with the idea of technologyoptimistic associations it urges, and with the privileged perspective on the city, you have,  from this dirigible. Its bountiful imagery and retro futuristic content feeds us all and perfectly reflects the personal style of the crew in the nacelle, and as you might have noticed it for three years now it is a powerful engine of cultural life.

Chamber Music for Wooden Churches

Over the following six months the Pro Patrimonio Foundation, SoNoRo and the Order of Romanian Architects are organizing a series of benefit concerts in order to safeguard the collapsing wooden churches from Northern Oltenia and Southern Transylvania.

Research stay in Norway

Ph. D students and young researchers from Romania and the Republic of Moldova can now apply for grants for research stays in Norway, through the YGGDRASIL Programme 2011/2012.

The Yggdrasil mobility programme is open to all academic areas of study/ research. The applicants must be affiliated with a higher education and/or research institution. They can benefit from allocations that are intended to cover settling-in expenses and other expenses in connection with a research stay of 1-10 months in Norway, based on a fixed rate of approximately EUR 1.500/ month/ person.


International Competition and Festival
Easton, Pennsylvania, USA

Installations and performances that engage places of nature, art, and culture in transforming the post-industrial American city
DEADLINE: Friday, December 10, 2010, 4:00 PM (U.S. Eastern Standard Time)—Qualification Round.