Articles published by: Nickname


Magazine 94

33 Editor’s / Text: Constantin Goagea

34 Modernization and poetical reasoning / A campus for a cosmetics products company in South Korea/ Text: Carlos Castanheira

50  Change of image / Headquarters of an urban furniture company / Text: Cosmin Caciu
56 A discreet museum and the heritage / Museum of Solvene film actors / Text: Matjaz Bolcina, Ernest Milcinovic, Teja Savelli

62 The quiet neighbor / House on the outskirts of Sibiu / Text: Anca Bordean
68 Dossier: Ziegert / Roswag / Seiler
68 Intro: Stefan Ghenciulescu
70 Habitat cabo delgado, Mozambique / Schools in poor regions from Mozambique

78 Gentle modernization /  Exhibition and visitor centre in Abu Dhabi
86 Handmade school / Alternative school in Bangladesh

92 A public building / The new technical building of a volunteer firemen’s organization in Germany
96 Two houses in Germany / A rehabilitation and an extension

104 Protective closings and openings / A house with two internal courtyards, in Japan
108 The inhabited cantilever / A japanese dwelling made of wood with a cantilevered structure

112 A chronicle for a public space / Occupying the National Centre for dance in Bucharest / Text: Teodora Raduca

118 Sun lamp / A sun tunnel realized by Velux company and the designer Ross Lovegrove / Text: Stefan Ghenciulescu

Velux, Model Home 2020 |  Conferinta de Arhitectura GIS | Serile zeppelin no. 31, Eco-zeppelin | Ursa Romania, | Rheinzink, Sisteme inovative pentru fatade, |  Egger, More from | Rehau, Eficienta energetica | Delta Design, |Alukoenigstahl, Schuco Ventotherm | Lafarge, Nida WAB – placa de gips carton pentru conditii extreme | Duravit, Living bathrooms | Hafele, Finding Better | Rockwool Romania, Termoizolatii rezistente la foc | Semmelrock, Passion for paving | Bramac, Protejeaza cu adevarat lucrurile de pret | MCA Grup  „Termo Storuri din aluminiu cu protectie termica.” | Rigips “ Rigips Fonic. Da linistea mai tare! | Bel Profile ” Classic solutions for future architecture”



Magazine content 93

33 Editor’s / Text: Constantin Goagea

34 Dossier / Tony Fretton Architects


Magazine 93

33 Editor’s / Text: Constantin Goagea

34 Dossier / Tony Fretton Architects

36 Atemporal serenity / Text: Tony Fretton Architects
44 Red house / Text: Tony Fretton Architects

50 Interior between blind walls / Text: Tony Fretton Architects
56 Porous architecture / Text: Kuba & Pilar Architekti

66 Urban completion / Text: Kuba & Pilar Architekti
72 Postindustrial Conversion / Text: Emre Arolat, Nevzat Sayin

80 Urban Folds / Text: Emre Arolat, Gezin Evren
86 Dialogue with the landscape / Text: Salto Ab
90 Stories about places and their use / Text: Stefan Ghenciulescu

100 High school education and public space / Text: Cosmina Goagea, Klara Mathe
106 Polish Design. 1955-1968 / Text: Cosmina Goagea, Silviu Dancu

116 Howard “Dutch” Darrin / Text: Radu Comsa


Velux, Model Home 2020 | AMF, sisteme de plafoane | Conferinta de Arhitectura Inglass | Serile zeppelin no 30, 28 aprilie Exhibit Arhitectura | Ursa Romania, | Kludi, noile game Balance & Fizz, | Rheinzink, Sisteme inovative pentru fatade, | Roca, The leading global bathroom brand, | Reynaers, | Hafele, Finding Better Ways | Rockwool Romania, Termoizolatii rezistente la foc | Semmelrock, Passion for paving |  Bramac, Protejeaza cu adevarat lucrurile de pret | Think outside the box,


Magazine content 92

Editorial/ Text: Constantin Goagea

20 Between Cathedrals

A public space realized by Alberto Campo Baeza between the old and the new cathedrals of old Cadiz faces the sea and emphasizes meaningful pieces of collective memory.


Magazine 92

Editorial/ Text: Constantin Goagea

20 Between Cathedrals

A public space realized by Alberto Campo Baeza between the old and the new cathedrals of old Cadiz faces the sea and emphasizes meaningful pieces of collective memory.

38 An open conversion

A disused cinema theatre in Zagreb is turned into a new dance centre through some major structural modifications and adjustments to the conditions of a difficult urban site, all made by young Croatian 3LHD practice.

46 Soft geometry façades

The Municipal Sports Hall in Podcetrtek, Slovenia, is also designed for cultural events and represents a pole of urban attraction due to an unconventional design of its envelope.

52 Dossier: Randic-Turato Architects

A kindergarten, a lapidarium-museum, an extension for a monastery and an office building are associated via a same responsive gesture towards the plot, the materials and the habitation patterns.

82 Dossier: Buzesti – Uranus Axi

A piece of downtown disappears under our eyes. An interview with the project author, an article that opposes the operation, other reactions and counter-proposals, and a photo album.

114 Parametric Architecture

PAN Architects – a seed from HyperBODY – explores parametric digital techniques and morphogenetic strategies to design and make innovative non-standard architectural objects.

Info tehnic 

Velux Urban Life SustainablePlug’n’Play  AMF, sisteme de plafoane Haffele, finding better ways  Conferinta de Arhitectura Inglass Serile zeppelin, 24 martie design lounge event


Magazine content 91

22 Editor’s / Text: Constantin Goagea

24 Safe house / Text: Robert Konieczny – KWK Promes


Magazine 91

 22 Editor’s / Text: Constantin Goagea

24 Safe house / Text: Robert Konieczny – KWK Promes
30 There’s almost nothing / Text: Stefan Ghenciulescu
34 A workshop-house and a garden for butterflies / Text: Diego Barajas, Camilo Garcia & Francisco Amaro
42 Competitions in Cluj and Campina / Text: Stefan Ghenciulescu
44 Competition for Cluj university library
45 Ex-Aequo second award / Exhibit Arhitectura & Easternworks, Bozin & Szekely
50 Ex-Aequo second award / Lucian Parvulescu, Radu Pana, Flaviu Barbacaru
52 Ex-Aequo third award / Vlad Sebastian Rusu, Ilinca Marcu
54 Honorable mention  / Abrupt Arhitectura
60 Honorable mention / ADNBA
64 Competition for the centre of Campina municipality
65 Ex-Aequo second award / Soare & Yokina Arhitecti Asociati
68 Ex-Aequo second award / Emanuela Bozin, Catinca Popovici, Szekely Csaba
70 Ex-Aequo third award / Head made architecture
71 First honorable mention / Teodor Bogdan, Beta Birouri asociate de arhitectura, Andreea Enache
72 Second honorable mention  / Claudiu Toma si Parasite studio
73 Third honorable mention  / Diana Editoiu si Biroul Dico si Tiganas
74 A smart box for administration / Text: Bruno Moser
80 Guell river park / Text: Manuel Ruisanchez
84 Dorin Stefan – about a romantic design / Interviu: Constantin Goagea si Cosmin Caciuc
94 Architecture coefficient / Text: Republic of architects
100 Odile Decq – artisanal experimentation / Interviu: Cosmin Caciuc
110 Cane/ Who let the dogs out / Text: Jean Boumans
Calin Dan – anturaju’ and other stories
116 Convertible vs. pervertible / Text: Constantin Goagea / Foto: Stefan Tuchila. 
Technical info
Roca | Hafele | Knauf Insulation | Conferinta de Arhitectura Inglass | Serile zeppelin


Magazine content 90

32 Editor’s  / Manage on your own

34 Rehabilitation / From a boiler house to a centre of photography


Magazine 90

32 Editor’s  / Manage on your own

34 Rehabilitation / From a boiler house to a centre of photography

Dossier: Chile 8:8
42 Intro / Text: Stefan Ghenciulescu
44 Coya house

48 Pumanque wall
50 “Brisas del mar” elementary school

54 Modular solutions

58 Emergency and reconstruction: the will of the real
60 Proyecta memoria
62 Public space / Mayslits Kassif Arhitects / Regenerating a waterfront
70 Public space / Mayslits Kassif Arhitects / Mediterranean late – modernism
76 Neighbors / Kis Peter & Molnar Bea / Architecture parlante
82 Alternative / Magic Blocks 2010 / Behind the concrete curtain

96 Public space / Estonoesunsolar / Public spaces due to expire
102 Restoration / Miguel Roldan & Merce Berengue / Dressed in light

110 Competition / Studiobasar / A park for people and horses
114 Architourism / Episode 7. The present – at great speed

 Technical info

AMF | Baumatic | Bicau | Elis Pavaje | Hafele | Holcim Romania | Lafarge | ECI Romania | Romania Green Buiding Council |Saint Gobain Glass | Velux | | Nexte Bank |


Magazine content 89

38: In memoriam Arh. Ion Mircea Enescu

42: Editor’s

44: Dossier
The 2010 Bucharest Architecture Biennale resources for architecture