zeppelin magazine | no #97


Magazine content 97

33 Editorial 
Text: Constantin Goagea

34 Can Framis Museum
> a conversion in Poble Nou district from Barcelona
Text: BAAS
Introduction: Jean Craiu

Talking with Cristi Puiu

Post de: Constantin Goagea

More or less on Aurora and Bucharest, on factories and blocks and on art as a sophisticated riddle.

One room on Plantelor Street. After 20 minutes of talk with Cristi, am so absorbed that I almost forget we are recording it. We talk about film and architecture, what is beyond definitions. He speaks about the cinema beyond the clichés of a dictionary, while I talk about the unspoken side of architecture, the void.


Urban / Periurban

Post de: Mihai Dutescu

The architecture of this block of flats is mostly due to the critical reference to an unfortunate context and to the negotiation between the individual and the collective.

Developed in one of the famous satellite-dormitory-cities of Bucharest, quiet yet lacking any character – besides the one given by some expensive and anachronic self-referential buildings, appearing from behind some giant fences – this project was from the very beginning marked by a critical-ironical detachment from the context.

A roof for the centre of urban activity

Post de: Arhitektura Krusec

Built in a public-private partnership, the new market in Celje was designed as a generator of life in the city centre able to resuscitate the surrounding area.

The town market is situated in the heart of the city. Ever since it was formed, in the middle of the previous century, the market has represented the centre of urban activity in the city.


Editor’s: Monsieur Rivi is a scholar

Post de: Constantin Goagea

The world is big. The top is not so big. I have escaped, ran away to get away from madness. And the time of holiday arrived. So, a low cost, the B?neasa Airport (remarkable, clearly), I push myself to complete the things I kept wishing for. From a health point of view, it was the right time. Getting relaxed I mean. I start reading a volume by Alessandro Baricco – “The Barbarians. An essay on the Mutation” – perhaps you heard of it, or even read it by now.

September 2011