29 Editor’s / Text: Constantin Goagea
34 Hawkins\Brown + Studio Egret West: A Regeneration of Community Residences
> Rehabilitation development of a post-war community residences in Sheffield
44 Martin Lepej, Martin Bosík, Robert Sekula: A Box for Hikers
> A touristic shelter for the hiking routes
48 EAA–Emre Arolat Architects: Mediation Between Oppositions
> Raif Dinçkök Yalova Cultural Center, Turkey
54 Imoplan: Valuing Constraints
> An office building in Bucharest
Text: Andrei Margulescu
62 P-U-R-A: Unintended Landmark
Text: Rene Dlesk
> A house in Slovakia
66 Zeppelin: Small Repair Works
Text: Constantin Goagea
> From a recent ruin to a house
74 An Essential Public Place
> Competition for University Square in Bucharest
Text: Stefan Ghenciulescu
84 Almost Nothing
> Competition for the „Johannes Honterus” Court, Brasov
Text: Stefan Ghenciulescu
90 Ctrl + Z: Social Interventions
Text: Gianluca Stasi, Ctrl+Z
> Social activities promotion and alternative facilities for cultural production
96 Urban Activations in Romania
Text: Zeppelin
> An exhibition including 14 recent projects: public space, protecting the heritage, independent culture and social projects
102 IF–Eurobike Award 2011
Text intro: Mugur Grosu
> The event designed to highlight the most innovative, functional and sustainable bicycles
108 Radu Manelici & Ionut Olteanu: Aaron + Formal, Experimental Typefaces
114 Fragments of Eden
Text: Stefan Tuchila
> The seventh edition of international contemporary photo meetings in Timisoara (SurExpositions)
Technical info
Hafele, Finding Better Ways
Bel Profile, Classic solutions for future architecture
Roca, The leading global bathroom brand
Hunter Douglas, Hunter Douglas Romania
AMF, Sisteme de plafoane
Kludi, Bateriile Kludi premiate la cele mai ravnite competitii de design
- Recommend on FacebookTweet about it
Text: Constantin Goagea
34 J. Mayer H. Architects , Metropol Parasol
Text: Irina Rotaru
> urban regeneration in Seville- Recommend on FacebookTweet about it
Text: Constantin Goagea
34 J. Mayer H. Architects , Metropol Parasol
Text: Irina Rotaru
> urban regeneration in Seville42 A69 – architekti: Urban fragments and connections
Text: A69 – architekti
> Redefining a pedestrian zone in Czech Republic46 Lewicki Latak: Urban block and module
Text: Cosmin Caciuc
> Collective housing estate in Wroclaw, Poland52 Lewicki Latak: The interwoven square
> Rehabilitation of some urban spaces in Poland
Text: Cosmin Caciuc56 Tecon: Type
Text: Stefan Ghenciulescu
> A covered swimming pool in Campina62 Dosar: Arriola & Fiol Arquitectes
> The taming of an old urban infrastructure, a fire station and a block of social flats
62 Intro
Text: Stefan Ghenciulescu
64 From a Highway to an Urban Avenue
72 Reference to landscape74 Contextual adaptations
78 Planwerk: Densification and activation in Cluj
Text: Stefan Ghenciulescu
> Restoration and expanding a house in the historical center84 Abral Artproduct: House of Master Marinache
Text: Justin Baroncea
> Restoration of a heritage building in Calarasi90 Talca – An Educational Pattern
Text: José Luis Uribe Ortiz
> Six diploma projects at the School of Architecture within the University of Talca, in Chile106 Towards Ecoregionalism? Ep. 3
Text: Cosmin Caciuc
> A recartography of last decades’ various kinds of regionalism112 At the Pharmacy
Text : Voica Nicolaescu
> A design studio, four examples of cooperation with architects and a new kind of pharmacies.Technical info
Velux, International Velux Award 2012, www.viz.velux.com
FSB, It’s in your hands, www.fsb-worldwide.com
Roca, The leading global bathroom brand, www.roca.com
Fakro, Ferestre de mansarda FTP-V P2 Secure, www.fakro.ro
AMF, Sisteme de plafoane, www.amf.ro
Rehau, Eficienta energetica, www.rehau.ro/GENEO
Hafele, Finding Better Ways, www.hafele.ro
Bel Profile, Classic solutions for future architecture, www.bravoholding.ro
Huelsta, Multi-Forma II de la Huelsta, www.huelsta-studio.ro
Hedwig, Imprimare 3 D, Scanare 3 D, Proiectare 3 D CAD, www.hedwig.ro
Sensio Mobili, In contra sens cu criza, www.sensio.ro
Holcim Foundation, Holcim Awards for sustainable construction, www.holcimawards.org
Hunter Douglas, Hunter Douglas Romania, www.hunterdouglascontract.com
Zumtobel, gama Light Fields, www.zumtobel.ro
Duravit, gama Darling New, www.mynewdarling.com- Recommend on FacebookTweet about it
37 Editorial
Text: Constantin Goagea42 Three by Three
> Roldán + Berengué arqts.: social housing in Barcelona
Text: Roldán + Berengué arqts.- Recommend on FacebookTweet about it
37 Editorial
Text: Constantin Goagea42 Three by Three
> Roldán + Berengué arqts.: social housing in Barcelona
Text: Roldán + Berengué arqts.50 A Contextual Contribution
> Roldán + Berengué arqts.: primary assistance center in La Garriga, Spain
Text: Roldán + Berengué arqts.56 A restored mansion for a Capital of Culture
> Maruša Zorec, Matjaž Bol?ina: restoration an conversion in Maribor, Slovenia
Text: Cosmin Caciuc62 A Shelter for Mountaineers
> Miha Kajzelj: tourist shelter in Kamniške Alps, Slovenia
Text: Miha Kajzelj66 Renewal and Continuity
> Gábor Kruppa: Roman-Catholic church in Budapest
Text: Gábor Kruppa
70 The C House
> Ene+Ene Arhitectura: single-family dwelling in Bucharest
Text: Ene+Ene Arhitectura76 Dossier: Estudi Massip-Bosch Arquitectes
> three public buildings in Barcelona and Tàrrega, Spain
76 Ten years later
Text: Radu Negulescu
78 A Contextual Tower
Text: Estudi Massip-Bosch Arquitectes
84 An Urban Anchorage
Text: Estudi Massip-Bosch Arquitectes
92 Low profile emplacement
Text: Estudi Massip-Bosch Arquitectes
94 Form Fringes
Text: Enric Massip-Bosch96 A Laboratory
> Corvin Cristian: a cocktail bar in the historic center of Bucharest
Text: Stefan Ghenciulescu100 BMW Guggenheim Lab
> Atelier Bow-Wow: mobile laboratory to reinvent the urban experience in New York
Text: Cosmin Caciuc104 O’Mighty Green
> criticism of “green” demagogy in architecture
Text: Beatriz Ramo – STAR strategies + architecture108 Towards Ecoregionalism? Ep. 2
> a recartography of last decades’ various kinds of regionalism
Text: Cosmin Caciuc114 A stage in a ruin
> Atelier MASS: temporary arrangement in Blaj
Text: Atelier MASS116 Sculptural discretion
> Matthew Hilton: furniture design
Text : Mihai GureiTechnical info
BN Office Solution. Unlimited space,www.bnos.comAlukoenigstahl, Energie verde pentru planeta albastra, www.alukoenigstahl.com
Velux, Daylight Visualizer www.viz.velux.com
Basf, The Chemical Company www.basf.com
FSB, It’s in your hands www.fsb-worldwide.com
Roca, The leading global bathroom brand, www.roca.com
FAKRO, Ferestre de mansarda FTP-V P2 Secure www.fakro.ro
AMF, Sisteme de plafoane www.amf.ro
Kludi, Smart Luxury pentru baie si bucatarie, Gama Zenta www.kludi.ro
Rehau, Eficienta energetica www.rehau.ro/GENEO
Hafele, Finding Better Ways, www.hafele.ro
Knauf Insulation, E timpul sa economisim energie, www.knaufinsulation.ro
Rockwool Romania, Termoizolatii rezistente la foc, www.rockwool.ro
Sika Romania, Solutii Sika de la fundatie la acoperis, www.sika.ro
Bel Profile, Classic solutions for future architecture, www.bravoholding.ro
Semmelrock, Passion for paving, www.semmelrock.ro
Huelsta, Gama Mega Design de la Hulsta, www.huelsta-studio.ro
Kasta Metal, Relaxare & Rafinament, www.kasta.com
Wienerberger, Caramizi create pentru noi, www.wienerberger.ro
Devon & Devon, Eleganta inconfundabila, www.devon-devon.com
Hedwig, Imprimare 3 D, Scanare 3 D, Proiectare 3 D CAD, www.hedwig.ro
Autodesk, Noul Auto Cad LT 2012, www.autocadlt.ro
Kult, Valcucine: Geniul Italian prin excelenta din septembrie prin Kult ! Homestories, www.kult.com.ro
Madira Design,Creaza-ti propriul model de tapet, www.madiradesign.ro
Arhitext, www.arhitext.com
Muzeul Taranului Roman, www.muzeultaranuluiroman.ro/
Forumul Cultural Austriac, www.austriacult-bucuresti.ro/
Muzeul Benzii Desenate, www.muzeulbd.ro/
Muzeul National de Arta al Romaniei, www.mnar.arts.ro/
Institutul Cultural Roman, www.icr.ro/
Muzeul National de Arta Contemporana, www.mnac.ro/- Recommend on FacebookTweet about it
33 Editorial
Text: Constantin Goagea34 Can Framis Museum
> a conversion in Poble Nou district from Barcelona
Text: BAAS
Introduction: Jean Craiu- Recommend on FacebookTweet about it
33 Editorial
Text: Constantin Goagea34 Can Framis Museum
> a conversion in Poble Nou district from Barcelona
Text: BAAS
Introduction: Jean Craiu44 Modernism Continuity
> the new biotechnical faculty building in Ljubljana
Text: Arhitektura Krušec50 A roof for the centre of urban activity
> the new market in Celje, Sovenia
Text: Arhitektura Krušec56 urban / periurban
> a block of flats in one of the famous satellite-dormitory-cities of Bucharest
Text: Mihai Dutescu60 An underground auditorium
> an unconventional concert hall for a chamber orchestra in Istanbul
Text: Nevzat Sayin66 Basement Gallery
>turning a sinister place into an urban and architectural event
Text: Stefan Ghenciulescu70 Bucharest Central Integrated Urban Development Plan
> a sustainable and efficient strategy
Text: Cosmina Goagea76 Archiprix
Text: Constantin Goagea80 Residential Containers
> remodelling and extending the attic of a building in Prague
Text: Petr Hájek84 Talking with Cristi Puiu
Interview: Constantin Goagea92 Towards Ecoregionalism? Ep. 1
> recartography of last decades’ various kinds of regionalism
Text: Cosmin Caciuc96 “Upsurge and Vigor!” Socialist Design in Romania
Text: Mirela Duculescu102 The Venice Art Biennale
Text : Ioana Ghenciulescu Violet, Adrian BojenoiuTechnical info
Alukoenigstahl, Energie verde pentru o planeta albastra, www.alukoenigstal.ro
Basf, The Chemical Company. www.basf.com
Bel Profile, Classic solutions for future architecture www.bravoholding.ro
DEVON & DEVON, Eleganta inconfundabila – www.devon-devon.com
FAKRO, Ferestre de mansarda FTP-V P2 Secure, www.fakro.ro
FSB, It’s in your hands, www.fsb-worldwide.com
Hafele, Finding Better Ways www.hafele.ro
KASTA METAL, Relaxare & Rafinament www.kasta.com
Lafarge gips, Nida Wab si piatra filosofala, www.lafarge.ro
MCA Grup, TermoStoruri din aluminiu cu protectie termica. www.mcagrup.ro
Nowy Styl Group, Delivering variety www.nowystylgroup.com
REHAU, Unlimited Polymer Solutions – www.rehau.com
RIFF, Conferinta de acoperisuri, izolatii, fatade, pardoseli. www.ieriff.ro
Roca, The leading global bathroom brand, www.roca.com
Rockwool Romania, Termoizolatii rezistente la foc www.rockwool.ro
Semmelrock, Passion for paving www.semmelrock.ro
SIKA ROMANIA, solutii Sika de la fundatie la acoperis www.sika.ro
URSA, Insulation for a better tomorrow, www.ursa.ro
VEKA : Usi culisante – Deschidere sigura si eleganta catre natura www.veka.ro
Velux, Daylight Visualizer, www.viz.velux.com
WIENERBERGER Building Value www.wienerberger.ro
Arhitext www.arhitext.com
Atelier Photon www.atelierphoton.ro
Centrul de Instrospectie Vizuala www.pplus4.ro
Festivalul George Enescu www.festivalenescu.ro
Forumul Cultural Austriac www.austriacult-bucuresti.ro
Institutul Cultural Roman www.icr.ro
Institutul Polonez www.culturapoloneza.ro
Muzeul National de Arta Contemporana www.mnac.ro
Muzeul Taranului Roman www.muzeultaranuluiroman.ro
Radio Romania Muzical www.romania-muzical.ro
ROGBC www.rogbc.org
Scoala ADC RO www.scoalaadc.ro
Spatiulconstruit.ro www.spatiulconstruit.ro
TUP www.tup-expo.ro- Recommend on FacebookTweet about it
30 Editorial
Text: Constantin Goagea32 Leviathan
> Anish Kapoor’s installation for Monumenta 2011
Text: Stefan Tuchila- Recommend on FacebookTweet about it
30 Editorial
Text: Constantin Goagea32 Leviathan
> Anish Kapoor’s installation for Monumenta 2011
Text: Stefan Tuchila42 Dossier: STARH
> the most recent works of Florian and Iulia Stanciu
Text: Stefan Ghenciulescu
42 Intro
48 Structure Space
54 The Tower House
58 Recovery and densification
64 Cleaning-up and typological extension68 Chanel Mobile Art
> / The temporary pavilion designed by Zaha Hadid in Paris.
Text: Stefan Tuchila74 Social Housing
> 1×2 Studio: two projects from Serbia with extremely limited surfaces and budgets
Text: Zoran Abadic80 The contest of solutions for the Park of Livada Postei, Brasov
Text: Cosmin Caciuc86 Smart Geometry 2011
> conference organized in Copenhagen and cutting edge architectural practice
Text: Andrei Kiss94 1: 1
> workshop on parametric design and digital manufacturing methods
Text: T_A_I100 History, public space and ecology in Alba Iulia
> Alba Carolina Citadel – world heritage destruction
Text: Irina Rotaru104 Street Delivery 2011
> a festival dedicated to public space architecture
Text: Serban Tiganas, Mirela Duculescu, Anca Pol, Irina Damian108 Canotca
> Rowmania project initiated by Ivan Patzaichin Association – Mila 23
Text: Cosmina Goagea112 T ii+. Put up yourself
> Prefabricated-part modular sound systems
Text: Justin BaronceaTechnical info
Hafele www.hafele.ro
Knauf Insulation www.knaufinsulation.ro
Rockwool Romania www.rockwool.ro
MCA Grup www.mcagrup.ro
Bel Profile www.bravoholding.ro
Kasta Metal www.kasta.com
Wienerberger www.wienerberger.ro
Grohe www.grohe.ro
RIFF www.ieriff.ro
Velux www.velux.ro
Delta Design www.deltadesign.ro
Roca www.roca.com
Made Expo www.madexpo.it
Nowy Styl Group www.nowystylgroup.com
Grolsch www.experamentalist.ro
FSB www.fsb-worldwide.com
Festivalul “George Enescu” www.festivalenescu.ro/
Forumul Cultural Austriac www.austriacult-bucuresti.ro/
Muzeul Benzii Desenate www.muzeulbd.ro/
Muzeul National de Arta al Romaniei www.mnar.arts.ro/
Institutul Cultural Roman www.icr.ro/
Muzeul National de Arta Contemporana www.mnac.ro/- Recommend on FacebookTweet about it
33 Editor’s / Text: Constantin Goagea
34 The courtyard of the four evangelist/ A cemetery extension located on an island between Venice and Murano / Text: David Chipperfield Architects
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