zeppelin magazine | no #96


Magazine content 96

30 Editorial 
Text: Constantin Goagea

32 Leviathan 
> Anish Kapoor’s installation for Monumenta 2011
Text: Stefan Tuchila

The “Canotca” – a model of innovative tradition recovery

Post de: Cosmina Goagea

The “Canotca” – a model of innovative tradition recovery. Rowmania project initiated by Ivan Patzaichin Association – Mila 23 aims at supporting locals and traditions specific to the Danube Delta.

Romania seen from a boat may look like a better world. However, the chance of this world consists in ever preserving and recovering normality which defines it, its non-contamination and some natural gestures, as discreet as possible, less invasive and more thoughtful.


History, public space and ecology in Alba Iulia

Post de: Irina Rotaru

Alba Carolina Citadel – a story about world heritage destruction advertised as cultural valorisation and supported by EU funds.

Recently, in our 93 issue, I was pointing out a highly questionable intervention carried out on the Alba Carolina citadel from Alba Iulia, important reference for Vauban citadels. The previous text was especially impugning the concept of the project conceived by arch. Gheorghe Lancrajan-Franchini assonant to the European level principles.


Post de: Stefan Tuchila

Anish Kapoor’s installation for Monumenta 2011 is a true architectural piece of work, an exceptional discourse about interior and exterior, limits, structure, and scale.
Ever since its opening during the World Exhibition of 1900, Grand Palais was a major exhibition space in France’s capital.


Editor’s: Basarab Bridge: My New York for a couple of hours

Post de: Constantin Goagea

I am referring to those few hours when the pedestrians and bikes were allowed on the bridge. No one knows why, but even the wedding party from the little church nearby came to have their pictures taken on the bridge. Many curious people rushed in for a couple of hours. Bikes came out of the blue. And the roller skaters too!

July - August 2011