Articles published by: Nickname


Arhitectura magazine no 11

  • in memoriam victor fulicea 
  • editorial / cosmina goagea
  • produse & identitati
    :westfourth architecture. profil de firma / stefan ghenciulescu
    :europe house, bucuresti / oana rotaru
    :13 proiecte / westfourth architecture
    :danone blue. fabrica danone, rotselaar, belgia (van broeck & meuwissen) / oana bogdan
    :posterificarea arhitecturii / cosmin caciuc
    :mall-ul inevitabil / celia ghyka
    :interviu cu james paul ryan, director jpra architects / celia ghyka, daniela mangiuca
    :doua mall-uri din romania / diana diaconescu
    :printre gene, amsterdam ( mario kuibus – re-act now studio) / anca sandu tomasevchi
  • arhitecturale
    :modernism temperat. casa nicol, dietach, austria ( bruce nicol, neil harkess)
  • outrageous / george harpau
  • infos
    :conferinta uia, bucuresti
    :conferinta oar, bucuresti


Arhitectura magazine no 10

  • editorial/ constantin goagea
  • arhitecturale

:paleontologie. restaurarea bibliotecii nationale din bucuresti (princer s.a.)/ petre swoboda si stefan ghenciulescu
:detalii. refunctionalizarea scolii hermann oberth (arh. liviu gligor)/ cosmin caciuc

  • teorie

:labirintul/ kazmer kovacs

  • culori noi

:shopping. magazinul fabrik, bucuresti ( andrei serbescu
:casa pascut/ cosmin caciuc
:arhitectura ca resursa. concurs studentesc/ stefan ghenciulescu

  • design

:un designer incognito/ constantin goagea

  • urban

:orasul intr-o lume multiculturala (II). new york – intre trecut si prezent/ victor neumann
:restaurarea casei schuller din medias/ hermann fabini
:outrageous/ george harpau


magazine no 9

  • editorial / cosmina goagea
  • in memoriam sanda voiculescu / nicolae lascu

:dossier america
:new york city blues / kazmer kovacs

  • :south central la / letitia barbuica
  • :ground zero revisited / gabriel bunea
  • :wtc in memoriam / anca sandu tomasevschi
  • :hudson – interview with anda andrei / stefan ghenciulescu
  • :america, america! / celia ghyka
  • :glass and steel can be replaced, but not human lives/ interview with mike pudists (mya)
  • :the city in a multicultural world/ victor neumann


:architects’ ball

:dracula park / constantin goagea

:furniture (ram) / cristian mihu

:multiples / cosmin caciuc

  • info

:reha europa project / stefan ghenciulescu

  • :hostorical centre of the capital – directions of local economic development / vera marin
  • :outrageous / george harpau

Catalan contemporary architecture

16 November – 20 December 2004,
“Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning, Bucharest

The exhibition focused on Catalonia and its architectural state-of-the-art architecture. We did not aim to have a division of style, since the trends and styles are least applicable in the Iberic Peninsula.

Calup / DARK MATTERS / a project of urban regeneration through culture

Calup invites you to Caimatei 10 exhibit- party to experience three floors of installations, visual art and party in the darkness, through a game of light and sound. 
 DARK MATTERS is a punctual intervention in Bucharest’s cultural landscape which opens the space of an inaccessible sumptuous villa. 
 Nocturna Collective gathers forces with Calup team for the first reveal of one of Bucharest’s monuments, Caimatei 10 villa, where art will merge with night life

Taking the totalitarian city for a walk

Barcelona’s La Rambla is split in about three places. Half of the medieval centre disappears.
Cerdà’s extension loses, as percent, fewer surfaces, but it’s enough to have no kind of continuity and stop working as an urban system. Right behind this mad axis and the concrete curtains, fragments of blocks from the famous grid or of the historic fabric are left.

Taking the Totalitarian City for a Walk

Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu, Bogdan Ilie, Dan Achim

Barcelona’s La Rambla is split in about three places. Half of the medieval centre disappears. Cerdà’s extension loses, as percent, fewer surfaces, but it’s enough to have no kind of continuity and stop working as an urban system. Right behind this mad axis and the concrete curtains, fragments of blocks from the famous grid or of the historic fabric are left.


Constantin Goagea

Project manager
Cosmina Goagea


Post de: cosmina

Zeppelin: Constantin Goagea, Cosmina Goagea, Ștefan Ghenciulescu, Adrian Dobre.   

Point4: Justin Baroncea,  Radu Enescu.

Collaborations: Ada Demetriu, Vitalie Cataraga, Jean Craiu, Dragoș Dragnea.

Project Manager : Virgil Rezuș.

Back to chaos

Economy is still in a bad shape, and so is architecture. If that weren’t enough, two recent events leave us with a bitter taste regarding the situation and the perspectives of the Romanian urban realm. First, we have a new and sinister law for urbanism. Taking the problems in the recent law as an argument (well, there certainly were things to improve there), we have now get an official comeback of derrogative planning and speculation cherished by law, as well as a weakened protection of the natural and built heritage. The argument that this will attract investitors is laughable: even more in times of crisis, a serious investor will think twice before committing on the long term in a place where the rules continually change.