Articles published by: Nickname


Zeppelin evenings 07

a meeting up to the mark | design and architecture workshop & happy hours

Gardens with its houses and objects 

Serban Sturdza comes to zeppelin 07 to tell you a story about the pleasure of builduing with simple tools and forgotten techniques. Little is not just more, but also better.


Zeppelin evenings 06

a meeting up to the mark | design and architecture workshop & happy hours

re-vision bangkok 
new media art in public space
invitee: Mihaela Kavdanska 

Series of exotic flights goes on with a project in the field of contemporary art, a workshop and a trip to the far off Bangkok.


Zeppelin evenings 05

a meeting up to the mark | design and architecture workshop & happy hours

A special zeppelin with two invitees from Japan: arch. Yasuhiro Yamashita (Tekuto workshop) and professor Riichi Miyake (Miyake Lab).


Zeppelin evenings 04

a meeting up to the mark | design and architecture workshop & happy hours

Urban landscape as a genesis of the project

At his second visit to Bucharest, the architect Juan Trias de Bes from Barcelona will tell us about the accomplishments of its workshop.


Zeppelin evenings 03

a meeting up to the mark | design and architecture workshop & happy hours

The third zeppelin is driving you directly to Tokyo with the speed of express train: a fascinating experience in a visionary city.


Zeppelin evenings 02

a meeting up to the mark | design and architecture workshop & happy hours

Arhitectura magazine and KLUDIstudio is inviting you at the second flight in zeppelin. Series of architecture events started in February continue with 2 conferences followed by a discussion. The theme of this edition: public buildings architecture and the big operations in urbanism and architecture.


Zeppelin evenings 01

a meeting up to the mark | design and architecture workshop & happy hours

Arhitectura magazine and KLUDIstudio is inviting you at ZEPPELIN
Special invitees at this first flight are the hungarian architects Benczur Laszlo and Peterffy Miklos, who will present the first Designhotel from Budapest, on Lanchid street. Designhotel is an architecture experiment made in collaboration with the students of Design Faculty in Budapest, a very disputed, discussed and praised project. 


Arhitectura magazine no 13 summary

  • editorial / constantin goagea 
  • dosar: calibrari

:masura lui plecnik / kazmer kovacs


Arhitectura magazine no 13

  • editorial / constantin goagea 
  • dosar: calibrari
    :masura lui plecnik / kazmer kovacs
    :interviu cu hans verplanke si hans croon / oana bogdan
    :niels auner:restaurarea restitutie a atingerii lucrurilor / cosmin caciuc
    :amenajare de interior: stop cadru – magazinul irina schroetter – mall bucuresti / designer: friedrich schmidt / diana diaconescu
    :design in ciuda crizei – sergiu lalut / cosmina goagea
    :planwerk – scoala de vara tautelec 1998 – 2002 / torsten wild
    :portret bernhard winking / franz ullrich
    :casa dr. schally – florian stanciu & starh / ruxandra cristina irimia


Arhitectura magazine no 12

  • editorial / constantin goagea
  • dosar latino
    :latino / sefan ghenciulescu
    :luis barragan si “revolutia” (tacuta). meditatii pe marginea unei expozitii monografice de la mak, viena / horia marinescu
    :secvente: expozitia atelierului de arhitectura embt – enric miralles benedetta tagliabue arquitectes associats la colegiul arhitectilor din catalonia / benedetta tagliabue, elena nedelcu, embt
    :mario corea / oana bogdan
    :locul si memoria “straina”. scoala la mariusa, delta fluviului orinocco, oceanul atlantic, venezuela (alvaro rodriguez)
    :biblioteca masia bas platja d’aro, provincia girona, catalonia (jordi marce si dolors nadal) / justin baroncea, carmen popescu
    :parc pe domeniile ferate din caballito proiect de parc pe domeniile cailor ferate vest, buenos aires, argentina (pablo rozenwasser, daniel silberfaden)
    :noul spital al fundatiei guttmann din badalona, catalonia (josep lluis canosa, silvia barbera, sebastia mateu)
  • infos
  • outrageous / stefan ghenciulescu