Articles published by: Nickname


Zeppelin evenings 19 / Situationist Urbanism

Thursday March 25 from 19h till late
Bucharest, PAVILION UNICREDIT, 1 Nicolae Titulescu (Victoriei Square)

Boundary cities, cities of the future, situationist urbanism, communities and post-utopias. The German architect Wilfried Hackenbroich will tell us how the urbanism can be cool and creative and also about new instruments and concepts and case studies elaborated within the Bauhaus college.


Zeppelin evenings 18 / No Construction

Monday 16 November 16h
Romanian Peasant Museum (Horia Bernea Hall) 
Invitees: Kai Vöckler (Archis Interventions, Berlin), Michael Obrist (Feld 72, Vienna), Ivan Kucina (Belgrad); Justin Baroncea (Point 4, Bucharest)


Zeppelin evenings 17 / LINZ_5/30

Thursday 22 October 19h
bucharest, 10 libertatii blvd

LINZ _ 5/30

Justin Baroncea has been in December to Linz and he will tell us at zeppelin about alternative art and high top quality architecture.


Zeppelin evenings 16

Thursday 1 October from 19h till late 
bucharest, 10 libertatii blvd

We forget about mega programs, mega offices and mega compounds while listening to three stories about high-class architecture.


Zeppelin evenings 15 / StudioBASAR

Thursday 11 June from 20h till late
bucharest, 10 libertatii blvd

On June 11, we were playing search and rescue in an Oriental bazaar with a ghost and a tree with sparrows. Then, we would find many reading keys to understand the sophisticated – though common for us – space of Bucharest.


Zeppelin evenings 14 / Dorin Stefan, 6 + 1 projects

Thursday 7 May from 20h till late
bucharest, 10 libertatii blvd
invitee: Dorin Stefan

As you already got familiar with it, we are bringing a young architect to zeppelin. Well, actually he is about thirty years of career behind and works on increasingly larger projects.


Zeppelin evenings 13 / Designer or mouse keeper?

Thursday 23 April 19h
KLUDIstudio, 10 blvd libertatii
Invitee: Raymond Bobar | designer or mouse keeper?
Photo: Eros Nicolau, Graffiti HBfx

Raymond Bobar is a graphic designer, specializing in the fields of publication design, typography and lettering. He studied photography and multimedia.


Zeppelin evenings 12

Thursday 12 March, 19:00 hours 
KLUDIstudio, 10 libertatii blvd 
Invitee: Justin Baroncea | short scientific and anecdotal speech on intelligent parasites in architecture

Justin Baroncea has been working for 9 years at Barcelona and he learned the charm and the secrets of this place that he will reveal to us at the zeppelin from March.


Zeppelin evenings 11

a meeting up to the mark | design and architecture workshop & happy hours

Hyperlocked, hyperbolism and other adventures in design

What has to do a tassel hang up by the key of the grandma’s wardrobe with a sofa presented at the Milan Furniture Salon? A strange concept named Hyperbolism that put together sensual forms with rococo mathematics.


Zeppelin evenings 10

a meeting up to the mark | design and architecture workshop & happy hours

young blood 

It’s not about Dracula, not even about darked castles and torture instruments, but an edition dedicated to young architects, that bring young blood to Romanian architecture.