Articles published by: Nickname

The Hill Made of Houses: Lobe Block, Berlin

Project: Brandlhuber+ Emde, Burlon; Muck Petzet Architekten
Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu
Photo: Laurian Ghinițoiu

Project listed as finalist at EU Mies van der Rohe Awards, 2019

One building, 14 Houses. ADN BA: apartment building, str. Dragoș Vodă, Bucharest

Text: Ştefan Ghenciulescu
Photo: Cosmin Dragomir, Daniel Miro

The area defined by the Polonă and Eminescu Streets and Șoseaua Ștefan cel Mare is part of a rather old part of the Romania capital, Bucharest, with quiet streets, and all sorts of architecture, from imposing villas and pretty blocks of flats, to old slum houses. There are many poor people there, although the social structure is rapidly changing. It does not have the prestige and coherence of some of its adjoining neighbourhoods, and, as such, it also hardly contains any protected areas.

Edito: You are here

Text: Mugur Grosu

What can be more comforting when you get lost than the landmark on the map telling you where you are: you are here. Maybe a simple sign that indicates a destination. No wonder that in 2014 MoMA acquired for its permanent collection a representation of the red tear-shaped symbol that the Danish designer Jens Eilstrup Rasmussen had created for Google Maps.

BAUBAU / Bauhaus 100 Bucharest

Organisers: Goethe-Institut, Zeppelin, Stardust Architects

Intro: Brîndușa Tudor, Anca Cioarec, Ștefan Ghenciulescu

On the occasion of the Bauhaus centennial, Goethe Institutes all around the world have organized special programs; they have brought exhibitions, movies, lecturers etc., but they have also organized their own events, pretty much everywhere, in cooperation with local organizations:

Artists in-residence at Club ElectroPutere, 2019

ElectroPutere AIR (artists in-residence) is a program of the Centre for Art Club ElectroPutere developed within the framework of the creative, production and research centre, located in the city of Craiova in southwestern region of Romania.

Zeppelin #155 (autumn 2019)



A special edition Zeppelin: #30. Arhitecture in România, 1989-2019.

An album of 248 pages, 8 chapters, almost 100 projects.

Zeppelin #154 (summer 2019)



16. Edito: PUZZ_LIT. Poetry and resuscitation. On the street
Text: Mugur Grosu

18. DOSSIER: EU Mies Awards 2019
20. Intro
Text: Ştefan Ghenciulescu

For over 12 years, I have nominated, as an independent expert, works for the EU Mies Award, as to use its shortened name. In 2019, I had the privilege to be part of this edition’s jury. Together with my colleagues, we shortlisted 40 projects of the 383 submitted, then 5 finalist projects, then the award. Andwe visited all the 5 works selected in the final, as well as the one receiving the award for emergent architecture.

One week, 6 countries, 13 cities (because not all of them could be directly reached).
On-site discussions with architects, customers and, in some cases, users.
Architecture in all its states, and from many, many perspectives. […]

30. Beacon, Boundary Marker, Cocoon,and Bricolage
Cultural Center and Auditorium, Plasencia, Spain

ProJect: Selgascano
Photo: Laurian Ghiniţoiu

48. E26 (School Cafeteria)
Montbrun‑Bocage, France

Project & photo: BAST

56. A Beautiful and Responsible Project
The Transformation of 350 Dwellings, the Grand Parc Neighbourhood, Bordeaux, France

Project: Lacaton & Vassal architectes; Frédéric Druot Architecture; Christophe Hutin Architecture
Photo-reportage: Laurian Ghiniţoiu


The project consists in the transformation of 3 modernist social housing buildings from the 60s , while keeping the tenants inside during the process. […]

72. The Lamp Post in the Middle of the House
PC CARITAS, Melle, Belgium

Project: De Vylder Vinck Taillieu
Photo: Laurian Ghiniţoiu, Filip Dujardin, De Vylder Vinck Taillieu, BAVO, PC Caritas

90. A Radical Hill
Lobe Block, Berlin, Germany

Project: Brandlhuber + Emde, Burlon, Muck Petzet Architekten
Photo: Laurian Ghiniţoiu

104. Skanderbeg Square
Tirana, Albania

ProJect: Anri Sala, Plant en Houtgoed, iRI
Photo: Laurian Ghiniţoiu

122.. ZOOM

126. Nădăşan House, Cluj
Project: Miklós Péterffy
Text: Ştefan Ghenciulescu
PhFoto: Balázs Danyi

142. C_LAD
The Last House but One Down the Street

Project: Justin Baroncea, Dragoş Dragnea
Text: Justin Baroncea
Photo: Radu Malaşincu, Andrei Mărgulescu

154. Added Value
Refurbishment of an Apartament in the Ertler Building, Oradea
Project & text: Alexandru Szűz Pop
Photo: Kinga Tomos

Refurbishing a dwelling is a sort of a constant architects’ job: most times, this is how you start your career but, and this is also valid for very famous architects, these interior design projects continue to show up long after your starting years.

Almost the same as the individual home, an apartment refurbishment allows for explorations and experiments, which can influence larger-scale projects. More important, however, is the added value of such a project: what can you do/influence/generate, besides answering the topic itself ?

One of the things that the Romanian Design Week 2019 jurors appreciated so much in Alexandru Szüz Pop’s project was the approach of a wonderful example of Transylvanian Sezession. The project is inspired from the architectural principles of the building’s project, and symbolically reconstructs the lost original compartmentalization, overlaid on the new spatial limits. Besides, it also provides an example of good practice, through the respectful retake on the original joinery. All of it without the smallest trace of pastiche or stylistic reinterpretation. […]

162. The Joy of Micro‑Architecture
stardust architects

Text: Anca Cioarec & Brînduşa Tudor
Photo: Teodora Ungureanu, Vlad Albu, stardust architects

180. Sex by Anne Imhof
A Show Where Architecture Plays a Key Role
Text: Cosmina Goagea

185. Fictional projects & real problems

Archiprix International 2019/ Hunter Douglas Awards
Text: Cosmina Goagea

194-224. PLANS

Added value. Refurbishment of an appartment in the Ertle building, Oradea

Refurbishing a dwelling is a sort of a constant architects’ job: most times, this is how you start your career but, and this is also valid for very famous architects, these interior design projects continue to show up long after your starting years.

At Home On the Road. A journalist and a photographer moved into a campervan to be able to do their jobs

Text: Elena Stancu
Photo: Cosmin Bumbuț

Five years ago, we were renting a cramped one-bedroom in Piața Rosetti, Bucharest. We lived in a cold, dark twenty-five square meter room with high ceilings, in a formerly nationalized building.

STARH: The Order of Architects’ Wagon House. The Headquarters of the OAR Bucharest Branch

Proiect: Starh
Text: Ştefan Ghenciulescu
Foto: Radu Malașincu


A little context. Good practices, openness and modest heritage