Articles with TAG: magazine



Magazine 101

18 Editorial 

Text: Constantin Goagea

20 Perraudin Architectes: A garden for an ampelographic collection

Wine Museum, Corsica

30 Dossier: SYAA – working with the city

Intro: Stefan Ghenciulescu 

30 Negocating density. Apartment building.  

Text: Stefan Ghenciulescu 

36 A landscape of memory. A pre-design for Izvor Park. 

38 A living room for the city.  A proposal for University Square 

40 Dekleva Gregoric Arhitekti: Series and archetype

> Twin housing units and isolated dwellings on parcels, in Slovenia

46 3LHD: Design Hotel, Croatia

54 Larix Studio: Layers 

> Restoration of St Ann’s Chapel near Gheorgheni

60 Ruisanchez Arquitectes: Creation Factory, Barcelona 

> A centre for creative industries   

68 Dico & Tiganas: An Urban Arena

> The new stadium in Cluj

84 Urban Report 

84 Trafik Kor

87 Sustainable Society Games

Intro: Mugur Grosu 

EUROPOLY (intro: Constantin Goagea; text: Dejan Kaludjerovic)

HABITAT (text: the Creative Room) 

92 Tectonic culture: Kenneth Frampton vs. Neil Leach

Text: Cosmin Caciuc

97  Urban Frames – an interview with Jordi Surroca, architectural photographer

Text: Cosmin Caciuc

104 Dacian Groza: Mutual ingressions

> Architecture photography 

Text: Stefan Ghenciulescu 

110 City-Money-Architecture  Conference

Text: Zeppelin team

114 Santa’s Digital Workshop:

Parametric and interactive design 

116 One -piece design. With Anca Fetcu


Technical info

Thyssenkrupp Romania





Hunter Douglas Romania,



Elis Pavaje,





Magazine content 100

29 Editor’s / Text: Constantin Goagea

34 Hawkins\Brown + Studio Egret West: A Regeneration of Community Residences
> Rehabilitation development of a post-war community residences in Sheffield



Magazine 100

29 Editor’s / Text: Constantin Goagea

34 Hawkins\Brown + Studio Egret West: A Regeneration of Community Residences
> Rehabilitation development of a post-war community residences in Sheffield

44 Martin Lepej, Martin Bosík, Robert Sekula: A Box for Hikers
> A touristic shelter for the hiking routes

48 EAA–Emre Arolat Architects: Mediation Between Oppositions
> Raif Dinçkök Yalova Cultural Center, Turkey

54 Imoplan: Valuing Constraints

> An office building in Bucharest
Text: Andrei Margulescu
62 P-U-R-A: Unintended Landmark
Text: Rene Dlesk
> A house in Slovakia

66 Zeppelin: Small Repair Works
Text: Constantin Goagea
> From a recent ruin to a house

74 An Essential Public Place
> Competition for University Square in Bucharest
Text: Stefan Ghenciulescu

84 Almost Nothing
> Competition for the „Johannes Honterus” Court, Brasov
Text: Stefan Ghenciulescu

90 Ctrl + Z: Social Interventions
Text: Gianluca Stasi, Ctrl+Z
> Social activities promotion and alternative facilities for cultural production

96 Urban Activations in Romania
Text: Zeppelin
> An exhibition including 14 recent projects: public space, protecting the heritage, independent culture and social projects

102 IF–Eurobike Award 2011  
Text intro: Mugur Grosu
> The event designed to highlight the most innovative, functional and sustainable bicycles

108 Radu Manelici & Ionut Olteanu: Aaron + Formal, Experimental Typefaces

114 Fragments of Eden
Text: Stefan Tuchila
> The seventh edition of international contemporary photo meetings in Timisoara (SurExpositions)

Technical info

Hafele, Finding Better Ways

Bel Profile, Classic solutions for future architecture 

Roca, The leading global bathroom brand

Hunter Douglas, Hunter Douglas Romania

AMF, Sisteme de plafoane


Kludi, Bateriile Kludi premiate la cele mai ravnite competitii de design




Magazine content 99

32 Editorial

Text: Constantin Goagea

34 J. Mayer H. Architects , Metropol Parasol
Text: Irina Rotaru
> urban regeneration in Seville



Magazine 99

32 Editorial

Text: Constantin Goagea

34 J. Mayer H. Architects , Metropol Parasol 
Text: Irina Rotaru
> urban regeneration in Seville

42 A69 – architekti: Urban fragments and connections
Text: A69 – architekti
> Redefining a pedestrian zone in Czech Republic

46 Lewicki Latak: Urban block and module
Text: Cosmin Caciuc
> Collective housing estate in Wroclaw, Poland

52 Lewicki Latak: The interwoven square
> Rehabilitation of some urban spaces in Poland
Text: Cosmin Caciuc

56 Tecon: Type
Text: Stefan Ghenciulescu
> A covered swimming pool in Campina    

62 Dosar: Arriola & Fiol Arquitectes 
The taming of an old urban infrastructure, a fire station and a block of social flats
    62 Intro
    Text: Stefan Ghenciulescu 
    64 From a Highway to an Urban Avenue
   72 Reference to landscape

    74 Contextual adaptations
78 Planwerk: Densification and activation in Cluj
Text: Stefan Ghenciulescu
> Restoration and expanding a house in the historical center 

84 Abral Artproduct: House of Master Marinache
Text: Justin Baroncea
>  Restoration of a heritage building in Calarasi

90 Talca – An Educational Pattern
Text: José Luis Uribe Ortiz
> Six diploma projects at the School of Architecture within the University of Talca, in Chile

106 Towards Ecoregionalism? Ep. 3
Text: Cosmin Caciuc
> A recartography of last decades’ various kinds of regionalism

112 At the Pharmacy
Text : Voica Nicolaescu
> A design studio, four examples of cooperation with architects and a new kind of pharmacies.

Technical info

Velux, International Velux Award 2012,
FSB, It’s in your hands,
Roca, The leading global bathroom brand,
Fakro, Ferestre de mansarda FTP-V P2 Secure,
AMF, Sisteme de plafoane,
Rehau, Eficienta energetica,
Hafele, Finding Better Ways,
Bel Profile, Classic solutions for future architecture,
Huelsta, Multi-Forma II de la Huelsta,
Hedwig, Imprimare 3 D, Scanare 3 D, Proiectare 3 D CAD,
Sensio Mobili, In contra sens cu criza,
Holcim Foundation, Holcim Awards for sustainable construction,
Hunter Douglas, Hunter Douglas Romania,
Zumtobel, gama Light Fields,
Duravit, gama Darling New,