Articles with TAG: magazine



Magazine content 103

20 Editor’s

Text: Constantin Goagea

24 David Chipperfield in Vienna
> A department store in a difficult urban site in a historical fabric



Magazine 103

20 Editor’s

Text: Constantin Goagea

24 David Chipperfield in Vienna
> A department store in a difficult urban site in a historical fabric 
34 Dossier: Josep Ferrando Bramona
> A single-family house, a police station and a university building
34: House-as-topography
40: Nine bright courtyards
46: Continuity and difference
54 FAM architekti: Conversed typology
> A small single-family house in the Czech Republic
60 FAM architekti: Urban regeneration between blocks
> An arrangement project of the public space in the Czech Republic
64 Costa Fierros Arquitectos: Urban cohesion
> A project targeting both urban and landscape renovation in Seville
70 Dossier: Manadelucru 
> From a cannibal chair to a modern Orthodox church 
70: The chair atop another chair
72: A very long space and a Myriapod table
76: Among the trees
80: The Romanian Church of Alcala de Henares 
82 Flores & Prats Architects: Social container in Barcelona
> Apartment building 
94 Urban Report 
94: Volunteering and alternatives
Text: Stefan Ghenciulescu
98: Bus stops
Text: Mihaela Ghita
102 Wander
  Text : Ioana Ghenciulescu – Violet
> Erre: exhibition at the Centre Pompidou-Metz
108 Sheltered
Text : Robert Marin
> Robert Marin: exhibition at PAVILION
111 Thousands of great objects every day
Text : Cosmina Goagea
> Design for common objects
118 1 product  = 1 material + 1 procedure
Text: Stefan Ghenciulescu
> Alexe Popescu: Cookie Table, P-1 Wallet
Technical info
Alukoenigstahl, Energy 2, Fatada din aluminiu pentru case pasive,
Delta Design, Concurs pentru prototipuri de mobilier de baie,
Egger Romania, More from wood, 
HP, All – in one, total inglobat,
Knau AMF, Mai mult spatiu pentru inovatii,
Nolte home studio, Design Kitchens,



Magazine content 102

24 Editor’s 

Text: Constantin Goagea

26 Steven Holl in Biarritz: a museum devoted to the ocean and to surf

Text: Stefan Tuchila



Magazine 102

24 Editor’s 

Text: Constantin Goagea

26 Steven Holl in Biarritz

> a museum devoted to the ocean and to surf
Text: Stefan Tuchila
36 A Requisite Typological Change
> a block of flats in Bucharest 
42 Casanova + Hernandez architects: Camouflage
> a housing complex in the Netherlands
50 Pavel Mícek: Soft geometry
> a family house in Czech Republic
54 Pavel Mícek: Declivity and careful placement
> a family house in Czech Republic
58 unDAverde: The Mures Face 
> a project for the public space
Text: Georgiana Branea, Klaus Birthler
66 ATELIERFORM: The Place of Encounters
>a winning project in Europan 11 competition
68 Wolf House Productions + Gabriel Pascariu: The Blue Line  
> the winning project of the international town-planning competition for the Dnieper Islands in Kiev
74 Velek, Velková,Velek Architekti: Recovered Modernism 
> the restoration of an interwar cafe in Brno
Text: Cosmin Caciuc
82 Urban Report: Community’s Zero Degree 
> Romanian post-socialist suburb
88 Urban Report: Roofs in Belgrade
90 Tecon: Libro
> the Central University Library Cafeteria
93 Republic of Architects: X/O
> refurbishing the lobby of the “Europe House” office building in Bucharest
96 City-Money-Architecture Conference [2]
Text: Zeppelin team
102 Masahiro Harada: A laboratory for experimenting architecture
> experimental design
108 Vienna Design Week 2011
Text: Patrick Moraras 
113 Petrut Calinescu: Pride and Concrete
> photo
Technical info
BN Office Solution. Unlimited space,  
Egger Romania, More from wood, 
Delta Design, Concurs pentru prototipuri de mobilier de baie, 
Knau AMF, Mai mult spatiu pentru inovatii, 
Rockwool Romania, / 
Knauf Insulation. E timpul sa economisim energie, 



Magazine content 101

18 Editorial 

Text: Constantin Goagea

20 Perraudin Architectes: A garden for an ampelographic collection

Wine Museum, Corsica