Articles with TAG: architecture



Magazine 115

21 Editor’s: Copenhagen of course, Gehl Architects, Better Cities
(about Sustainable cities Conference. Foundations and our urban future)
Text: Constantin Goagea

24 Tony Fretton Architects: Concordant urban layers
Tony Fretton Architects has completed a new development of houses in the Dutch town of Den Helder, illustrating an intervention oriented toward the existing context of the city.

32 DOSSIER: Kochi Architect’s Studio
3 proiecte recente si radicale ale tinerilor arhitecti japonezi / three recent and radical projects of young Japanese architects

  • 32 47% House

A dwelling whose interior floor area fills up 47% of the space compared to its maximum floor area of the house with reference to the exterior covered space… This one turns the abiguous „outside” and „inside” spaces into a real housing core, not into its edge, just where private life and publicly displayed aspects get significantly interconnected.

  • 36 House Y

A small house built on a tiny plot, offering a new approach of the relation between inside and outside through a strategy articulating space and light by interpreting a traditional Japanese principle

  • 40 Amida House

A house based on “free section”, which critically re-investigates Le Corbusier’s principles generated with his well-known Dom-ino design

44 Aedes studio: Strategy of Opposites
>  Apartment building in Sofia

50 Luciano Cupelloni Architettura: Changeable Functions and Perennial Structure
>  Conversion of two pavilions for the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome

55 DOSSIER: C+S Architects

3 infrastructure objects and a post-industrial residential project: history meets technology in 4 refined projects in Venice and the Veneto region.

56 The infrastructure that becomes landscape design

  • 58 Designing time
  • 61 The inhabited infrastructure
  • 66 Urban Lake Housing

Urban Report

  • 72 Arhipera: Architecture on the edge

> About a group of social participatory architecture, the evolution from construction per se to community building and a different type of teaching architecture. 
Text: Lorin Niculae

  • 79 La Terenuri. A Shared Space in Manastur neighborhood, Cluj: or how to re-get the space between blocks of flats

Text: Lala Panait, Silviu Medesan

Smart Systems / rubric supported by Lafarge

  • 82 Patkau Architects: Wodden Shells on Ice

>  Innovative skating shelters in Canada

  • 85 Elii arquitectos: 7 modules for a folded wooden structure

A prefab structure for a house in Pedrezuela, Madrid, displays innovative concepts of assembling based on industrialized wooden panels.

90 Architecture Days 2013: a pavilion with an innovative wooden structure in Cluj

Text: Bogdan Gavriliu

93 Modulab: Ethics and technological innovation in design 
Text: Ioana Calen

98 Tandem. Creative Factories #3

  • 98  Handbook for the creative industry man. Low-profile and efficient Amsterdam

Text : Constantin Goagea

  • 103 Filaret Power Station

Text: Irina Diamandescu

104 Archiprix International 2013: Hunter Douglas Awards 

Text: Cosmina Goagea

108 Droog & Diller Scofidio + Renfro: Open house. Welcome to a Future Suburbia

A community experiment in Levittown, USA, with possible prototypes for urbanity and solutions to suburban subsistence

117 Romanian Design Week: Aiming at the product. Combina and Marco collections

>  The product design at the Romanian Design Week
Text: Liana Vasilescu



Magazine content 114

32 Julita Wójcik – the social interest of art
Interview by Cosmin Caciuc

38 Editor’s: The future is already here. It’s just not evenly distributed yet
Text: Cosmina Goagea



Magazine 114

32 Julita Wójcik – the social interest of art
Interview by Cosmin Caciuc

38 Editor’s: The future is already here. It’s just not evenly distributed yet
Text: Cosmina Goagea

40 schneider+schumacher architects: Carpet of Light for Artworks
>  An underground extension for the Städel Museum in Frankfurt establishes a discreete relation with the existent building, by cleverly integrating lightning, structural and climatic principles.

50 István Janáky & György Janáky: Elegy

Text: Péterffy Miklós
>  The Cultural Centre in Hódmezovásárhely, Hungary

60 DOSSIER: Infiniski 
>  Four houses and a small shop based on prefabrication, bioclimatic design, recycled reused materials, flexibility, modularity, non-polluting constructive systems and integration of renewable energy.

  • 60 Manifesto House
  • 64 El Tiemblo House
  • 66 House in Tarragona
  • 68 Five Recycled Containers for One Shop
  • 72 Modular Comfort

76  BIG, Topotek1 & Superflex: Superkilen 
>  A park in Copenhagen, with more than 100 different objects (genuine or copies) from more than 50 countries and with people of more than 50 different nationalities living in its immediate vicinity.

84 Tandem. Creative Factories #2
> Re-using industrial sites

  • 85 Klokgebouw Strijp S, Eindhoven: “Try to be different” / Text: Vera Cerutti
  • 88 WASP. Colonizing an industrial space in Bucharest / Text: Andreea Capitanescu

Urban Report 

90 Oberliht, Chisinau: 
Art, civic action and reflection over the post-totalitarian city 
Text: Vladimir US

102 Concordia Bakery: Social Responsibility and Savvy Business
>  A café and a new model of social business in the centre of Bucharest 
    Text: Cosmin Caciuc

Smart Systems
104 Studio Roosegaarde: Boo
>  An interactive installation by Daan Roosegaarde in Amsterdam

106 Vitamins & Maddak Inc.: Morph Folding Wheel
> MORPH™ Wheels – the world’s first ever foldable wheelchair wheel

108 Farm at the Office

> Beyond aesthetic improvement, the renovation of an office building in Tokyo involves a concept of urban farming, which encourages social interaction among employees.

117 Beacon 

Text: Bogdan Moga 
>  A night lamp made of copper tubes and joints

118 Lettrists, Isou & Co: Exhibition at The National Museum of  Contemporary Art Bucharest



Magazine content 113

20 Editor’s: The Public Space with Multiple Identity
Text: Cosmin Caciuc

22 Renzo Piano at Ronchamp
Text: Corina Laza
Controversies around the recent intervention right next to one of the major monu¬ments of modernity.



Magazine 113

20 Editor’s: The Public Space with Multiple Identity
Text: Cosmin Caciuc

22 Renzo Piano at Ronchamp
Text: Corina Laza
Controversies around the recent intervention right next to one of the major monu¬ments of modernity.

32 Klara Veer / A Kitchen for the PaintBrush Factory 
This tiny intervention in an independent art centre became an exercise in cultural programming and participative architecture

38 DOSSIER: Hondelatte Laporte Architectes 
Reasonable and surreal
>  A kindergarden in Boulogne-Billancourtand and two collective dwellings in Paris and Begles, France  –  overcome difficulties in their particular contexts by using shortcuts to the most appropriate and poetic solution.

Intro: Stefan Ghenciulescu 
    39 Kallistos – 32 social housing

45 Rebiere – 21 social housing

49 Giraffe Childcare Center

56 Zaha Hadid Architects: An Architectural Shell for Engineering Exhibits
> Riverside Museum in Glasgow

62 Open. About the public space at Zeppelin Evenings # 46
Text: Stefan Ghenciulescu

65 Planwerk Cluj: An Emblematic Place, a Place for Cars, Place for People.

Rehabilitating Piata Unirii in Brasov. Re-establishing the priorities of users in a single public space: first of all, pedestrians, then public transport, self-vehicles, and parking places finally.

72 Enota: A Hidden Extension
>  An annex for a dental studio in Slovenia

74 Enota: Floating Cubes
>  A roundabout’s central island in Slovenia

75 Tandem. Creative Factories # 1 
>  Re-using industrial sites

Westergasfabriek , Amsterdam. Culture Park as Global Village

Text: Vera Cerutti

Hesper S.A. / Steaua Rosie / Uzinele Erhardt Wolff S.A.R. 
Text: Irina Diamandescu 

Urban Report 
80 Susanne Hofmann Architekten & die Baupiloten
Intro: Cosmin Caciuc
    81 Kindergarten Lichtenbergweg

    89 Nido Piccolo Day Care Centre
    93 Summer School for Learning, Moving and Playing

Smart Systems 
96 ONL [Oosterhuis_Lénárd]:  Parametric Climbing Walls  
>  Computation technique and participatory design

101 Halley VI. Living and Reserching at the End of the World 
>  Britain’s latest Antarctic Research Station has been fully operational since February 2013, signalling a new dawn for 21st Century polar research. Britain’s latest Antarctic research station

106 Taking the totalitarian city for a walk 
Text: Stefan Ghenciulescu + Bogdan Ilie, Dan Achim
> An integrated platform with Google Earth, for visualising, measuring and comparing

109 Modulab: And Design for All 
>  3D printing applications
Text: Ioana Calen

112 Texture in product design: from Materialness to Trend 
Text: Anca Fetcu

114 Rucsandra Pop: Random America – People & Places. Artifacts & Signs
>  An exihibition about America through an anthropological lens

116 Point 4: Recomposing
Intro: Stefan Ghenciulescu
>  Recycling as a resource for design