- editorial / cosmina goagea
- in memoriam sanda voiculescu / nicolae lascu
:dossier america
:new york city blues / kazmer kovacs
- :south central la / letitia barbuica
- :ground zero revisited / gabriel bunea
- :wtc in memoriam / anca sandu tomasevschi
- :hudson – interview with anda andrei / stefan ghenciulescu
- :america, america! / celia ghyka
- :glass and steel can be replaced, but not human lives/ interview with mike pudists (mya)
- :the city in a multicultural world/ victor neumann
:architects’ ball
:dracula park / constantin goagea
:furniture (ram) / cristian mihu
:multiples / cosmin caciuc
- info
:reha europa project / stefan ghenciulescu
- :hostorical centre of the capital – directions of local economic development / vera marin
- :outrageous / george harpau