Articles with TAG: architecture


Editor’s: Copenhagen of course, Gehl Architects, Better Cities

Post de: Constantin Goagea

(about Sustainable cities Conference. Foundations and our urban future)

Among the first 5 in the world in the top of cities to experiment/live in, always as an example in architecture and design debates, to be found in scientific and academic references, or in the political practice, people keep on talking about the Danish model, Copenhagen and how happy its citizens are.


Editor’s: Participationism avant la lettre: looking back to past experience

Post de: Cosmin Caciuc

Participationism is a historiographical construct inspired by mid 1960s’ anthropology and social theories. About twenty years before theorizing, by 1945, Hassan Fathy was testing “participationism” within New Gourna project in Luxor, Egypt. The situation was unique: the Egyptian Department of Antiquities was relocating the local population from the endangered area containing ancient ruins, trying to reintegrate people into sustainable tourism circuit through craft activities that they could undertake.



Magazine content 116

16 Sou Fujimoto: Serpentine Gallery Pavilion, 2013
> Fujimoto proposes a new relationship of architecture with context and building technology, offering it as a bare scaffold for subsequent and spontaneous events and social relationships.
Text: Cosmin Caciuc

27 Editor’s: Participationism avant la lettre: looking back to past experience 
Text: Cosmin Caciuc 



Magazine 116

16 Sou Fujimoto: Serpentine Gallery Pavilion, 2013
> Fujimoto proposes a new relationship of architecture with context and building technology, offering it as a bare scaffold for subsequent and spontaneous events and social relationships.
Text: Cosmin Caciuc

27 Editor’s: Participationism avant la lettre: looking back to past experience 
Text: Cosmin Caciuc 

28 Latz+Partner: Factory to Park

>  What was left of industry becomes “layers” into a large conversion,
determining the content and spatial framework of the Parco Dora in Turin.

36 Ana-Maria Goilav Guran: Continuing a Traditional Architecture
> The project for Church of the Psychiatry Hospital in the village of Voila does not copy images, interpreting instead a spatial and structural logic.

42 DOSSIER: Mexic

    Editors: Alexandra Demetriu, Alberto Canavati, Jean Craiu

  • 42 Intro: Modernity and tradition recaptured. About the evolution of authorial architecture in Mexico / Text: Alexandra Demetriu, Alberto Canavati, Jean Craiu
  • 45 Deeply Traditional and Still Modern: University Olympic Stadium in Ciudad de México
    Text:  Beatrice-Gabriela Jöger
  • 48 Luis Aldrete & Magui Peredo, Cynthia Mojica: Shelters on the Ruta del Peregrino
    Text: Jean Craiu
  • 52 Fernanda Canales: A Garden and a Library
  • 55 Dear Architects: A Shelter for Individuality / Text: America Miranda
  • 59 MMX: Two Pavilions
  • 64 MMX: Autonomous Units and Differentiated Courtyards
  • 67 TALLERDEARQUITECTURA: Gardens, Courtyards and Open Boxes for Artistic Education
  • 72 Productora: Recycling the past future


74 Buzesti-Berzei Axis, Again. A Discussion about Modernity and Democracy
Investigation: Stefan Ghenciulescu

  • 76 Architect Constantin Enache: About the Project
  • 79 What Kind of Modernity are We Talking About? The War of the Paradigms
  • 82 (Non)democratic Urbanism, and Building a New Practice

88 Complexity: Zeppelin Night #48

  • Calin Negoescu: partner at Westfourth Architecture studio (Bucharest–New York)
  • Serban Tiganas: co-director at Dico & Tiganas studio, Cluj
  • Adrian Spirescu: professor at University of Architecture and Urbanism Ion Mincu, Bucharest
  • Robert Winkel: director at Mei architecten en stedenbouwers, Rotterdam

100 BAC Japan
> The second series of workshops with Japanese students at Barcelona Architecture Center
Text: Justin Baroncea

102 Manadelucru: Gavroche Café, Alba Iulia

106 Daniel Mayerle: Democratic Design Process at BMW Group
Reporter: Cosmin Caciuc

112 Please Do (Not) Touch!
Exhibiting product design objects and their actual perception
Text: Liana Vasilescu – Bucharest Design Center

SMART SYSTEMS / Rubric supported by Lafarge

  • 116 Studio Marco Vermeulen: Bio Facade for a Piece of Infrastructure / Text: Cosmin Caciuc
  •  118 D-Shape Life-Size 3D Printing (Enrico Dini) / Universe Architecture / Shiro Studio: The 3D Printer That Builds Houses
  • Text: Cosmin Caciuc



Magazine content 115

21 Editor’s: Copenhagen of course, Gehl Architects, Better Cities
(about Sustainable cities Conference. Foundations and our urban future)
Text: Constantin Goagea

24 Tony Fretton Architects: Concordant urban layers
Tony Fretton Architects has completed a new development of houses in the Dutch town of Den Helder, illustrating an intervention oriented toward the existing context of the city.