Articles with TAG: architecture


The Mission

Post de: Constantin Goagea

The mission – is a project initiated by Eurodite and part of the DISC (Dutch Initiative for Sustainable Cities – activities. Together with Emil Boc, the Mayor of Cluj, Vice Mayors in Bucharest, Cluj, Constanta, Timisoara and Head Architects of Cluj and Bucharest, a representative of the port of Constanta, as well as other professionals in the connected ministry, we have been in an intense and dense visit to Rotterdam, Eindhoven and Utrecht.


Editor’s: Media architecture and its impact on people

Post de: Cosmina Goagea

It is clear that technology progresses at a higher speed than our ability to adapt and use the new materials or systems at their full potential. Beyond inevitable collisions, we observe in real time the reconfiguration of social interactions in a space mediated by digitalization, which leads to a higher change of cultural paradigm.


Editor’s: Tactical urbanism

Post de: Cosmin Caciuc

Minor, ephemeral and (only apparently) quasi-banal interventions did not truly find their places in the histories of architecture, being inflated rather by the aesthetic imagination and the technical courage of one could call Grand Projets, that is grand edifices or expensive projects.


Editor’s: The Public Space with Multiple Identity

Post de: Cosmin Caciuc

In „Space of Flows, Space of Places: Materials for a Theory of Urbanism in the Information Age”, Manuel Castells lets us know he does not build urban theories based on other theories, but rather draws relevant theoretical conclusions based on the observation and interpretation of current social and spatial transformations.


Editor’s: The future is already here. It’s just not evenly distributed yet

Post de: Cosmina Goagea

In every big industrial company there are research and innovation units or innovation-labs focused on the study of tomorrow’s habits, needs, and tendencies. Such labs are strikingly different from design offices, since they do not draw in there; as a rule people from all over the world, professionals in anthropology, sociology and from a wide range of other sciences and arts talk about future.