Articles published by: Nickname

CONNECTED. Things about future, cities and people

A project by Zeppelin (RO), Archis (NL), Nordic Urban Design Association NUDA (NO), Fargfabriken (SE), Eurodite (RO)

The project investigated the future impact of the new technologies upon the European urbanities. Developing concepts like smart city or smart community, the research revealed the future social and cultural mutations that tend to better valorize individuals and communities together with their human, creative and entrepreneurial potential. As proposed through narrative and dramatized visions, the European space appears like a dense interconnected territory defined by complex rules and sophisticated standards of human interaction. 

Tandem #3

Handbook for the creative industry man: Low-profile and efficient Amsterdam

No more, no less than an entire weekend, I wandered through the hippest places in Amsterdam looking for older or newer industrial areas that have been temporarily converted to accommodate creative projects. My aim was to discover what makes them work ‘over there’ and not yet here, and how come no one takes full advantage of the large scale industrial areas in Bucharest. Amsterdam is abounds of industrial areas of all sorts, from the more red brick shed roofed picturesque ones to those dating from the 70-90’s, built with concrete prefabricated, industrialized components, much resembling the ones from our socialist era.

Tandem #2

Klokgebouw Strijp S, Eindhoven
‘Try to be different’

Strijp S, the former Philips factories, plays an important role in the history of Eindhoven. In the early 20th century, the city was still rather a collection of villages, transformed by Philips from the 1920’s into an industrial area. Daily, more than twelve thousand workers passed the entrance gate at Strijp S. For years the area was closed to the public and fenced off. Nowadays, the monumental buildings at Strijp S are the motor behind the transformation of the area into a creative brainport with metropolitan allure, a place where people can live, work, go to school and entertain themselves.

Creative Factories – Tandem #1

Culture park as global village.Westergasfabriek , Amsterdam

Text/Photo: Vera Cerutti

The Westergasfabriek, a former gas factory in the western part of Amsterdam was converted into a Culture Park, a combination of a multi-functional park, cultural activities and creative industries. Due to the fact that it functions as a neighborhood park but is also known for its ambitious international programming, it is among the most inspiring examples of successful transformation of industrial heritage; in 2010 it received the Europa Nostra Award, European Union’s prize for cultural heritage.

Urban Report #4

Urban Report is a cross culture program, gathering theories and critical discourses about the contemporary urban phenomena in Central, Eastern and Southern Europe. This project was initiated by Zeppelin in 2010 with the support of Romanian Cultural Institute through the Cantemir Program. In 2011 Urban Report consisted of 3 publications, a website and 3 DVDs. In 2012 this project was continued and integrated in the structure of Zeppelin magazine [], with the support of ERSTE Stiftung, in the frame of EE-lab program. 

Laborator 01. Zeppelin

book – 2010
25 ours of talks about architecture

Accessible both, for architecture professionals and general public, „Laborator 01” synthesizes essential ideas expressed on the occasion of Zeppelin meetings and of the interviews taken to their guests (architects, designers, editors and artists).


Magazine no. 119

13 Towards a technologically augmented and nature orientated future.

18 Degu Studio: Acoustic study and a concert for 4 squirrels in a P+3 apartment
Text: Justin Baroncea, Eduard Gabia

21 Editor’s
Text: Cosmin Caciuc

21 Editorial

22 John McAslan + Partners (JMP): King’s Cross – Structural Transformation
> The heart of an important new urban development in London, an internationally significant transport interchange, and Europe’s largest single span station structure.

22 John McAslan + Partners (JMP) King’s Cross –

30 Katrin Lesser & Ben Buschfeld: Bruno Taut’s House and an Urban Vision
>The restoration of architect’s home in Neukölln-Britz, Berlin, is an example of good practice for responsible reactivation of a modernist heritage.

Text: Cosmin Caciuc

30 Katrin Lesser & Ben Buschfeld

38 Recoveries: An Exhibition and a Conference about Cinderellas
Text: Zeppelin

44 Studio Propolis: From Details and Design to Architecture
> Rethinking architecture through carpentry design and workshop craftmanship
Text: Naeem Biviji & Bethan Rayner

52 Miklós Köllö: The Restoration and Condensation of the Architect’s Family House
> An old house in Ciumani village, Harghita county, is extended in plan by only  10 m2, and the attic is turned into living space, allowing an urban comfort at the country and eliminating the need for new construction.

52 Miklós Köllö Reabilitarea și densificarea casei părintești


Urban Report
52 CTRL+Z: Low-tech Experimentation and Urban Activation
> Mobile and affordable structure and shared working space in a rehabilitated industrial building from Spain
Text: Gianluca Stasi


64 Zeppelin: About the New Fire Pub
> A pub in the historic center of Bucharest

64 Zeppelin Despre noul Bar Fire

72 Polska Folk
> A travelling exhibition highlighting young Polish designers that get their inspiration from the rural tradition of their country, and an interview with Agnieszka Jacobson‑Cielecka, the curator of this exhibition.

Reporter: Ștefan Ghenciulescu

72 polska


78 The Vegetable Basket: Organic Micro-Farm Between Village and City
> A successful business in the field of organic farming in Ialomiţa county
Text: Cosmin Caciuc

82 Participatory City: 100 Urban Trends from the BMW Guggenheim Lab
> A synthesis of all the experiences and ideas generated within the urban labo­ratory in its two-year journey in the cities New York, Berlin and Mumbai.

Text: Cosmina Goagea

Participatory City 100 Urban Trends from the BMW Guggenheim Lab

86 USF: A Neighborhood for Arts in Bergen
> Postindustrial conversion and a center for arts in Norway
Text: Evy Sørensen

90 Ruhrtriennale 2013: When Art Replaces Industry
> Rediscovering industrial monuments through art and a large yearly cultural event in Germany
Text: Ioana Calen

Probe zur Oper Mädchen mit den Schwefelhölzern



The critical reclaim of the past of modernity.

Text & images: Cosmin Caciuc

 In believe that, at this moment, from a strictly historiographic point of view, both progressive ideology and cultural resistance may find a different kind of civic balance in what I would generally call the urbanity that reclaims the past of modernity, leaving behind the stereotypes of the antagonism which arised with the Modern Movement, based on the new (industrial) city versus the old (preindustrial) city.

Urban Report #4

Urban Report is a cross culture program bringing together theories and critical discourse on contemporary urban phenomena in Central, Eastern and Southern Europe. This project was initiated in 2010 by Zeppelin, with the help of the Romanian Cultural Institute, through Cantemir program. In 2011, Urban Report consisted of three publications, a website and three DVDs. In 2012 this project was continued and integrated into Zeppelin magazine, with the support of ERSTE Stiftung under the EE-lab program.

The mission

Text: Constantin Goagea

The mission – is a project initiated by Eurodite and part of the DISC (Dutch Initiative for Sustainable Cities – activities. Together with Emil Boc, the Mayor of Cluj, Vice Mayors in Bucharest, Cluj, Constanta, Timisoara and Head Architects of Cluj and Bucharest, a representative of the port of Constanta, as well as other professionals in the connected ministry, we have been in an intense and dense visit to Rotterdam, Eindhoven and Utrecht. The top Romanian delegation met Vice Mayors and members of other ministries, their peers, and learned about projects already carried out and a way to manage. The mission worked out in these three days the targets of DISC platform, made to provide Dutch support to Romanian cities and their effort to build up initiatives meant to revive urban regions and areas ignored so far.