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www – wall window workshop – Dan Perjovschi pentru Ruhr Triennale 2013

www – wall window workshop
Dan Perjovschi at Ruhr Triennale 2013

One of the main attractions of this years’ Ruhr Triennale was Dan Perjovschi’s www – wall window workshop. The artist held the workshop in the Bochum Jahrhunderthalle, a famous industrial building from the region, which now houses performative and visual art. Perjovschi’s intervention included works from his personal collection and contextual drawings, as well, about the building and the event itself.

Apartment P.I.

Under the context of the past few years which generated a number of unfinished buildings, this proposal seems a real treat, a necessary one to say the least . Taking the basis, the structure of someone else’s project and giving it substance, finality and maybe a new vision of space.

Magazine 118


29 Editor’s: Cindirellas
Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu

30 Bearth & Deplazes Architekten: Rigor and Timelessness
> The headquarters of an insurance company in Landquart, Switzerland, designed by Bearth & Deplazes, recall almost pedagogically the principle of space defined by structure and Louis Kahn’s great lesson of critical modernism
Text: Cosmin Caciuc & Bearth & Deplazes Architekten

38 DOSSIER: Two small churches
> Romanian examples of fine sacred architecture – projects which go beyond processing an image to interrogating the essence of a programme, spatial typologies and structural principles
Text intro: Ștefan Ghenciulescu

40 Abruptarhitectura: A Church and Its Bell Tower
Text: Cristina Constantin

40 Abruptarhitectura O biserică  și clopotniţa ei

43 Alexandra Afrăsinei: Typological Recovery
Text: Alexandra Afrăsinei

43 Alexandra Afrăsinei Recuperarea tipologică

48 Context or Abstraction
> Two office buildings in Víziváros, Budapest
Text: Levente Szabó

58 Bernardo Bader Architects: A Regional Archetype x
> Single-family home in Vorarlberg, Austria
Text: Cosmin Caciuc

58 Bernardo Bader Architects A Regional Archetype

62 H&P Architects: Blooming Bamboo Home. Humanitarian Architecture in Vietnam x
> A prototype of a modular dwelling, which can be adapted to several programmes, reacting as a living organism to weather conditions or to the needs of its inhabitants, being able to withstand the frequent floods in Vietnam
Text: Patricia Erimescu

62 H&P Architects Blooming Bamboo Home. Humanitarian Architecture in Vietnam

66 www – wall window workshop: Dan Perjovschi at Ruhr Triennale 2013 x
> Contemporary art, a special event of transforming a famous industrial building in Ruhr Westphalia region, Germany, and a workshop led by Dan Perjovschi, who included works from his personal collection and contextual drawings, as well, about the building and the event itself.
Text: Ioana Calen

66  www – wall window workshop Dan Perjovschi at Ruhr Triennale 2013

70 LIKE architects: The Andy Warhol Temporary Museum x
> A cultural space within a commercial space in Lisbon

70 LIKE architects The Andy Warhol Temporary Museum

72 bam! Bottega di architettura metropolitana: Soft Cube Above
> He installation in front of the MAXXI building in Rome

76 Zeppelin: Beyond the city
> The exhibition at the National Museum of Contemporary Art, Bucharest focused on the recent territorial developments in rural Romania


Urban Report
80 El Campo de Cebada, Madrid: Democratic Urbanism in Difficult Times
> A visionary experiment in democratic urbanism, a space for social interaction and solving community problems
Text: AndreeaVrabie


86 LuelingSauer Architects: Space & Material
> Research projects on construction materials and textile technologies
Text: Cosmin Caciuc

92 McDowell+Benedetti: A Bridge in Full Swing
> The innovative swing bridge over the River Hull in United Kingdom, believed to be a World’s first, offers pedestrians the unique experience of riding on the bridge as it opens and closes to river traffic






Interior design, BG apartment, Bucharest

An apartment from an interwar building.

We wanted to reinterpret some of the characteristic elements found in this apartment: wood finishes, lighting and space continuity, irregular geometry, the multitude of options for opening and closing spaces, the very different perspectives.


A flat’s redesign, Bucharest

An anonymous apartment building of the 30s, with one small flat per floor. No special architecture – on the contrary, awkward positions of the openings, non-functional corners; yet, at the same time, qualities that even the worst architecture at that time had and which hardly come up today: agreeable height, a well proportioned windows, an indescribable charm of bizarre connections between spaces, or of ordinary door joints with panelling and boarding.


Editor’s:In the countryside. For us, for them, for everyone

Post de: Stefan Ghenciulescu

‘What are you staring at us for ? Why are you taking pictures ? Get away from here ! Leave us in peace !’
We saw the homestead at a bend on the road which passes through the Râmeti village in the Western Carpathians. An incredible image : a house, a shed and a barn exactly as they used to be a hundred years ago and which now seem to exist only in ethnographic museums. Three elderly people, patching a thatch roof with a sheet of metal.


Content magazine 117

28 Editor’s #117 / In the countryside. For us, for them, for everyone
Text: Stefan Ghenciulescu

30 SANAA: Outside Paris

Text: Corina Laza
> Sanaa created for Louvre Lens Museum a building that is capable to dissolve itself in the landscape and whose galleries contradict the traditional canons of museology.


Magazine 117

28 Editor’s #117 / In the countryside. For us, for them, for everyone
Text: Stefan Ghenciulescu

30 SANAA: Outside Paris

Text: Corina Laza
> Sanaa created for Louvre Lens Museum a building that is capable to dissolve itself in the landscape and whose galleries contradict the traditional canons of museology.

42 DOSSIER: Kaden Klingbeil Architekten: Wood as a Resource for  Urban Development
> This team pursues primary construction using wood, in combination with other forms of solid structures in the service of spatial experience to arrive undogmatically at fully optimized constructive possibilities: reduced costs, abbreviated construction schedules, a precise realization of architectonic intentions, and an improved ecological footprint.

54 Iulian Ungureanu: Recycling a peasant house
> Reconstruction of a house in Arges County

58 DOSSIER: Jun Igarashi Architects
 > The five houses on the Japanese island Hokkaido illustrate in this file the new wave of Japanese school: critical assimilation of modernist language, profound interpretation of the context, highly consistent architectural concepts and a significant materialization, which makes European constructors lost in thoughts.

 58 Intro: Cosmin Caciuc

  •  60 The Rectangle of Light House
  •  64 House of Trough: Independence from View
  •  68 Multiple Layers of Light House
  •  72 M-House: Looking Only Into Its Own Interior
  •  76 O-House or 15 Boxes

80 Urban Report:
> Instead of an art center, a strategy of
dispersion, infiltration, cooperation
Text: Raluca Voinea, Livia Pancu, Attila Tordai

84 Artist, location, architect
>  The National Museum of Contemporary Art (MNAC) is housing for a whole year a retrospective of artist Mircea Cantor. The Q.E.D. exhibition is located on the ground floor and the mezzanine of the museum, and the connection between the exhibits and the spaces belonging to Ceausescu’s former palace is anything but accidental. Attila Kim’s exhibition design responds to the artist’s programme by disassembling and reorganizing existing spaces.
Text: Mircea Cantor, Attila Kim

90  New Holland, St. Petersburg: The City within the City
>  The conversion of a former military port in St. Petersburg
Text: Cosmin Caciuc

94 Theatre at home. Two shows at number 53, Carol Boulevard
>  New theatrical experiences into a reused house
Text: Lucian Sandu-Milea

96 Modulab: Symbiogenesis and coevolution in the context of interactive design
Text: Ioana Calen

98  Bucharest Design Center: Original Identic Replicas
> Original vs fake – a debate in design
Text: Liana Vasilescu

100 Parametric and Crafted
> Street Delivery Pavilion in Iasi, the second gridshell spatial structure in Romania
Text: Andrei Padure

102 Patrik Schumacher:  Design is Communication
> Interview with the special guest of the event Dynamic Fields in Bucharest 
Reporter: Ina Leonte

106 Connected: Smart community and infrastructure for electric cars
> Mitsubishi is involved in infrastructure projects of the future at a global level and it is testing solutions for the implementation of urban electric transport: alternative mobility attracts a new vision about the city as a network of energy and information flows.
Text: Cosmin Caciuc

114 TVZEB: Experimental Zero Energy Building
> Enhancing building performance of a building in Vicenza, Italy
Text: Traverso-Vighy

Perspective / José Antonio Vega Macotela & Chantal Peñalosa @ Aiurart

Post de: Ioana Ciocan, curator

from September 18th through October 12 th, 2013 @ Aiurart Contemporary Art Space (Bucharest, 21 Lirei St.)
Curated by: Ioana Ciocan
opening: September 18th, 7pm-10pm.
Facebook event, 

I started my love affair with José Antonio Vega Macotela (b. 1980, MX) after I saw his Study of Exhaustion – The Equivalent of Silver (2011) at Manifesta 9 in Genk, Limburg, Belgium in 2013.

Old Houses Anew, Design and Something More

An exhibition about the reactivation of the Romanian architectural heritage.

This exhibition is based on a selection of 20 contemporary interventions to listed buildings. We have not chosen restorations of huge value monuments (where the interventions should be invisible anyway), but operations that breathed new life into old, fragile sites. Respectful repairs, but also infusions of new functions, strategies, community actions, added value for that particular location.