Articles published by: Nickname


Magazine #120

23 Editor’s: We are looking for small ideas with big stakes in design, architecture and the city.
Text: Cosmin Caciuc

24 Enota: Activated Present and Uncovered History
> Ptuj performance center in Slovenia

ENOTA arhitekti



32 Claudiu Ionescu: Green Condenser
> The first permanent digital museum in Romania
Text: Ioana Zacharias Vultur

32 03_B_R


36 Roldán + Berengué: A vertical square
> The Catalan Institute of Economists of Barcelona

36 03_B_Z 04 OPCION 1


42 Corporate Office Solutions: WorkLab
> The next step in the Open Space concept

42 _IMG_1832


44 Attila Kim: Design for Creative Communities
> Another kind of innovation and technology fair at the Romanian National Library
Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu

48 Gaëtan Le Penhuel Architectes: Alone and Together
> Social dwellings in Carrières sous Poissy, France
Text: Corina Laza

LE PENHUEL architectes - logements - poissy sous carrieres - 2013


51 Urban Report

52 Creative Factories: New Life in an Old Coat
> Former factories that triggers curiosity and excitement
Text: Meta van Drunen

54 Canvas Workshop, a Sustainable Development Puzzle
> An artful initiative based on social fairness

54 REZERVA_poza 1 (6x4)


56 Culture within the District
> Changing Bucharest, starting with the Pantelimon district
Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu

56 DSC_0199

62 Roșia Montană: Reconquering the city
Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu


64 Symbiomorphogenesis – About People and Technology
> Open source and collaborative working methodologies
Text: Ioana Calen



68 IDZ arhitectură: ROBO_CRAFT. About architects and robots
> Industrial robots may be involved in architecture
Text: Ionuț Anton, Dana Tănase

roll up 60x160


69 Connected

70 Sitra Finnish Innovation Fund: Brickstarter
> A web service prototype, catalyst for discussing urban projects
Text: Andreea Vrabie

72 Smart Systems: Zeppelin Evenings #50
> Miguel Roldan, Juan Trias de Bes, Mihai Streza, Matthew Claudel, Nerea Calvillo, Dorin Ștefan
Text: Cosmina Goagea

78 IBA Hamburg 2013
> The German constructions expo highlights the newest technologies in a social and sustainable direction
             78 Intro: Cosmin Caciuc

             80 BeL Sozietät für Architektur BDA: Basic Building and Do-It-Yourself Builders

IBA, Grundbau und Siedler


             82 HHS Planer + Architekten: Energy Bunker



            86 SPLITTERWERK, Arup, B+G Engineers; Immosolar: BIQ – The Algae House – The Clever Treefrog

            88 Fusi & Ammann Architekten: Case Study #1

88 3A_Loftwohnung 6 (2)


         92 Ostermann Architekten: Velux Model Home 2020

92 4B-C REZERVA_velux_lah_ah_2773

Contemporary Norwegian Architecture #7

Exhibition: National Museum of Contemporary Art – MNAC, Bucharest
Open between: 23 January – 22 March 2014
Programme:  Wednesday-Sunday, 10 a.m – 6 p.m.
Address: National Museum of Contemporary Art, 2-4 Izvor Street, Parliament Palace, E4 building, Bucharest, access via 13 September Street

Zeppelin Digital Magazine

Subscription                                Collections

12 luni (10 no) / 19.99 €              2012 (101-110) / 14.99 €

  6 luni ( 5 no) / 11.99 €                 2011 (91-100)  / 14.99 €

Urban activation in Romania

This selection suggests 14 effective models of recovery of abandoned spaces, the identity of a place, certain techniques and good practice, ways of dealing with our environment promoting thus a culture of urban civic activism. The exhibition brings together the energies, experience, memories, questions and perspectives of people understanding that the fate of the place they live in is up to them.

The new Fire Pub

Project, text: Constantin Goagea, Adrian Dobre, Ștefan Ghenciulescu.
Photo: Cosmin Dragomir

We flirted with rock culture in our youth, considering it’s smart, sophisticated, and wild enough to satisfy our young egos full of crazy ideas. We started this adventure to design Fire Club in the best possible way, we allowed ourselves to drink more beers than usual during work hours, truly for professional reasons. Fire is an oldie but goldie, from back when Lipscani wasn’t the place full of cliché and excessive crowds it is now.

The new Fire Pub

Project, text: Constantin Goagea, Adrian Dobre, Ștefan Ghenciulescu.
Photo: Cosmin Dragomir

We flirted with rock culture in our youth, considering it’s smart, sophisticated, and wild enough to satisfy our young egos full of crazy ideas. We started this adventure to design Fire Club in the best possible way, we allowed ourselves to drink more beers than usual during work hours, truly for professional reasons. Fire is an oldie but goldie, from back when Lipscani wasn’t the place full of cliché and excessive crowds it is now. Fire managed to create a devoted clientele. One which helped the club reach its 15th anniversary successfully. As I was saying, because of solely professional reasons we had to spend a lot of time in the bar drinking beer in order to get the feel of the … Fire. It’s not just a place for teenagers, not just for rebels, not just a goth bar and not heavy metal either. You will find emo kids alongside emo adults even… It’s the perfect solitary place among friends, and if you want to be left to your own device or to start new ideas, this is the place. Rock, burgers, beer, black T-shirts and posters.


Zeppelin 50 / Smart Systems – Connected Conference

Speakers :

  • MIGUEL ROLDAN (Roldan + Berengue arqts, Spania)
  • JUAN TRIAS DE BES (TDB Studio, Spania)
  • MIHAI STREZA (BMW, Germania)
  • NEREA CALVILLO (c-arquitectos, Spania / UK)
  • CARLO RATTI (SenseableCity Lab (MIT), USA / Italia)
  • DORIN ȘTEFAN (DSBA, România)

Movie :

  •  Electric Signs by ALICE ARNOLD (SUA)


Zeppelin 49 / Recoveries

Only available in Romania .

Speakers  :

  • Jan Mannaerts (360 Architecten), Belgium 
  • Cosmin Pavel și Cristina Constantin (Abruptarhitectura)
  • Elias Messinas (ECOWEEK), Grecia & Israel
  • Șerban Sturdza (Prodid și Pro Patrimonio)

BEYOND THE CITY – Book, exhibition, debate.

“Beyond the City“ exhibition
Curated by Zeppelin Association, take place at National Museum of Contemporary Art, Bucharest (MNAC) between 25.09 – 25.10.2013

 Exhibition opening, book launch: September 25th, 2013, starting with 18.00h, MNAC

 Professional Conference and debate: October 24th, 2013, 18.00h, MNAC. Prezentation sustained by arch. Stefan Balici, ARA Association (Architecture, Restoration, Archeology), on the theme of rehabilitation and sustainable development strategies for natural and cultural heritage in Romania. Moderator: Stefan Ghenciulescu (Zeppelin).

Beyond the city.

A territorial sketch. Beyond the city and beyond cliches.

We propose a study which concentrates solely on the rural areas of Romania and is devised from a double perspective –focusing on architecture as well as on community.