Articles with TAG: magazine


HARMONIA 57: atelier tryptique



Editor’s: Days Chosen at Random Package

Friday Y and I go to see Andy Warhol at the Dalles Hall. “Sure, come in, it’s on the first floor, but the boy at the cafeteria is out and he’s the one with the keys. But I can switch on the lights so you can get a glimpse.


Required Resilience

Post de: Cosmin Caciuc

Thirty years after Luigi Snozzi’s interventions in Monte Carasso, a small municipality in Ticino, Switzerland, these continue to testify to the relevance of his compromise-free, contextual and sustainable critical regionalism.


City Corner

Post de: Andrei Margulescu

PZP Arhitectura managed to appropriate a standard program in order to create a building with urban potential whose image visibly clashes with the uniformity of the immediate context.


Editor’s: Artist and architect artist and architect

Post de: Constantin Goagea

While chatting recently with a client, he asked me how I saw myself as a professional, if I thought I was an engineer or an artist. I must admit I have not wondered about the genus proximus for a long time. An architect is an architect. He does things that are different from the one and the other at the same time.