Articles with TAG: magazine


SERGISON BATES: Interview with Jonathan Sergison

Post de: Cosmin Caciuc

Cosmin Caciuc: Mr. Sergison, the first questions are connected with your biography. You graduated from the Architectural Association in 1989, one of the most prestigious schools of architecture in the world. How was the educational and professional atmosphere at that time in the AA?


Editor’s: Good stuff on three streets

Post de: Constantin Goagea

What could I tell you after 10 years of work at Arhitectura? The start was truly from zero, a certain type of zero since we had the experience of Virtualia and Octogon reviews. That kind of zero in ’99 was a complete lack of funding or means, but we had ourselves to invest and to spend.


Marcel Breuer – The Whitney Museum in New York

Post de: Cosmin Caciuc

The Whitney Museum – a model for contemporary minimalist architecture – successfully embodies the idea of integrating arts, design, architecture, and the building in a unique conceptual gesture.


An Urban Block


Forgotten modern architecture in the Danube Delta