Cultural programs

Zeppelin evenings 32 / Graphic Studio

Guest: Graphic Studio
June 16, 7:30 pm – “Carol I” Central University Library of Bucharest

The next edition of Zeppelin Evenings we meet a young architecture office, but with many projects. Graphic Studioworks both large and medium operations, using the latest technologies, and the small building that occur in sensitive contexts.

Zeppelin evenings 31 / Eco

Thursday, May 19, at the Romanian Peasant Museum took place the zeppelin conference about eco-attitudes, eco-culture and eco-architecture with two special guests: german architect Eike Roswag and architect Serban Sturdza.

Zeppelin evenings 30 / Exhibit Architectura

Thursday, 28 April, Dalles Room

Johannes Bertleff and Dragos Oprea – Exhibit ARCHITECTURA – were the special guests of this edition.

We discussed about:
– a restoration project awarded at the last Biennale.
– book stands at major exhibitions.

Zeppelin evenings 29 / Design Lounge

Thursday, 24 March at 19:00
Carturesti, Arthur Verona Street

Corvin Cristian, architect and designer, winner of the Bucharest Architecture Biennalee, was the special guest at the zeppelin no 29 – Design Lounge.

Zeppelin evenings 28 / Architectural Competitions

Architectural Competitions – Campina and Cluj

A three-hour debate about architecture competitions in Romania. The two events that happened recently, in Cluj and Campina, have triggered a whole panoply of debate in the event hall.

Zeppelin evenings 27

Questions for arch. Dorin Stefan

How does it feel to be the winner of a large international architectural competition, which are the secrets of creating such a project, how can you get higher on the pages of architectural journals, how to conquer the world from Romania and many other things that you wanted to they learn about Flying Observatories.