Project, text: Constantin Goagea, Adrian Dobre, Ștefan Ghenciulescu.
Photo: Cosmin Dragomir
We flirted with rock culture in our youth, considering it’s smart, sophisticated, and wild enough to satisfy our young egos full of crazy ideas. We started this adventure to design Fire Club in the best possible way, we allowed ourselves to drink more beers than usual during work hours, truly for professional reasons. Fire is an oldie but goldie, from back when Lipscani wasn’t the place full of cliché and excessive crowds it is now. Fire managed to create a devoted clientele. One which helped the club reach its 15th anniversary successfully. As I was saying, because of solely professional reasons we had to spend a lot of time in the bar drinking beer in order to get the feel of the … Fire. It’s not just a place for teenagers, not just for rebels, not just a goth bar and not heavy metal either. You will find emo kids alongside emo adults even… It’s the perfect solitary place among friends, and if you want to be left to your own device or to start new ideas, this is the place. Rock, burgers, beer, black T-shirts and posters.