Articles published by: Nickname


Arhitectura magazine no 45

  • editorial: major romanian projects of today / mihai dutescu
  • revolution square – intolerable chaos or place of memory? / stefan ghenciulescu
  • arhitectura_100 years. episode 5
    : the illusion of liberty in “arhitectura”? – the 60s / miruna stroe


Arhitectura magazine no 44 summary

  • editorial: the open houses / constantin goagea
  • in memoriam arh. costandin rulea / stefan ghenciulescu
  • ideas sell, if they circulate freely / adrian gongea
  • arhitectura_100 years. episode 4
    : transformation and cohabitation. 1956-1460: from stalinism to (neo) modernism  / stefan ghenciulescu


Arhitectura magazine no 44

  • editorial: the open houses / constantin goagea
  • in memoriam arh. costandin rulea / stefan ghenciulescu
  • ideas sell, if they circulate freely / adrian gongea
  • arhitectura_100 years. episode 4
    : transformation and cohabitation. 1956-1460: from stalinism to (neo) modernism  / stefan ghenciulescu
  • habitation
    : artline. all-embracing white and glass / mihai dutescu


Arhitectura magazine no 43 summary

  • editorial: architecture brought into the public space / mihai dutescu
  • arhitectura_100 years. Episode 3
    : an excursion into the 1950s / ana maria zahariade, irina tulbure
    : urban design competition: the unirii square, cluj / planwerk / foreword: stefan ghenciulescu
  • profile valerio olgiati
    : valerio olgiati: complexity made simple / stefan davidovici
    : school in paspels / valerio olgiati
    : house k+n / jaques lucan
    : observatory, peak gornergrat / valerio olgiati


Arhitectura magazine no 43

  • editorial: architecture brought into the public space / mihai dutescu
  • arhitectura_100 years. Episode 3
    : an excursion into the 1950s / ana maria zahariade, irina tulbure
    : urban design competition: the unirii square, cluj / planwerk / foreword: stefan ghenciulescu
  • profile valerio olgiati
    : valerio olgiati: complexity made simple / stefan davidovici
    : school in paspels / valerio olgiati
    : house k+n / jaques lucan
    : observatory, peak gornergrat / valerio olgiati


Arhitectura magazine no 42 summary

  • editorial: the neighbors corner / stefan ghenciulescu
  • destructions with a permit / stefan ghenciulescu
  • serial: arhitectura_100 de ani. episode 2
    : national style, traditionalism and modernism in “arhitectura” until world war II / gabriela tabacu
  • 2 office buildings in bucharest
    : westfourth architecture: charles de gaulle business center, buharest / oana rotaru
    : westfourth architecture: headquarters for lafarge romania, bucharest / oana rotaru
  • 3 slovenian offices
    : sadar vuga arhitekti
    : dekleva gregoric arhitekti
    : reichenberg arhitektura design
  • phenomenology / cosmina goagea


Arhitectura magazine no 42

  • editorial: the neighbors corner / stefan ghenciulescu
  • destructions with a permit / stefan ghenciulescu
  • serial: arhitectura_100 de ani. episode 2
    : national style, traditionalism and modernism in “arhitectura” until world war II / gabriela tabacu
  • 2 office buildings in bucharest
    : westfourth architecture: charles de gaulle business center, buharest / oana rotaru
    : westfourth architecture: headquarters for lafarge romania, bucharest / oana rotaru
  • 3 slovenian offices
    : sadar vuga arhitekti
    : dekleva gregoric arhitekti
    : reichenberg arhitektura design
  • phenomenology / cosmina goagea


Arhitectura magazine no 41 summary

  • how does it feel to publish a hundred year old architectural review/constantin goagea
  • the world of romanian architects one hundred years ago / gabriela tabacu


Arhitectura magazine no 41

  • how does it feel to publish a hundred year old architectural review/constantin goagea
  • the world of romanian architects one hundred years ago / gabriela tabacu
  • chile: folk_inferno
    : editorial: possibilities of cultural transformation of chilean architectural production / cooperative
    : josefina gulisasti: two beds, a bedsidetable, a chair and a crucifix / maria berrios
    : war office: building and design of a roof and a shed
    : war office: fairground and international convention centre
    : pve architects: 120 doors
    : pve architects: poli house
    : cooperative: system mn. architectonic system from constructive components
    : elemental: a partcipative design – quinta monroy, atacama desert
    : manuel cordova: modesto estupendo
    : Pablo Rivera: take & run
    : woman s memory memorial
    : t2m-architects: a tower for the bicentennial of the republic of chile
    : cooperative + jorge christie: cultural transformation processes
    : arqze: blueicechile
    : arqze: sala sastruggi
    : elcinevino: vefafe, mobile cinema
    : jorge ghristie: the demolition of the national congress – the performance of a disintegration
    : supersudaca: the al_caribe report


Arhitectura magazine no 40 summary

  • editorial: meta-city / constantin goagea
  • interview with alvaro siza / stefan ghenciulescu
  • figge art museum. david chipperfield architects / david chipperfield
  • “concret”. offices and apartments. corina dandareanu lazaro / mihai dutescu
  • refurbishment – 16 frumoasa street. architecton / stefan ghenciulescu
  • tranquille. daf – architects / alex axinte
  • erich mendelsohn – a jewish german architect of the 20th century / regina stephan
  • acces press news stands. octavian panaitescu / cosmina goagea