Articles published by: Nickname


Magazine 110

26. Editor’s – Media architecture and its impact on people 

Text: Cosmina Goagea

30. The Water Plant, Suceava
> The conversion of a former industrial structure into a Center of Urban Culture 
Text: Cosmina Goagea
The conversion of the Water Plant into a Center of Urban Culture helps the dissemination of an affirmative and responsible attitude towards the built heritage, and sets a new role which the architects should accept: that of the cultivation of what already exists.

40. Jakub Szczesny: Narrow Gauge

> A house of an artist, as wide as a closet, between blind walls, in Warsaw

44. Nord Architects Copenhagen: A Place for Recovery
A center for cancer patients in Copenhagen 

50. DOSSIER: Mei architecten
The work of Dutch office mei is smart and complex. While their buildings immediately attract attention, they also spring from a deep reflection on programming and identity, urban life and the need of communities.

    50. Gnome Parking Garage, Almere
    > Parking garage and public space in Almere

    56. The Four Worlds

    An apartment complex in Rotterdam

     60. Schiecentrale Phase 4b

    > A harbour building in Rotterdam

66. UNA arquitetos: Bold Structure
> Single family house in São Paulo

70. peris+toral.arquitectes: Flexible and Minimal Dwelling
> Social housing for young people in Can Caralleu, Barcelona

74. peris+toral.arquitectes: Context dependent extension
> Can Puiggener’s Civic Centre, in Sabadell, Barcelona

78. Atelier Zündel & Cristea: A Slightly Displaced Stack
> Mixeduse building in Paris (housing retail spaces, a retirement home and private housing)
AZC’s building in Paris is truly metropolitan: multi-use, dense and yet at a human scale.

84. Ene + Ene Arhitectura: An Exercise of Adequacy
> A small building of offices in Bucharest.

88. Vallum: Natural rules
> Swimming pool on the shore of Tineretului Lake in Sovata
Text: Korodi Szabolcs
A fully wooden structure, reversible and adjusted to relief, gives birth to a swimming pool on the shore of Tineretului Lake in Sovata.

94. Andreas Heierle, Cristina Trofin:  The wagon-house with seven roofs 
> Recovering and re-interpretation of an existing dwelling 
About the recovering (and re-interpretation) of a modest existing construction, a traditional typology, a modern material, and the imperfections of building in post-socialist Romania.

102. Urban Report: Performing the Common

    > Social and artistic manifestations in the public sphere; Husby district of Stockholm
Text: Cosmin Caciuc, Cosmina Goagea
An art exhibition in the Husby district of Stockholm explores social manifestations in the public sphere and the democratic processes modeling urban nature and the collective identity.

108. Smart Systems
    108. The mission
    > A project initiated by Eurodite to offer Dutch support to the Romanian cities
    Text: Constantin Goagea

    116. BMW Welt Experience: We Move People 
    Text: Cosmina Goagea

118. CBT Mark 1: Cardboard bike
Text: Cosmin Caciuc



Magazine content 109

28. Editor’s: The end of the world and new beginnings 
Text: Cosmin Caciuc

30. Abruptarhitectura: From Sheltering Cars to Sheltering People
> Beyond the archetypal interpretations and a unique recycling of some prefabricated garages, the small house on the periphery of Bucharest is a shelter in all the senses of the word.


Magazine 109

28. Editor’s: The end of the world and new beginnings 
Text: Cosmin Caciuc

30. Abruptarhitectura: From Sheltering Cars to Sheltering People
> Beyond the archetypal interpretations and a unique recycling of some prefabricated garages, the small house on the periphery of Bucharest is a shelter in all the senses of the word.

40. Tony Fretton Architects: Discreet Urban Icon

>  Tower Wharf Café in London demonstrates a sensitivity to historical heritage while adapting to the demands of contemporary tourism.

48. UNIT architekti: Sustainable Density for Dwelling
> Housing complex in Prague

54. Földes & co. Architects: A Peaceful Cloister and Two Joyful Gardens
> A nursery in a small Hungarian town

58. Manadelucru: A Carved-Out House
> A house on the outskirts of Bucharest

62. Sergio Sebastian: Quiet Palimpsest
> Multifunctional hall, archeological museum and offices in Daroca, Spain 
Not just a buried public building: the ground of the historic Spanish city folds and lifts to show the richness of its history to the public.

70. Stefan Radocea: Two Walls and a Platform

> The Bell Tower in the “Cemetery of the Poor”, Sighet

74. Lundi et Demi: A Comfortable Public Space
> The rehabilitation of “Elvira Popescu” Cinema Hall is about interior and public space design as well a reversible intervention in place that’s part of the identity of Bucharest.

84. Urban Report
    84. Wood as a Social Bond. Hellowood 2012 – an Experiment under Progress
    Text: Endre Ványolós

    89. SOMARO: Social Business and the Urban Context

90. Smart Systems
    90. The Hub Bucharest 
    > Designing smart affordable offices
    Text: Cosmin Caciuc, Dragos Scurtulescu

     95. Jet-Vill: Invisible Infrastructure

    > Underground transformer stations
    Text: Cosmin Caciuc

    96. Arup: Photobioreactors
    > Bioreactive façade with  photobioreactors for cultivating microalgae
    Text: Jan Wurm

98. Justin Baroncea: Bodies, Images, Spaces. Three Installations 

106. Atelier MASS: Open Gate Day: Open Your Eyes! Temporary Intervention at Bánffy Castle

108. An interactive natural light source

110. 7 Days Design Festival
> Lodz Design Festival
Text: Constantin Goagea, Irina Alexandru

Hafele, Functionality for you –

Technical info:

Steelcase, „Void to Space: Design the Next Office” –
Velux –
Rockwool, Win the fire battle –
Lafarge –
Delta Design –
Zumtobel –
Siniat –


Magazine content 108

29. Editor’s: Tradition is the New Modernity or the Other Way Round.
Text: Stefan Ghenciulescu

30. Bart Lens: Rural Character and Modernization
> The renovation of an old farm in Belgium


Magazine 108

29. Editor’s: Tradition is the New Modernity or the Other Way Round.
Text: Stefan Ghenciulescu

30. Bart Lens: Rural Character and Modernization
> The renovation of an old farm in Belgium

40. Jun Murata: Amphidromous Rectangle

> A multi-use apartment space in Osaka

42. Jun Murata: Cafe KBT Renovation
>  A relaxing place for tourists in Nara, Japan

44. Zeppelin: Rehabilitation and Extension

> Rehabilitation and adaptation of an Art-Deco house in Bucharest

48. Matei Manaila: Vertical Blinds
> Conversion of Güggelturm, St. Andreas, Cham, Switzerland

50. Old houses anew. Design and something more.
> An exhibition about the reactivation of Romania’s cultural heritage

58. Smart Systems

MIT SENSEable City Lab & BMW Guggenheim Lab in Berlin
> Experiments in urban mapping based on the latest technologies available
Intro: Cosmin Caciuc

66. Urban Report

Praksa Cooperative
> Urban activism in Croatia

72. DOSSIER: Venice Biennale 2012
> A report by Cosmina Goagea and Eugen Panescu

90. UNPOLISHED, Young Design from Poland

> Design exhibition at the National Museum of Contemporary Art in Bucharest
Text: Agnieszka Jacobson-Cielecka + Pawel Grobelny

98. Stefan Tuchila: Top Floor

> 80 buildings, several thousand photographs of Bucharest and an urban research
Intro: Stefan Tuchila
Text: Stefan Ghenciulescu

Technical info:

Knauf Insulation –
Hafele, Functionality for you –
Grohe, Home is where my Grohe SPA is,
Il Spazio –
Tassullo –
Janisol Arte –
Steelcase – „Void to Space: Design the Next Office”,
Velux –
Rockwool, win the fire battle,
Fakro – FTP-V P2 Secure,
Rehau Quality –
Delta Design –
AM –
Zumtobel –
Dexion –



Magazine content 107

27 Editor’s / Text: Constantin Goagea

28 DOSSIER: Eduardo Souto de Moura


Magazine 107

27 Editor’s / Text: Constantin Goagea

28 DOSSIER: Eduardo Souto de Moura
28 Eduardo Souto de Moura
Text: Cosmin Caciuc
32 Portalegre Operation – Robinson Factory Conversion
42 Crematorium in Kortrijk, Belgium
50 Pavol Panak: Conversion of a Ruin
>  From a former brick kiln to a studio for an architect in Slovakia
54 13 Square Meters to Live in and a Sledge on Rollerblades
> Interior design for a small apartment  of a young Polish designer 
58 LTFB Studio: Back to School
> Music and Arts Academy and extension of Dante Alighieri High School from Bucharest
Text intro: Stefan Ghenciulescu
74 Smart Systems 
> Urban life exploration lab
Text: Cosmin Caciuc & Cosmina Goagea
78 The Ghost City
> CITE – Center for Innovation, Testing and Evaluation in New Mexico
Text: Cosmin Caciuc
86 Urban Report 
LIKE architects: Urban Micro-intervention with Ready-mades 
98 subREAL Retrospect
> Exhibition at National Museum of Contemporary Art from Bucharest
Text: Raluca Velisar & subREAL
104 Attila Kim: 2 Exhibitions about Post-Totalitarian Romanian Art
> Design for retrospectives
114 Double Track – Tenth International Design Contest Trieste Contemporanea
116 Estudio Carme Pinós: OBJECTS
> Furniture collection 
Technical info
Knauf Insulation –
Hafele – Functionality for you
Veka –
Il Spazio –
Velux – 
BN Office Solution – Unlimited space 
Rockwool – Win the fire battle
Knau AMF –
Alukoenigstahl –
Bruynzeel – 
Fakro –
Steelcase – „Void to Space: Design the Next Office”


Magazine content 106

25 Editor’s / Text: Constantin Goagea

28 Mi5 arquitectos + PKMN [pac-man] architectures: TERUEL-ZILLA!
> Public space over a public building in Spain


Magazine 106

25 Editor’s / Text: Constantin Goagea

28 Mi5 arquitectos + PKMN [pac-man] architectures: TERUEL-ZILLA! 
> Public space over a public building in Spain
38 DOSSIER: Estudio a77
> A workshop and three small extensions for dwellings in Buenos Aires
38 Intro: Elaborated Do-It-Yourself
Text: Cosmin Caciuc
38 Growing up Under a Bridge
42 Atelier for Andrea
44 Two Actors’ Home
48 A house as a table
50 Brenac & Gonzalez: From 2 to 12 years
> Claude Bernard’s polyvalent school in Paris 
58 DOSSIER: Blipsz, Cluj
> A postindustrial rehabilitation, a house on a slope and a tourist shelter prototype
58 Intro 
Text: Stefan Ghenciulescu
 58 Living on a Slope
62 The Social Plant, Toplita
64 Tourist Shelter Prototype
68 Competition to reorganize and design the central public space in Ramnicu Valcea 
Text intro: Stefan Ghenciulescu
74 DOSSIER: Gabu Heindl Architektur
> A kindergarten extension, a sports ground in a prison yard and a project of artistic collaboration for an exhibition  
74 Intro: The Culture of Public Interest
Text: Cosmin Caciuc
74 Kids in the Garden
78 Out in prison – men’s yard
80 Amidst Us – Deconstruction of a building
84 Smart Systems 
Text: Stefan Ghenciulescu
98 Urban Report 
98 Back to Basics. Street Delivery 2012
Text : Stefan Ghenciulescu
100 Apolonija Sustersic: Hustadt –Politics in Space
104 Justin Baroncea: New Typologies of Public Spaces
> Japanese projects for a post-industrial Barcelona 
107 R. Enescu, M. Buruntia, J. Baroncea: Urban hybrid – one bathtub and four radiators
108 J. Craiu, R. Marsicano, A. Demetriu: Temporary architecture 
114 Trust in creativity
> The “Singing in the shower or bathtub” design competition
Text: Constantin Goagea 
118 Clayton Campbell: Words we have learned since 9/11 
> participative photographic project
Technical info
3M, folii autoadezive pentru decoratiuni interioare,
Alukoenigstahl, sistemul de protectie solara Schuco CTB,
Bauwerk,  cel mai mare showroom din Bucuresti,
Delta Design, castigatorii concursului „Cantand sub dus”,
Egger, more from wood,
Grohe, award winning collections created by the world’s best design team, 
Hafele, sistem inovator de lumini pentru mobilier,
Ilspazio, spatiul de joaca pentru designeri si arhitecti creativi,
Kludi, premiile Plus X Award,
Onduline, onduvilla acoperisuri usoare,
Radox, design cu caldura,
Rehau, relazzo – sistemul de decking din wpc de la Rehau,
Rockwool, win the fire battle,
Saint – Gobain Rigips Romania, inovatie prin creativitate,,
Steelcase, concurs de arhitectura si design „Void to Space: Design the Next Office”,
Targ Milano, rho 17_20 octombrie 2012,
Veka, siguranta unui viitor  eficient,,


Magazine content 105

 21 Editor’s 

Text: Constantin Goagea

24 Walking: a legal drug 
Text: Constantin Goagea
> About High Line, urban activism, business and partnerships