Articles published by: Nickname

A+noima: The Centre for Electronic Industry / The Electra Factory, Iași

The Centre for Electronic Industry (as the clients named it) or the Electra factory, as many call it, brings together manufacturing, office, technical and representation spaces, all harmonized within an assembly of three industrial halls. The altogether 11,000 sq. m. are built within the Miroslava Industrial Park in the Iași County, an area that will rapidly develop over the next years.

In-between. David Chipperfield Architects: James Simon Gallery, Museum Island, Berlin

An articulation between the city and the Museum Island, between the water and the urban fabric, between the Neues Museum and the Pergamon Museum, between public space and the one for the culture, between tradition and today’s technology and culture.

Corvin Cristian: Velocità, Bucharest

The design for a coffee shop & ice cream parlor brings to front a woioonderful Art-Deco building.

Text: Ştefan Ghenciulescu
Photo: Alex Sacalu, Corvin Cristian

Dossier Zeppelin #161: MVRDV

14 years ago, in issue 52 of our magazine, we published a dossier dedicated to one of themost inventive and bold architectural offices in the world. Curated with the help of Oana Radeș ( then a member of the bureau, now a partner at Shift Architecture Urbanism), that dossier is still one of our most important materials.

Dossier Zeppelin #161: “Small Blocks of Flats”

It might sound a little unprofessional, but we simply couldn’t come up with a single umbrella term for “collective apartment buildings with a reduced number of housing units”. The urban villa comes closest to the subject matter, but for many people the urban villa is quintessentially a detached building, usually surrounded by its own piece of land. There is also the Italian version – palazzina, which actually also means “small block” (specifically, the apartment building is a palazzo in Italian).

Zeppelin #161 (spring_2021)

zeppelin_161_coperte 3D


Edito: They cleaned it up
Text: Ştefan Ghenciulescu

In Romanian society, one of the most common (and terrible) value confusions is, I believe, the one between beautiful, new or in good condition, on the one hand, vs. ugly, old, in poor condition, on the other. And it primarily shows when talking about architecture and the city. The reasons are many – from lacking visual education to our general frustrations or the uncertain relationship with the past, which we’d rather have mythically, than revealed through tangible traces. We are a conservative society (in some respects, even ultra-conservative), but one which does not like to conserve. The old is suspicious. That is, the actual old, while the new in the faux old, fake traditional style, is in great demand. ()

Small Blocks of Flats

Text: Ştefan Ghenciulescu

intro blocuri mici



Calderon 80 Residence

Project: ADN BA

adnba calderon


Urban Infill
Enric Rojo Arquitectura: PIC—Apartment Building, Badalona

eric rojo


Prefab Story
FAR Architects: Wohnregal, Berlin

FAR_Wohnregal_009_David von Becker


Wood is for Apartment Buildings
MARS architectes: An Environmentally Conscious Apartment Block in Paris

MARS Architectes – Logements – Paris 12ème © Charly Broyez


Monolith and Human Scale
SA43: Apartment Building, Budapest

sa43_bloc Budapesta


Melon Design Studio: Remodelling a Young Housing Block in Bucharest

Melon Studio_Putul lui Zamfir


At the Crossing
Graphic Studio: Apartment Building on Răsuri Street

Graphic Studio Collective Housing


House in Red Concrete

House in Red Concrete_ Lillehammer




Curators: Ştefan Ghenciulescu, Miruna Dunu



Every Project Becomes a Prototype for Pushing Boundaries
A Discussion with Nathalie de Vries



Bałtyk Tower



Bjørvika Barcode and DNB House

Barcode_MVRDV DNB Jiri Havran 009





Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen




Valey_ext 1


Concordia Design


Roskilde, Danemarca



Tainan Spring

Tainan_Spring_Daria Scagliola-4323


Expo Pavilion 2.0
A New Life

Pavilion Expo 2.0_Moneyshot


Palais du Commerce

Palais du Commerce Rennes River


The Pyramid of Tirana

Pyramid Tirana _ MVRDV


NEXT: Access to Tooling
Extensions, Hacks and Speculations
Text: Leo Stuckhardt, MVRDV NEXT

Next Fig2_MarseilleGraffiti

About and for Romanian Architecture
Text; Jan Knikker & Miruna Dunu



Edito: They cleaned it up

In Romanian society, one of the most common (and terrible) value confusions is, I believe, the one between beautiful, new or in good condition, on the one hand, vs. ugly, old, in poor condition, on the other. And it primarily shows when talking about architecture and the city.

Abruptarhitectura: A house with wide eave in Mizil

Excellently located in the “old” sector of the former Carol Street—the commercial street of the once thriving market town of Mizil—across the street from the high school, the house is a reinterpretation of the good old “train car house” type. An ample eave is added on one side of the house, framed by two rounded gables.

Chronicles of the future superheroes @ Kunsthalle Bega

In 2019, Kunsthalle Bega initiated the programme BEGA ARTPRIZE, the only curatorial prize in Romania which is awarded annualy, following consultations with a specialised jury, to a curator under the age of 40. The first laureate of the prize was Anca Verona Mihuleț, who over the last two years has been preparing a complex exhibition project dedicated to the cumulus of technologic and artistic mechanisms that validate our perception about the future

RDW Open Air Society

Zeppelin Design & more @ Romanian Design Week 2020

Text: Constantin Goagea
Photos: Andrei Mărgulescu
Curatorial concept: Romanian Design Week and Zeppelin Design
Exhibition design: Zeppelin Design+Ping Pong winners+