Articles with TAG: magazine



Magazine 96

30 Editorial 
Text: Constantin Goagea

32 Leviathan  
> Anish Kapoor’s installation for Monumenta 2011
Text: Stefan Tuchila

42 Dossier: STARH
> the most recent works of Florian and Iulia Stanciu
Text:  Stefan Ghenciulescu
     42 Intro
    48 Structure Space
    54 The Tower House
    58 Recovery and densification
    64  Cleaning-up and typological extension 

68 Chanel Mobile Art 
> / The temporary pavilion designed by Zaha Hadid in Paris. 
Text: Stefan Tuchila

74 Social Housing
> 1×2 Studio: two projects from Serbia with extremely limited surfaces and budgets
Text: Zoran Abadic

80 The contest of solutions for the Park of Livada Postei, Brasov
Text: Cosmin Caciuc

86 Smart Geometry 2011
> conference organized in Copenhagen and cutting edge architectural practice
Text: Andrei Kiss

94  1: 1 
> workshop on parametric design and  digital manufacturing methods
Text: T_A_I       

100  History, public space and ecology in Alba Iulia
> Alba Carolina Citadel – world heritage destruction 
Text: Irina Rotaru

104 Street Delivery 2011
> a festival dedicated to public space architecture 
Text: Serban Tiganas, Mirela Duculescu, Anca Pol, Irina Damian

108 Canotca
> Rowmania project initiated by Ivan Patzaichin Association – Mila 23 
Text: Cosmina Goagea

112 T ii+. Put up yourself
> Prefabricated-part modular sound systems
Text: Justin Baroncea

Technical info

Knauf Insulation   
Rockwool Romania 
MCA Grup  
Bel Profile  
Kasta Metal  
Delta Design  
Made Expo  
Nowy Styl Group  
Festivalul “George Enescu”  
Forumul Cultural Austriac  
Muzeul Benzii Desenate  
Muzeul National de Arta al Romaniei  
Institutul Cultural Roman  
Muzeul National de Arta Contemporana




Magazine content 95

33 Editor’s / Text: Constantin Goagea

34  The courtyard of the four evangelist/ A cemetery extension located on an island between Venice and Murano / Text: David Chipperfield Architects



Magazine 95

33 Editor’s / Text: Constantin Goagea

34  The courtyard of the four evangelist/ A cemetery extension located on an island between Venice and Murano / Text: David Chipperfield Architects

46 Balanced tranformation / The conversion of a post-war complex of agricultural buildings / Text: Laszlo Vincze

52 Two churches / Two houses of prayers in Litomysl and Cernosice, Czech Republic / Text: Franek Architects
64 Rooting into a landscape / Extention of a house in the swiss alps / Text: Clavienrossier Architects

72  The tower inside the tower / Intervention in the draper’s bastion in Brasov / Text: Justin Baroncea

82 C|A|S|A 2011 competition / The annual architect student’s competition / Text: Adrian Pop
86 Dossier
Milan furniture chair  / designer’s milanese whirl / Text: Irina Suteu si Stefan Davidovici
50 years young… / Text: Irina Rotaru

104 Berceni. Nicolae Comanescu. Exhibition at MNAC / Text: Cosmin Caciuc
110 Exhausted city / New Belgrade’s urban development / Text: Milica Topalovic
118 CND_B, with a “B” from benches / Urban furniture / Text: Justin Baroncea

Technical info

Hafele, Finding Better Ways.  

Rockwool Romania, Termoizolatii rezistente la   

Sika Romania, Solutii Sika de la fundatie la 

Bramac, Protejeaza cu adevarat lucrurile de  

MCA Grup, TermoStoruri din aluminiu cu protectie 

Rigips, Rigips Fonic. Da linistea mai tare!  

Bel Profile, Classic solutions for future 

Alukönigstahl, Specialistul pentru anvelope de cladiri. 

GIS, Conferinta de arhitectura birouri, hoteluri, cladiri 

Velux, Tunelul solar creat de Ross Lovegrove. 

Egger, More from 

Rehau, Eficienta  

Basf, The Chemical Company.  

Zumtobel, Distribuitor exclusiv   

Made Expo, Milano Architettura Design 

Serile Zeppelin, Conferinta de arhitectura Graphic 



Magazine content 94

33 Editor’s / Text: Constantin Goagea

34 Modernization and poetical reasoning / A campus for a cosmetics products company in South Korea/ Text: Carlos Castanheira



Magazine 94

33 Editor’s / Text: Constantin Goagea

34 Modernization and poetical reasoning / A campus for a cosmetics products company in South Korea/ Text: Carlos Castanheira

50  Change of image / Headquarters of an urban furniture company / Text: Cosmin Caciu
56 A discreet museum and the heritage / Museum of Solvene film actors / Text: Matjaz Bolcina, Ernest Milcinovic, Teja Savelli

62 The quiet neighbor / House on the outskirts of Sibiu / Text: Anca Bordean
68 Dossier: Ziegert / Roswag / Seiler
68 Intro: Stefan Ghenciulescu
70 Habitat cabo delgado, Mozambique / Schools in poor regions from Mozambique

78 Gentle modernization /  Exhibition and visitor centre in Abu Dhabi
86 Handmade school / Alternative school in Bangladesh

92 A public building / The new technical building of a volunteer firemen’s organization in Germany
96 Two houses in Germany / A rehabilitation and an extension

104 Protective closings and openings / A house with two internal courtyards, in Japan
108 The inhabited cantilever / A japanese dwelling made of wood with a cantilevered structure

112 A chronicle for a public space / Occupying the National Centre for dance in Bucharest / Text: Teodora Raduca

118 Sun lamp / A sun tunnel realized by Velux company and the designer Ross Lovegrove / Text: Stefan Ghenciulescu

Velux, Model Home 2020 |  Conferinta de Arhitectura GIS | Serile zeppelin no. 31, Eco-zeppelin | Ursa Romania, | Rheinzink, Sisteme inovative pentru fatade, |  Egger, More from | Rehau, Eficienta energetica | Delta Design, |Alukoenigstahl, Schuco Ventotherm | Lafarge, Nida WAB – placa de gips carton pentru conditii extreme | Duravit, Living bathrooms | Hafele, Finding Better | Rockwool Romania, Termoizolatii rezistente la foc | Semmelrock, Passion for paving | Bramac, Protejeaza cu adevarat lucrurile de pret | MCA Grup  „Termo Storuri din aluminiu cu protectie termica.” | Rigips “ Rigips Fonic. Da linistea mai tare! | Bel Profile ” Classic solutions for future architecture”