Article magazine # 94


Magazine content 94


33 Editor’s / Text: Constantin Goagea

34 Modernization and poetical reasoning / A campus for a cosmetics products company in South Korea/ Text: Carlos Castanheira

50  Change of image / Headquarters of an urban furniture company / Text: Cosmin Caciu
56 A discreet museum and the heritage / Museum of Solvene film actors / Text: Matjaz Bolcina, Ernest Milcinovic, Teja Savelli

62 The quiet neighbor / House on the outskirts of Sibiu / Text: Anca Bordean
68 Dossier: Ziegert / Roswag / Seiler
68 Intro: Stefan Ghenciulescu
70 Habitat cabo delgado, Mozambique / Schools in poor regions from Mozambique

78 Gentle modernization /  Exhibition and visitor centre in Abu Dhabi
86 Handmade school / Alternative school in Bangladesh

92 A public building / The new technical building of a volunteer firemen’s organization in Germany
96 Two houses in Germany / A rehabilitation and an extension

104 Protective closings and openings / A house with two internal courtyards, in Japan
108 The inhabited cantilever / A japanese dwelling made of wood with a cantilevered structure

112 A chronicle for a public space / Occupying the National Centre for dance in Bucharest / Text: Teodora Raduca

118 Sun lamp / A sun tunnel realized by Velux company and the designer Ross Lovegrove / Text: Stefan Ghenciulescu

Velux, Model Home 2020 |  Conferinta de Arhitectura GIS | Serile zeppelin no. 31, Eco-zeppelin | Ursa Romania, | Rheinzink, Sisteme inovative pentru fatade, |  Egger, More from | Rehau, Eficienta energetica | Delta Design, |Alukoenigstahl, Schuco Ventotherm | Lafarge, Nida WAB – placa de gips carton pentru conditii extreme | Duravit, Living bathrooms | Hafele, Finding Better | Rockwool Romania, Termoizolatii rezistente la foc | Semmelrock, Passion for paving | Bramac, Protejeaza cu adevarat lucrurile de pret | MCA Grup  „Termo Storuri din aluminiu cu protectie termica.” | Rigips “ Rigips Fonic. Da linistea mai tare! | Bel Profile ” Classic solutions for future architecture”