Cultural programs

Zeppelin Evenings # 52 / the new wave: 3 young Norwegian architects

Conference: Tuesday, March 13, 2014, starting with 6 pm @ National Museum of Contemporary Art (MNAC), Bucharest, str. Izvor 2-4, Palace of the Parliament, wing E4, 1st floor, Bucharest (entrance through Calea 13 Septembrie)

architecture & experiment.

A conference with:

Recoveries – exhibition and conference Zeppelin #49

16 oct – 19 nov @ Casa Mincu / 17 oct.  – BCU Carol I

This project is talking about Cinderellas: can be significant, beautiful buildings, left in a bad shape, or buildings with little or no significance, partly destroyed constructions, abandoned and forgotten, materials cast aside or fragments of long gone houses. The ‘fairy godmothers’ are the owners, the urban explorers, architects and designers, various artists , dedicated communities, business partners or people from the local administration – they discover their potential and toil with them; the metamorphoses deliver some of the most intelligent, responsible and poetic projects of late.


A debate about the creation of cultural hubs in Bergen, Oslo and Bucharest – and the relation of architecture & design mix with culture.


Moderated by Ștefan Ghenciulescu, Zeppelin Association

Zeppelin Evenings # 51 / Contemporary Norwegian Architecture: leading architects

Conference: Tuesday, February 18, 2014, starting with 6 pm @ National Museum of Contemporary Art (MNAC), Bucharest, str. Izvor 2-4, Palace of the Parliament, wing E4, 1st floor, Bucharest (entrance through Calea 13 Septembrie)


Exhibition and connected events @ MNAC (National Museum of Contemporary Art, Bucharest), January – March, 2014:

Contemporary Norwegian Architecture #7

Exhibition: National Museum of Contemporary Art – MNAC, Bucharest
Open between: 23 January – 22 March 2014
Programme:  Wednesday-Sunday, 10 a.m – 6 p.m.
Address: National Museum of Contemporary Art, 2-4 Izvor Street, Parliament Palace, E4 building, Bucharest, access via 13 September Street