Articles published by: Nickname


Arhitectura magazine no 35

  • editorial: quite a puzzling story, love and a house by the codenameE-1027 / constantin goagea
  • estudi massip-bosch arquitectes / introduction radu negulescu
  • paris. housing dossier 2005 introducere / introduction / stefan tuchila
  • between the da vinci code and the corbu code / mircea ochinciuc
  • analyse this!notes about peter eisenman’s exhibition at the mak, vienna / horia marinescu
  • house in mogosoaia. stefan simion / stefan simion
  • cucumberlab / cosmina goagea


Arhitectura magazine no 34 summary

  • design and electorate / constantin goagea
  • rqp arquitectura / introduction elena saricu
  • millenium III. restoration of three historic monuments and the rehabilitation of libertatii square from baia mare. 9optiune / mitru ildiko, paskucz stefan
  • exhibition: “nouveaux paris: la ville et ses possibles? / stefan tuchila
  • pizza hut restaurant. artline / mihai dutescu
  • fast forward club experience. avi-cola, targu-mures. attila kim / attila kim
  • two projects. marius solon / mihai dutescu
  • black and white in milan / constantin goagea


Arhitectura magazine no 34

  • design and electorate / constantin goagea
  • rqp arquitectura / introduction elena saricu
  • millenium III. restoration of three historic monuments and the rehabilitation of libertatii square from baia mare. 9optiune / mitru ildiko, paskucz stefan
  • exhibition: “nouveaux paris: la ville et ses possibles? / stefan tuchila
  • pizza hut restaurant. artline / mihai dutescu
  • fast forward club experience. avi-cola, targu-mures. attila kim / attila kim
  • two projects. marius solon / mihai dutescu
  • black and white in milan / constantin goagea


Arhitectura magazine no 33 summary

  • art in public space / constantin goagea
  • patriarchal cathedral: the new location / stefan ghenciulescu
  • romanian revolution memorial / mihai dutescu
  • rossetti + wyss / introduction stefan ghenciulescu
  • office building extension. totaldesign / mihai dutescu
  • competition for the extension project of “dr. carol davila” nephrology hospital, bucharest
  • soft touches. art in the city. case study: the town of zug, switzerland / stefan ghenciulescu
  • “lo-res-dolores-tabula-rasa”. ron arad / mihai dutescu
  • music studio. marina gingirof / oana rotaru
  • roberto monte designer / cosmina goagea


Arhitectura magazine no 33

  • art in public space / constantin goagea
  • patriarchal cathedral: the new location / stefan ghenciulescu
  • romanian revolution memorial / mihai dutescu
  • rossetti + wyss / introduction stefan ghenciulescu
  • office building extension. totaldesign / mihai dutescu
  • competition for the extension project of “dr. carol davila” nephrology hospital, bucharest
  • soft touches. art in the city. case study: the town of zug, switzerland / stefan ghenciulescu
  • “lo-res-dolores-tabula-rasa”. ron arad / mihai dutescu
  • music studio. marina gingirof / oana rotaru
  • roberto monte designer / cosmina goagea


Arhitectura magazine no 32 summary

  • the dressing-gown house / constantin goagea
  • m7 prototype. cooperative
  • peace camp, barcelona. josep benedito, mariona benedito, elena saricu/ elena saricu
  • goverrnment subsidized housing for young people in toledo. jose a. pizarro asenjo
  • housing for young people in timisoara / cosmina goagea
  • l’arbresle. the reuilly deaconesses’ community, versailles. marc rolinet
  • lorenzo house, barcelona. ricard barcells / mihai dutescu
  • cross-bronx expressway @ grand concourse. urban seduction and modernity on the fringes of the metropolis / gabriel bunea
  • utopia and the anthropological status of the built space / francoise choay
  • “joc secund” humanitas bookstore. johannes bertleff, george balan
  • bernini. visions / cosmina goagea


Arhitectura magazine no 32

  • the dressing-gown house / constantin goagea
  • m7 prototype. cooperative
  • peace camp, barcelona. josep benedito, mariona benedito, elena saricu/ elena saricu
  • goverrnment subsidized housing for young people in toledo. jose a. pizarro asenjo
  • housing for young people in timisoara / cosmina goagea
  • l’arbresle. the reuilly deaconesses’ community, versailles. marc rolinet
  • lorenzo house, barcelona. ricard barcells / mihai dutescu
  • cross-bronx expressway @ grand concourse. urban seduction and modernity on the fringes of the metropolis / gabriel bunea
  • utopia and the anthropological status of the built space / francoise choay
  • “joc secund” humanitas bookstore. johannes bertleff, george balan
  • bernini. visions / cosmina goagea


Arhitectura magazine no 31 summary

  • let’s have a brake (not with a beer)/constantin goagea
  • academy of medical sciences, barcelona/ juan trias de bes
  • sandu house/ tad
  • n house/ mihai dutescu
  • ciudad d’igualada hotel/ manuel bailo, rosa llul
  • space group, norway/ space group 
  • yasutoshi mifune/ mihai dutescu 
  • seven towers, on the power and vulnerability of architecture/ stefan davidovici
  • industrial architecture
  • colage europa: architecture dialogue
  • sefano pozzi/ stefano pozzi
  • rexite


Arhitectura magazine no 31

  • let’s have a brake (not with a beer)/constantin goagea
  • academy of medical sciences, barcelona/ juan trias de bes
  • sandu house/ tad
  • n house/ mihai dutescu
  • ciudad d’igualada hotel/ manuel bailo, rosa llul
  • space group, norway/ space group 
  • yasutoshi mifune/ mihai dutescu 
  • seven towers, on the power and vulnerability of architecture/ stefan davidovici
  • industrial architecture
  • colage europa: architecture dialogue
  • sefano pozzi/ stefano pozzi
  • rexite

C_RDX & C4_RDX / an old cast iron bath tub is recycled in urban chairs

by POINT 4: Radu Enescu & Justin Baroncea


Continuing the research line opened together with RADOX we recycled an old cast iron bath tub.