Articles published by: Nickname


Editor’s: Bucks don’t make you feel good, but money does

Post de: Constantin Goagea

“Godfatherly” capitalism vs. knowledge economy

We all know the whereabouts of the American researchers, the kind of studies in which they fit all sorts of things such as the brightness of your hair with sleep or intelligence with coffee addiction, but let me tell you a good one that might get to some climber, a smart and influential fellow at the top.

Densification and activation in Cluj

Post de: Stefan Ghenciulescu

A house in the historical center has been restored and expanded serving as a complex blend of an architecture studio, a residence and some urban services.

So far, most of the works of Planwerk studio published in our magazine have pertained to city or public space planning. Their head office (designed, financed and shared with BAU office) does not only involve a work of architecture and restoration.

Reference to landscape

Post de: Andreu Arriola & Carme Fiol

A fire station showing the authors’ interest in both a dialogue with the surrounding landscape and a need to provide a tailor-made space for a particularly functional program.

The interwoven square

Post de: Cosmin Caciuc

The rehabilitation of some spaces in the centre of a small Polish town increases the value of the place through reasonable investments, rigor and intelligent interweaving of old fragments and new interventions.


Editor’s: Urban activations

Post de: Constantin Goagea

Something strange is looming today like a sort of dystopia: the city of private mentalities. A city that is run from a cell phone. The buildings of a better tomorrow pass our way like a rushing pell-mell while the freedom of reaction is less important than novelty which does not allow any time for reflection; novelty means a continuous activity, progress, the purely better part and victory.


Editor’s: Experts in the future

Post de: Constantin Goagea

The future is the place to cultivate optimist and bright plans, and for the cities, global efforts go to new sophisticated digital technologies and to interfaces supporting us to manage with those technologies.

One-piece design. With Anca Fetcu / Bucharest Design Center

Post de: Constantin Goagea

Constantin Goagea: In 2008 you came back from UK. Certainly, to move mountains and I suppose you quickly banged your head against brick walls.
Anca Fetcu: A day after coming back… (laughing) …No, not at all…Well, they said it’ s not possible, not here, not now, it’s difficult and it won’t come out.

Creation Factory, Barcelona by Manuel Ruisánchez, Francesc Bacardit, Architects

Post de: Manuel Ruisánchez, Francesc Bacardit, arhitecti

Light partions and the insertion of new organs shape the strategu for the recovery of the the Fabra & Coats Factorya as a centre for creative industries.


Editorial: The boy with a rock star name

Post de: Constantin Goagea
When you get in your forties, you swear that the whole male world is moving in a more or less predictable way: you have stories to tell which make young women gaze in wonder, you can count some important work experiences, fulfilled personal projects or at least clear ones, a secure job, a company, children, wife, one mistress or more, each depending on the case, lots of travels, cars, motorcycles, an apartment, a better house.


Editor’s: The Apocalypse of refinement

Post de: Constantin Goagea

We were all rich and cool, the world was a crack bar known by everybody from a magazine, where everyone looked full of admiration how we got in our expensive cars, then, yes, I would invite everybody at home, as I was rich and everyone would envy me, as I used to press the remote control and a pool on the ceiling would come up,