Articles published by: Nickname


Editor’s: The society of the public space

Post de: Constantin Goagea

We, you, the media, various people in culture keep on discussing about the public space. And we start to feel the impact of those speeches. Perhaps not the best ones if we think about the explosion of jardinières, fences, bins  which, most recently, easily turn into a public space agenda for certain town halls.

A chronicle for a public space

Post de: Teodora Raduca

The building site containers were set up around Bucharest’s National Theatre. According to a project delayed for a couple of years, the theatre is supposed to be reinforced and modernized in the next three years starting from this autumn. The process will involve the dismantling the arcaded façade ordered by Ceausescu in the 1980s; the initial façade will be put in place along with the cantilevered roof, which means that the original project designed by Horia Maicu, Nicolae Cucu, and Romeo Belea will be followed in its outlines.


The Quiet Neighbor

Post de: Anca Bordean

The house on the outskirts of Sibiu is gently placed on a difficult plot and finds a subtle balance between openness and protection.

The house is located in a residential area with lots of terrains whose shapes and sizes come out further to plotting a steep land. After the Revolution, these plots offering a double access from the edging streets have been subdivided in an uncontrolled manner.


Editor’s: Piata Matache

Post de: Constantin Goagea

I would have never believed to pick up again the topic of Buzesti-Uranus axis that soon (see issue 91). “The Platform for Bucharest”, other NGO’s and the media have brought before justice a decision of Bucharest Municipality and the court pronounced the Master Plan of the operation illegal.


Berceni. Nicolae Comanescu

Post de: Cosmin Caciuc

Exhibition at the National Museum of Contemporary Art – Bucharest, 14.05.2011 – 31.07.2011
Curator: Ruxandra Balaci

Dust poisoning, dreams and stereotypes cut out off the media, everyday experience among Berceni blocks of flats, some contagious humour, destabilized framing, light-headed stylistic collages, mixed cultural allusions and colour hallucinations are part of the aesthetic ammunition of artist Nicolae Comanescu whose paintings propose unusual trips among actual urban deeds and collective imaginary.

The Courtyard of the Four Evangelists

Post de: David Chipperfield Architects

A cemetery extension located on an island between Venice and Murano seeks to redefine some of the original qualities of this place, while offering a greater sense of the lagoon context.

The San Michele Cemetery, Venice’s principal cemetery, is located on an island between Venice and Murano. This historic site has been in continuous development for over four hundred years but has recently evolved to a point where the romantic image of its outer face is in contrast to its interior municipal character.


Editor’s: A small economy and do it yourself

Post de: Constantin Goagea

Do it yourself (or DIY, the equivalent of “Fa-o tu insuti”, or FTI in short) stands for a popular culture, a kind of vernacular attitude on top of an industrial system. Although it does not get its own resources or technologies (similarly to the vernacular sytem), FTI-DIY is that way of making things following simple instructions (such as cartoons), on cheap tools and technologies (low-tech) – screwdrivers, hammer, drills etc. and a finite number of people to move and use the tools, components (e.g. the members of a family).

The “Canotca” – a model of innovative tradition recovery

Post de: Cosmina Goagea

The “Canotca” – a model of innovative tradition recovery. Rowmania project initiated by Ivan Patzaichin Association – Mila 23 aims at supporting locals and traditions specific to the Danube Delta.

Romania seen from a boat may look like a better world. However, the chance of this world consists in ever preserving and recovering normality which defines it, its non-contamination and some natural gestures, as discreet as possible, less invasive and more thoughtful.


History, public space and ecology in Alba Iulia

Post de: Irina Rotaru

Alba Carolina Citadel – a story about world heritage destruction advertised as cultural valorisation and supported by EU funds.

Recently, in our 93 issue, I was pointing out a highly questionable intervention carried out on the Alba Carolina citadel from Alba Iulia, important reference for Vauban citadels. The previous text was especially impugning the concept of the project conceived by arch. Gheorghe Lancrajan-Franchini assonant to the European level principles.


Post de: Stefan Tuchila

Anish Kapoor’s installation for Monumenta 2011 is a true architectural piece of work, an exceptional discourse about interior and exterior, limits, structure, and scale.
Ever since its opening during the World Exhibition of 1900, Grand Palais was a major exhibition space in France’s capital.