Articles published by: Nickname

Seek.02, by Neutral

screening of a film produced by Neutral ((UK)
15 and 16 September 2005, Revolution Square, Bucharest

An experimental film about the contemporary city seen as a global entity, creation of the British group, Neutral. Images shot in two different cities, London and Bombay, are combined, mixed or superimposed, common places are explored, placed in contradiction or highlighted, deliberately avoiding geographical sources and outlining a weird experience of modern living.

Diego Ferrari (UK)

photography exhibition
1 – 16 September 2005, Mincu House, headquarters of the Romanian Order of Architects, Bucharest

Its photos, apparently colages or easily digitally completed special effects, are made with a 35 mm single-use camera, chap, easile changed, so that a a set of images, usually three, can be mixed up. By disconnecting the automatic mechanism adjusting the diaphragm and the movement of the film, Ferrary controls manually the exposure time and may connect between them the different perspectives, covering the already exposed film surface.

Aleix Bague (Spain)

exhibition of architecture photography
17 November – 20 December 2004, Cărtureşti teashop, Bucharest

Aleix Bague is one of the major Spanish photographers of architecture. The exhibition with original images was specially designed for the widest audience possible, that is why this space was selected – the teashop of Cărtureşti bookshop. Aleix Bagues’ photos are the perfect way in which those outside the profession can be attracted by architecture.

Arhitectura magazine, 1999-2010

The three members of Zeppelin editorial board (Constantin Goagea, Cosmina Goagea & Ştefan Ghenciulescu) have participated to the creation of several Romanian architectural publications: the on-line magazine Virtualia, the Romanian edition of Octogon magazine, and the re-invention in 1999 of Arhitectura magazine (founded 1906) and its regular publication until 2010 (90 issues).

Marinache Houses, Călăraşi

Design: Structural rehabilitation and restoration of the Headquarters of the District Office for Culture and National Heritage (D.C.P.N. jud. Călăraşi)

The genuine public character, the preservation of the historical substance, the refusal of the pastiche and a system of minimal interventions defined the restoration of a heritage building in Călărași.

Old houses anew, design and something more

bilingual edition [EN / RO]

To preserve all the old layers didactically, to reuse the existing substance, to appeal rather to acupuncture and to discrete novelty are some simple statements that unite the ~20 projects grouped in this volume [also selected in a homonymous exhibition]. Some examples:
* The Suceava Water Plant. Centre of Architecture, Urban Culture and Landscape (Project: Chamber of Romanian Architects, North EasternBranch)

Remix. Fragments of a country

July 2006

The catalogue of the Romanian Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale; the first multidisciplinary analysis (architectural, urban, sociological, anthropological and ecological) of the developments on the Romanian territory after 1989.

Authors: Constantin Goagea, Cosmina Goagea, Stefan Ghenciulescu, Justin Baroncea, Ana Bleahu

ISBN-10 973-04537-2 / ISBN-13 978-973-0-04537-6

Editor’s #116: Participationism avant la lettre: looking back to past experience

Participationism is a historiographical construct inspired by mid 1960s’ anthropology and social theories. About twenty years before theorizing, by 1945, Hassan Fathy was testing “participationism” within New Gourna project in Luxor, Egypt. The situation was unique: the Egyptian Department of Antiquities was relocating the local population from the endangered area containing ancient ruins, trying to reintegrate people into sustainable tourism circuit through craft activities that they could undertake. To imagine a new fragment of the village, Fathy relied on timeless images of vernacular architecture made out of earth and adobe, i.e. a technology considered “primitive” by locals who actually wanted a “modern” built environment made of new materials available on the Egyptian market at that time. The architect tried to make people rediscover and reinterpret existing typologies and constructive traditions in a natural way. The “owner-architect-craftsman” triad represented the backbone of its social approach. In terms of space, the space room / cell of the space-structure articulated the entire built tissue.

Dynamic Fields – Responsive Architecture. Special guest: Patrik Schumacher

Parametrica [Digi Fab School] from Bucharest, Romania, invites you to DYNAMIC FIELDS Workshop and Conference (16-29 July 2013) to participate in the digital design build project, seeking to create an inventive collaborative environment. The workshop is part of a series of PARAMETRICA events, promoting computational design thinking and exploring the new possibilities of parametric design.

The workshop is aimed at: students, postgraduates, architects, interior, product and urban designers, engineers, anybody interested.

Industrial archeology – on the fate of the industrial heritage in romania/ irina ioana iamandescu

Post de: Irina Ioana Iamandescu

In 2005, Mircea Cartarescu wrote beautifully and sadly: “a strictly personal drama: they’ve pulled down my mill! Who did it? No idea. What mill? My mill, “Dambovita” mill behind the block on Stefan cel Mare [Boulevard] where I lived for 25 years and where my folks still live. The mill in “Nostalgia” and “Orbitor”, the mill at whose shadow Mendebil would tell his fantastic stories. The mill which dominates my dreams, as huge as all mausoleums and docks of the world would have been placed together. The construction with a most impressive industrial architecture in the world.