Articles published by: Nickname

Mogosoaia Bridge

temporary pavement on Calea Victoriei, Bucharest, 2008

by Point4 & Zeppelin team: Justin Baroncea, Jean Craiu, Radu Enescu, Ştefan Ghenciulescu, Constantin Goagea, Carmen Popescu. Project Development: Raluca Marţiş

Transparent city

book [EN/RO] – 2009
by: Ștefan Ghenciulescu

The more Bucharest architectural and urban patrimony is destroyed, the more publications dedicated to the city appear. It is an accountable phenomenon that pertains not only to a nostalgic evocation and exorcisation of the trauma caused by the totalitarian operations of the eighties but also to authors’ wish to bring arguments (explicitly or not) on the fact that Bucharest has had a valuable and determining patrimony in terms of our identity, a patrimony that deserves protection and promotion.

Avant-garde and continuity (Croatia)

itinerant exhibition and conference on Croatian contemporary architecture
17 October – 15 November 2008, Museum of Romanian Peasant, Bucharest

The explosion of good quality architecture is the result not only of the local circumstances, but also of a certain historical continuity. The exhibition focused on the most productive eras in the modern and contemporary history, presenting a selection of exemplary works. 

FFF08 (Hungary)

17 October – 15 November 2008, Museum of Romanian Peasants, Bucharest

The exhibition aimed at new ideas and concepts in the works of 39 authors form the new generation of Hungarian architects (20-40 years). The presented selection followed a national competition, one of the most important criteria being that to approaching environmental issues, the way in which projects adapt to the place they relate to, their relevance for that site, the way in which they express and convey innovative ideas.

Rudolf Fränkel’s urban architecture

a monographic exhibition
29 oct. – 30 nov. 2008, MNAC – galeria ¾, Bucharest National Theatre

The exhibition aimed to make known the works of an exceptional architect, but far too little known. Rudolf Fränkel was born and worked early in Germany. In 1933, following the Nazi, he emigrated and settled in Bucharest, from where he emigrated again to England in 1937. 

Small ideas for a big city

exhibition & conference
17.10 – 15.11.2008, Museum of Romanian Peasant, Aquarium hall, Bucharest

The exhibition promoted 16 alternative projects to improve public spaces in Bucharest. Small ideas, costwise, which could truly improve the quality of life for communities and certain urban situations. Designed by the members of the organization and by young invited architects, the proposals submitted to authorities and the wide audience addressed various places, from abandoned sites to the great housing neighbourhoods, and spaces in the heart of the historical centre. 

35 cities, lots of pixels, some coffee

exhibition of contemporary architecture photography
17 October – 15 November 2008, Bucharest Art Galleries
photos by Cosmin Caciuc and Ştefan Tuchilă; curator: Constantin Goagea

A journey in the history of contemporary architecture, talking about the condition of the modern architect in his function as a tourist/world observer, with an attempt of a look less interested by the seduction of surfaces and more focused to decoding the hidden sides of places and objects. 

Urban activations in Romania – catalogue

This catalog accompanies the exhibition Urban Activations in Romania, that took place in November 2011 at the National Museum of Contemporary Art in Bucharest. The program is part of the Zeppelin Festival 2011. 

Urban Report #2

The Conditions of the Self Regulated Urbanity
– to cultivate an enabling knowledge on self regulated urbanity, its concepts, conditions and developing strategy.

Team: Ivan Kucina, Todor Atanasov, Peter Torniov, Miklós Péterffy, Samu Szemerey, Ștefan Ghenciulescu, Cosmina Goagea, Constantin Goagea.
Institutions: BINA, SAW, ZEPPELIN, KEK, Transformatori.
Thanks for their contribution at UR Volume #2: Boris Žerjav, Milica Topalović, Archis Interventions, Hackenbroich Architekten, Space Syntax Romania, ATU, Levente Polyak, Club Electroputere, Fabrica de Pensule, Luminiţa Klara Veer, STEALTH.unlimited – Ana Dzokic & Marc Neelen, Srdjan Jovanović Weiss, Valeri Gyurov.

Urban report #1

Urban Report is a cross culture programme bringing together theories and critical discourse on contemporary urban phenomena in 4 countries: Romania, Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria.

Urban Report team:
Ivan Kucina, Todor Atanasov, Peter Torniov, Miklós Péterffy, Samu Szemerey, Ştefan Ghenciulescu, Cosmina Goagea, Constantin Goagea

Institutions : 
BINA, SAW, ZEPPELIN, KEK, Transformatori