Articles published by: Nickname

:house in carabbia, ticino – switzerland / davide macullo

Post de: Davide Macullo

After Snozzi, Galfetti, Vacchini, Botta and many others belonging to the same generation have changed international architecture, the Swiss Canton of Ticino keeps on producing remarkable architectural works. Davide Macullo established his own studio in 2000, after having worked with Mario Botta. The three houses featured below further the modern tradition of Ticino by inserting themselves into the landscape and interpreting the genius loci, while adding some more formal freedom and sensual atmosphere.

editorial:pink / constantin goagea, justin baroncea

Post de: Constantin Goagea

The office building at no 85, Buzesti Street

This office building was done in 2006. It was designed by Office Design and published in the 54 issue, May 2007, of “Arhitectura”. As you can see, the side blind wall was painted pink, while the touching banner covers three thirds of the facade. In case you can’t understand or refuse to believe, it is the very same building. Let us find the differences!

urbanart The night when I really liked the House of the People

Post de: Stefan Ghenciulescu

In the early 1990s, everyone thought that we could get rid of the House of the People. But some proposals, like to demolish it partially or completely, to bury it under a hill, etc, seemed utopian even then. In fact, it is impossible to destroy it, and actually, it is about an economic value that is supposed to be used. Moreover, maybe it is much better to assume your own history, even its ugliness, than to wipe it off. Nevertheless, I think that few could imagine back then what was really to become of this monster. No one would have thought that both Houses of Parliament would move in and the project would be completed by the very same designer.

Broken house

Post de: kwk

The building is located on the outskirts of Katowice, near a forest, on land deteriorated by 4th category mining damage, where tectonic faults are a possibility. Hence the connotation of uplifted layers of soil, interwoven with one another, which was the inspiration for the form of the house.  Its structural design comprises rectangular solids contrasting with the ribbon – like structure which winds around them after it emerges from the ground. It is the leitmotif of the building, combining a variety of functions: starting with the swimming pool to the living room with a fireplace and then to the bedroom upstairs. A noteworthy feature of the ramp is elemination of stoops. Such a solution was achieved by bending the surface of the course, which made it possible to keep its outer edges straight, without bends typical for such structures.

editorial: basel,culturescapes / constantin goagea

Post de: Constantin Goagea

Remix, our project for the Biennale in Venice, has now reached Basel, in a larger festival, which was dedicated this year to the Romanian culture: Culturscapes.
It’s a combination of factors and events that thrill us. Not only for the sake of our egos, but for the real people and projects we’ve seen there. Since the simplest and the most surprising statement about Basel is that it has a real life, that it’s a real place. And when I say that, I mean that the social and cultural life of this city is deep, with serious ethical roots.

City. Money. Architecture. [DVD]

  1. Summary of the debate and the film of the marathon event. City. Money. Architecture.

An international debate and conference on architecture as a political act in an economy based on cultural values, attended by architects, expert city planners, practitioners experienced experienced in interventions in difficult contexts, city managers and government representatives, various urban policy specialists, economists, NGOs active in the field.

Zeppelin magazine

The international architecture and urban culture magazine Zeppelin is an editorially and financially independent publication, managed by the Zeppelin Association.

Zeppelin evenings

Zeppelin evenings are a series of conferences dedicated to architecture, design and urban culture, an education and communication project launched in early 2008. Starting with 2011, the event takes places in the Aula of “Charles I” Central University Library. This open platform accumulated, in 45 editions (December 2012) to over 11,000 participants and regularly proposed meetings with architects, designers and artists all over the world. The project of zeppelin evenings means an open scene for art and intellectual interaction. The topic of that interaction is always the city, architecture, urbanity, but in a transcultural perspective, with mixes of ideas and content, fertile and original. The aim of the evenings is to support cultural practice based on dialogue, cooperation and interdisciplinary.

Last level / exhibition, website & workshop

Bucharest, A photo mapping, 2004–2012
exhibition, website & workshop by Ștefan Tuchilă & Zeppelin
10–30 October 2012, National Museum for Contemporary Art, Bucharest

In the last 8 years, Ștefan Tuchilă climbed over 80 buildings and took several thousand photographs of Bucharest: another kind of urban research, a methodical and spectacular urban mapping. And a support for the recollection of a city that is constantly reinventing itself.

Old houses anew, design and something more /book

bilingual edition [EN / RO]

To preserve all the old layers didactically, to reuse the existing substance, to appeal rather to acupuncture and to discrete novelty are some simple statements that unite the ~20 projects grouped in this volume [also selected in a homonymous exhibition]. Some examples:
* The Suceava Water Plant. Centre of Architecture, Urban Culture and Landscape (Project: Chamber of Romanian Architects, North EasternBranch)
* A slice of town. The Theresia Bastion, Timişoara (Project: Archaeus)