Arhitectura magazine no 57 summary
- velux soltag. a house on top/ carmen dutescu
- urbe 2000: a house next to the metropolitan hill / mihai dutescu
- tad: 2 x 1. semi – detached houses, bucharest / carmen dutescu
- t.u.b.: an offer for bucharest / introduction stefan ghenciulescu
- dosar: livio vacchini
:introduction / stefan davidovici
:vacchini house, costa tenero, 1991 – 1992
:piazza del sole, bellinzona, 1996-1999
:the losone gymnasium
:nice city hall competiton, 2001/stefan davidovici
:la ferriera (swiss life insurance building), locarno, 2002 – 2003 /stefan davidovici
- rosia montana. resolution
- skbd: kludi studio / attila kim
- design:
bkm – a team dedicated to neo-functionalism / radu comsa