Articles with TAG: Interview


Interview with piet gerards / stefan ghenciulescu & constantin goagea

Post de: Stefan Ghenciulescu & Constantin Goagea

Piet Gerards is something more than a prestigious graphic designer. He sees design as a form of cultural, but also social or political action; it is developing the spirit, not just the language of the historical avant-garde. This interview will reveal both the strictly professional aspects and his responsible and challenging personality.

Interview by Stefan Ghenciulescu & Constantin Goagea


The “Canotca” – a model of innovative tradition recovery

The “Canotca” – a model of innovative tradition recovery
Rowmania project initiated by Ivan Patzaichin Association – Mila 23 aims at supporting locals and traditions specific to the Danube Delta.


A dialog with Cristi Puiu

More or less on Aurora and Bucharest, on factories and blocks and on art as a sophisticated riddle.

Interview: Constantin Goagea
Photo: Sorin Nainer

This article was published in zeppelin magazine number 97.

One room on Plantelor Street. After 20 minutes of talk with Cristi, am so absorbed that I almost forget we are recording it. We talk about film and architecture, what is beyond definitions. He speaks about the cinema beyond the clichés of a dictionary, while I talk about the unspoken side of architecture, the void.