Articles with TAG: architecture


Editor’s: Design for luck

Post de: Constantin Goagea
The most beneficial trade has become nowadays that which deals with luck. Such a relative, intangible and evanescent value has each time more and more offices, public consumption, even temples. Until a few years ago people were still thinking of opening restaurants or bringing clothes from all over the world and starting up a design boutique. Today – in Bucharest at least, but I think it is the same in many other cities – you find spaces that celebrate luck.



Editor’s: Dusting, painting, and thinking critically…

Post de: Cosmin Caciuc
For a couple of years now we keep on mapping alterantive practices among our neighbours – all sorts of “action-isms” which do not look like genuine architecture in the glorious meaning of achievements meant to last over centuries, but which are connected to dusting, clearing and painting things in deprived areas, as a part-time or voluntary work.



Editor’s: Urban activism, NGOs and future businessmodels

Post de: Constantin Goagea
For the last three days in Prague, I assisted toan international project about activism and NGOs as a possible dominant practice in the future. The English title (NGOs shaping cities) draws the attention on the fact that activism turn into a global trend as a reaction to world economy.

Urban integration of tramline in Zaragoza

Post de: Iñaki Alday, Margarita Jover

Aldayjover’s scheme is a brilliant example of integrating traffic concepts, a vision at city scale, public space and object design.

Rebirth of the tram
Since the 1960s, as in other Spanish cities, a transformation occurred in the realm of traffic space in Zaragoza. Previously, there was reduced circulation and little separation between foot traffic and motor traffic.


ArcelorMittal Orbit. Or how to produce an urban icon

Post de: Stefan Ghenciulescu

The main ingredients of this project are a mythical and ambitious metropolis – London; one event – the Olympic Games; a dynamic and ambitious mayor  – Boris Johnson; a very powerful corporation – ArcelorMittal and its Chair – Lakshmi Mital; a cooperation between an exceptional artist (and always appealing to a broad audience) – Anish Kapoor and a visionary engineer – Cecil Balmond.