25 Editor’s / Text: Constantin Goagea
28 Mi5 arquitectos + PKMN [pac-man] architectures: TERUEL-ZILLA!
> Public space over a public building in Spain
38 DOSSIER: Estudio a77
> A workshop and three small extensions for dwellings in Buenos Aires
38 Intro: Elaborated Do-It-Yourself
Text: Cosmin Caciuc
38 Growing up Under a Bridge
42 Atelier for Andrea
44 Two Actors’ Home
48 A house as a table
50 Brenac & Gonzalez: From 2 to 12 years
> Claude Bernard’s polyvalent school in Paris
58 DOSSIER: Blipsz, Cluj
> A postindustrial rehabilitation, a house on a slope and a tourist shelter prototype
58 Intro
Text: Stefan Ghenciulescu
58 Living on a Slope
62 The Social Plant, Toplita
64 Tourist Shelter Prototype
68 Competition to reorganize and design the central public space in Ramnicu Valcea
Text intro: Stefan Ghenciulescu
74 DOSSIER: Gabu Heindl Architektur
> A kindergarten extension, a sports ground in a prison yard and a project of artistic collaboration for an exhibition
74 Intro: The Culture of Public Interest
Text: Cosmin Caciuc
74 Kids in the Garden
78 Out in prison – men’s yard
80 Amidst Us – Deconstruction of a building
84 Smart Systems
Text: Stefan Ghenciulescu
98 Urban Report
98 Back to Basics. Street Delivery 2012
Text : Stefan Ghenciulescu
100 Apolonija Sustersic: Hustadt –Politics in Space
104 Justin Baroncea: New Typologies of Public Spaces
> Japanese projects for a post-industrial Barcelona
107 R. Enescu, M. Buruntia, J. Baroncea: Urban hybrid – one bathtub and four radiators
108 J. Craiu, R. Marsicano, A. Demetriu: Temporary architecture
114 Trust in creativity
> The “Singing in the shower or bathtub” design competition
Text: Constantin Goagea
118 Clayton Campbell: Words we have learned since 9/11
> participative photographic project
Technical info
3M, folii autoadezive pentru decoratiuni interioare, www.3m.eu/ArchitecturalMarkets.com
Alukoenigstahl, sistemul de protectie solara Schuco CTB, www.alukoenigstahl.com
Bauwerk, cel mai mare showroom din Bucuresti, www.bauwerk.com
Delta Design, castigatorii concursului „Cantand sub dus”, www.deltastudio.ro
Egger, more from wood, www.egger.com/zoom
Grohe, award winning collections created by the world’s best design team, www.grohe.com
Hafele, sistem inovator de lumini pentru mobilier, www.hafele.ro
Ilspazio, spatiul de joaca pentru designeri si arhitecti creativi, www.ilspazio.ro
Kludi, premiile Plus X Award, www.kludi.ro
Onduline, onduvilla acoperisuri usoare, www.onduline.ro
Radox, design cu caldura, www.radox.ro
Rehau, relazzo – sistemul de decking din wpc de la Rehau, www.rehau.com/relazzo
Rockwool, win the fire battle, www.rockwool.ro
Saint – Gobain Rigips Romania, inovatie prin creativitate, www.rigips.ro, www.saint-gobain-gypsum-international-trophy.com
Steelcase, concurs de arhitectura si design „Void to Space: Design the Next Office”,www.voidtospace.com
Targ Milano, rho 17_20 octombrie 2012, www.madeexpo.it
Veka, siguranta unui viitor eficient, www.veka.ro, www.fereastraveka.ro.