zeppelin magazine | no #98


Magazine content 98

37 Editorial 
Text: Constantin Goagea

42 Three by Three
> Roldán + Berengué arqts.: social housing in Barcelona
Text: Roldán + Berengué arqts.

A stage in a ruin

Post de: Atelier MASS

MASS Studio is showing that the architectural heritage left in an advanced stage of decay may be resuscitated, even though temporarily, through some inspired improvisations enlivened by a great idea.

O’Mighty Green

Post de: Beatriz Ramo / STAR strategies + architecture

A critical view on the difference between a true sustainability and the „green” demagogy in architecture.
Sustainability currently shares many qualities with God; supreme concept, omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient; creator and judge, protector, and (…) saviour of the universe and the humanity.


The C House

Post de: Ene+Ene Arhitectura
A single-family dwelling made by Ene + Ene Architectura Office in a traditional area in Bucharest is spatially defined by a cross-section rather than a plan illustrating the discrete insertion.
The intervention on a site located in an old Bucharest district was an opportunity we wished to get and we were actually offered in 2006 by a house on Vasile Lascar Street.


Editor’s: Bucks don’t make you feel good, but money does

Post de: Constantin Goagea

“Godfatherly” capitalism vs. knowledge economy

We all know the whereabouts of the American researchers, the kind of studies in which they fit all sorts of things such as the brightness of your hair with sleep or intelligence with coffee addiction, but let me tell you a good one that might get to some climber, a smart and influential fellow at the top.

October 2011